birth of the ancient high priest

"Foolish child" was hear as soon the grand double iron door was closed inside the summon room

Shira and Sharbon together with their eight companions stood still and looked up to the person who uttered such a thing in such a domineering manner, and they all snickered in a menace.

Paying their respect to the elder sitting in the highchair Sharbon fertilized the core essence cultivation energy on the room with the rest giving a slight bow with their head mockingly

"I will have to say that whoever decorated this room had a bad taste, everything needs to be changed in this tower in the future specially if it is going to be our new base. A summon room needs to be majestic and commanding" was the first thing that popped in Shira's head

"excuse us for interrupting your meeting high priest Seb "said Shira while walking around the room scanning it over, looking briefly to the high priest and then turning to the corner on her left when a six coloured flower standing magnificently grabbed her attention.

"seems like I came to the right place don't you think Seb? "I looked at him briefly and I could see his body shaking slightly in annoyance at my action, paying him no more attention I focused on the flower in front of me and couldn't believe my eyes on how easy it was to find this flower, who would have thought that I would find it in here. Impatiently reaching my hands, I was about to take a hold of this ancient flower when Serket approached me reminding me of their poisonous nature.

"don't be to impatient I will stabilize it first and before you know it, it will be in your possession "I returned to my sense quickly and nodded at her.

Before long, a strong pressure could be felt on the room, looking up I finally saw all the other peoples on the room and realised that they are not pleased with me or the others. Not I blamed them or care for that matter, otherwise we would not have taken a hold of this place with me strolling throughout the room without a care in their regard.

Right at that moment the High priest Seb had to open his mouth and ruin the peaceful take over plan I was convinced to do.

"what an insolent child, do think that by bringing this…"Seb looking down from his chair condescendingly to the gods, goddess and creatures standing in the middle of the room and snobbishly said "weaklings to my territory would somehow intimidate me and all my subjects?"

Hearing the insults thrown at them Sharbon, Serket, Prexin, Amirah and Arabella laughed heartily. While Pandora, Aragon, Agatha and Cyllis did not pay anyone's attention and prepared to attack them at any given moment after felling Shira core ice aura drop suddenly

"Do you think that you can get away with it?'s not like we are the only ones after you, and even if you are able to kill us and absorber us do you really think that you would be able to go far? "said the high priest.

Taunting and reminding her of all of the things that happened millenniums ago. All the pain that was infiltrated upon her for their greed and fears of the unknown

Shira clinched her fingers and gritted her teeth hard and for a moment started losing control of her emotion, her body started shaking badly with a red fire energy essence surrounding her and affecting her surroundings.

After seeing how affected Shira was from his words the high priest smirk.

Looking at the goddess named Sarah sitting on his right telepathically telling her to use her power of telekinesis on Shira and kill her core within and if its not possible to bring her to her knees in front of him before he finish her off

"Titch…titch, now…. now why would you do that high priest Seb, is this how you treat a guest who came from afar to pay their respect to you "said Shira after calming down and sensing the killing intend from high priest Seb and his apprentice

Looking at Sarah sharply "and what do you think you were trying to do young lady? I hope for your sake that you did not just tried to use telekinesis on me"

Sarah panicked instantly, lifting her chin up in the air while fidgeting on her sit "how dare you talk to me in such a deprecating tone, do you think I won't end you without taking two steps ?"Shira's second in command looked at the immature girl sitting in front of them and felt sorry for her for a moment, but she couldn't help her self but laugh

"did you just laugh at me "Sarah lost control of herself after being made a laughingstock by someone she considered inferior to her

Who does Serket think she is, acting all mighty after being expelled and kicked out of the light tower for being nothing but a thief, she was nothing but a goddess that she Sarah had defeated before the pillar candle cooled down

How dare she laugh at her "Now just who do we have here? If it is not Serket, the traitor, weren't you defeated by this junior goddess before running away with your tails between your legs not so long ago? "smirking when she saw Serket face drop and all the others finally recognise her and started emitting sinister aura.

Before Serket could attack her Shira stopped her and smiled sinisterly, turning her head and focusing her gaze on the young goddess and said "It just happened that I am good with telekinesis, how about I teach you and show off a little to all the gods, goddess and high priest?"

Promptly Shira focused her gaze on her, and her hair started elevating due to the pressure in the atmosphere and within her body, her eyes turned bright red focusing on Sarah

Realising what is happening the high priest Seb panicked and tried to use is power to send Sarah to her life core of creation, but Shira was quicker than that, commanding Sarah to walk toward her all the while her body started to disintegrate turning into water flowing towards Shira, opening her mouth absorbing it in process Shira started chanting a binding spell and binding the water essence to her core quickly

She breathed "finally, finally she completed her telekinesis power "she thought

The high priest started shaking in anger and wanted her death right at that moment but had to control himself as she need to be captured alive in order to take her to the high counsel to make the final judgment

But he could not calm down specially after seeing his most promising student life essence core being absorbed right in front of him without him being able to stop it

"Where is it?" Shira looked at everyone's face around the room the aura she was emitting was to powerful that it suppressed almost everyone

One of the high god looked at her and asked "who do you think you are, how dare you talk to us high gods and high priest with such a tone, how dare you, you insolent girl?". Even after witnessing one of their own being absorbed, they still all powerful

"Where is it?" Shira without moving from her spot or focal point asked once again, by this point the little patient she had before started diminishing little by little

"I am not going to ask again, this will be the last time and last chance that I Shira will be giving you all and be asking all of you, where is IT?"

The gods, the ancients ones, high priest and creature all looked at her while giving each other signals and started preparing to attack Shira and the gods and creatures accompanying her, unknown to them that she has already predicted their move and saw their subtle movement

Their stances were intimidating, while Shira just stand there, Sharbon and Serket together with the others started feeling the adrenaline pumping in their veins and they all smiled maliciously.

Her smile was terrifying, the entire room turned cold before and within a blink of an eye she was standing in front of the high god of the rays.

With her hands firmly on top of his head she started squeezing forcefully, the man started scream loudly like a banshee and just like that his core essence was destroyed and Shira holding his life force in her hands scanning the room her eyes landed on the high priest smirking she swallowed the life force of the high god whom she just killed.

Instantly an energy force exploded it took Shira a short time to contain and maintain the core energy force within her body calming down right after

Meanwhile the room shook, everyone was surprised and shocked, the terror in their eyes was visible a mile away, the gods, creatures and goddess with Shira all looked unphased like they knew that she was going to do that. Therefore, they took an attacking position

Shira asked once again "where is it"?

"kill them all "commanded the high priest and just like that a fierce battle started in the light tower

Shira goals all along was this, aiming for the high priest, she teleported behind him the second she turned around

Sensing the faint energy of the recently killed god the high priest turned around and launched an energy force at Shira hitting her in the middle of her abdominal pushing her towards the tower wall in the process shocking the tower from the ground up

Second after hitting the wall she threw a fire ball to the high priest while trying to avoid the ball of energy the high priest casted towards her again while at the same time twisting his body to the left and elevated from the ground and proceeded to cast a binding spell

At that precise moment Shira teleported and grabbed his left hand and manoeuvred her right hand to his back landing on his thoracic spine

Using her power of healing and manipulating it slightly she started inserting her fingers through his spine breaking it in process when her hands passed through only stopping for a millisecond after her forearm was all the way inside

A bright light started emitting from the eyes of the high priest with his mouth open in shook

Shira twisted her arms and looked at him dead in the eyes and smirked when she located his life and essence core

Pushing his life core towards her four of her fingers bypassed his torso and touched her abdominal, the high priest started struggling then and tried to chant a forbidden spell to reset what Shira had done

Upon realising this, Shira used her left arm to assist her and hugged him completely to her body and started absorbing him all little by little to her body

Just like that, the high priest essence and existence was no more

While Shira's battle with the high priest was taking, Sharbon leaded his group to take a hold of the gods, goddess, and ancients one present. Taking care not to kill a high number of them as they will be needed later on

As the high priest body essence core was absorbed and stabilized in Shira's body a loud scream could be heard in the room and only then did Shira companions realised that all the creatures shared the high priest essence and that's when they realised why Shira was so adamant on obtaining him

Upon seeing that Shira has ascended as an ancient high priest after absorbing the core of a god, goddess and high priest life essence and energy core they realised that she now owns and reigns all that belonged to the high priest and that she is their commander and leader they now have to answer to her

And that moment they rebelled, as they did not want to work or answer to this error this creature that become to be without meaning to be

The being that many of their own lost their life and their power and life core essence trying to eliminate and the last 2 millennium flashed through their eyes.

Even though they have no sense of time because of their nature of existing even after death, the last millennium cannot be ignored, they cannot be the one who let themselves be on the very side that they fought against, the same side that they are still fighting against and the same side responsible for the disappearance of the most powerful creator and guardian of the macrocosm

But alas luck was not on their side and the battle in name of rebelling against their new high priest ended before it began.

"Amirah Aragon and Pandora, take care of the rest "Shira commanded

"annotated, we will report back as soon as it done "answered Aragon

"lets go" said Shira to the rest "I have got everything I have wanted, Arabella, Cyllis and Agatha I want you three to travel to the tower located three thousand light away and find me the cultivator, I also want a thunder phoenix feather and core, but alive"

"we will be on our way then "said Arabella

Shira turned around and looked at her companions who has been with her for the last 500 years. Assisted, helped, and shaped her to be who she is today, she smiled at them gratefully for their help and everything they have done for her

Serket, the goddess of scorpion, yielder of all that is magic, medicine and healing venomous and bites. Feeling Shira's gaze, she turned her head slightly and looked at her while smiling she said

"it won't take that long anymore, before you are able to accomplish everything that you envisioned, and we can finally pay them back tenfold of what they give and taken from you. All of us will be right behind you until the end and beyond"

"As we told you five centuries ago, we will always stand by you no matter what, now let us go to the next stop "said Sharbon after seeing the two girls smiling at each other

Shira felt extremely touched and her face softened slightly. "Let's go" she said

Shira, Serket, Sharbon and Prexin turned around and left to the east.

"Leave some of them breathing I want to play with them later "said Agatha to Amirah cheerfully and soon after her, Arabella and Cyllis teleported away she wants to finish he errand quickly and come back

Amirah just looked at her direction shaking her head while thinking of when this girl is going to grow up, while Pandora and Aragon just smiled at Agatha's behaviour

After everyone left, the room started surcharging with pressure they turned around to face this rebelling bunch that they were entrusted with to educate and put in line.

"Now fellas and ladies, where were we again" said Amirah before the three of them advanced towards the standing gods, goddess, creatures, and ancients one.