Memories of the past

The moment we left the tower I could feel my body relaxing instantly and all the tension I wasn't aware of having melting away.

Taking a deep breath to calm my mind down and collect my thoughts on the massacre we left behind us in order to decide mine and my friends next course of action.

Elevating from the tower ground to the air Sharbon, Prexin, Serket and I immediately soared towards the direction of the dimensional portal gate that will take us away from this place in a frightening speed. When I abruptly stopped mid air upon glimpsing a lake surrounded by an enchanted garden of Mira.

"Is the essence starting to revolt? "seeing Shira stopping suddenly and her face morphing into a shocked and pained expression Serket worriedly asked while flying back towards her

Shaking my head slightly to let them know that everything is okay with the essences absorbed, I focused my gaze on the scenery of Mira.

As I look at the lake in front of me, my body froze momentarily as a past memory of what happened to be one of the many times, I have been to this lake rushed forward holding my mind hostage.

Blurry and incomprehensible images and visions of the past assaulted me at once, forcing me to clutch my head at the intense pain I felt.

Under blue and sunlit skies, the view was a scenery to behold, for the lake beamed with life. To the chorus of birdsong from the surrounding green bushes, and the sound of carp sucking amongst the flowering lily-pads, mother duck, watchful for the predatory pike, scooped the surface for food, with her young trailing behind like a row of bobbing corks. Dab chicks and coots fed in the safe haven of the reed-beds, whilst flashing green and blue dragonflies hovered above.

Along this scenery two people can be seen walking along while enjoying each other's company. As they stopped walking the man turned towards the woman he is with and said "let us meet here again in the next full moon "hearing the man' the woman smiled and a sense of serenity overcame her as she stared at the man eyes

Captivating him as her entire been started beaming with happiness, as he stared down at her eyes, he could see the mischievousness starting to take form in them and smiled.

"before I agree to that you will need to catch me first "said the woman before turning around and started running towards the lake cheerfully.

The vision and the flashbacks stopped abruptly as they started, and my body started falling backwards and downwards from the sheer shock and terror of it and my mind still out of the reality.

Before touching the ground, a strong and lean body caught me mid-air and moved my body protectively near his chest. Silver hair obscured my vision when I finally came out of it, looking up Prexin serious and sombre face came to view making me frown momentarily.

Descending to the garden floor he put me down and gave me a good look over to see if I was hurt anywhere before looking at my eyes and asked apprehensively "Are you okay, what happened? I suddenly started feeling your mind in destress and for a split second your core foundation was disturbed, before your body stopped and dropped"

"visions and flashbacks assaulted me as soon I saw the enchanted garden of Mira. It seems like I have frequented this place many times in the past" as lying to them never crossed my mind I explained the situation to Prexin, Serket and Sharbon as soon he asked me.

Giving a quick look over the garden once more I reassured them that other than that everything is okay

Taking a deep breath before realising a sigh Sharbon said seriously "let's go back home for now so that you can incubate on the Baia, that way you can stabilize and refine the essences to your soul"

Looking at the 9ft4 god who owns one of the most beautiful and enchanting blues eyes that a god from the lower heavenly realm could possess paired with a jet black hair and lean muscles to boost, and my second in command with a stubborn personality. I knew that I would have to convince him that I am fine otherwise not only him but Serket and Prexin will also join in too.

"I am fine you do not have to worry, and as soon I get a hold of the codex that is in possession of Gia the goddess of reincarnation and retribution we will return and I will incubate and cultivate the core essences absorbed from the high priest Seb and goddess Sarah"

The three of them looked at each other before looking back at me and nodding in agreement to what I said but not before Prexin put fourth his condition "As soon I fell your core essence foundation getting unbalanced and your body starts fighting with unrefined essences you absorbed I will take you back straight away"

I knew that it wouldn't be that easy, but I agreed to his conditions.

"well in that case lets get on our way now. It's too dangerous to remain in Mira right now with your core essence foundation destabilized. I can fell dark forces with malicious intention approaching the tower "Said Sharbon the moment one of its shadow came back to him

After coming to an agreement, we once again leaped to the sky. With Serket pirouetting in the sky with a big smile plastered on her face as adrenaline pumped in her veins after being challenged by Prexin

"whoever arrives last to the gates will take care of the sloughs and the pixel creatures of Cufada manually, meaning no magic or spells" Prexin smirked after saying that and taking off right after

"hey, you ae cheating "yelled Sharbon following right behind him

Me and Sharbon looked at each other before bursting in laughter

Shaking his head Sharbon looked at me briefly before chuckling and said, "they never change, do they?"

"well then should we show them how it's done?" I replied top him before we launched upwards and accelerated quickly after catching the momentum after passing the third layer of the clouds and surpassing Serket and Prexin instantly

Arriving in the gate very we waited for the two youngest to arrive me and Sharbon did a quick scanned the surrounding areas by the gate for any other presences other than ours.

Manipulating and zapping the energy lurking in the area Sharbon casted a shadow spell in the vicinity. While I tapped on the essence of the high priest Seb to gather any aura residing nearby.

Releasing my ascending high priest aura in the vicinity, I quickly located the guardians of the gate and used my authority to disperse them away sending them to the enchanted garden until we leave

"besides the guardians of the gate that you dispersed, everything is clear "declared Sharbon after recalling his shadows back

As he finished talking Serket and Prexin landed near us looking incredulous

"When did both of learn cloud leaping? "while in disbelieve, and eyes open in aware Prexin asked while approaching us quickly as soon he landed

"Along time ago. And Serket good luck with the sloughs and pixels" laughing Sharbon answered Prexin

"I only lost because the both of you surprised me" She replied as soon Sharbon finished talking

"you still lost" Prexin retorted right back smugly

"whatever, is the surrounding area clear? "paying no mind, she asked straight away

"All clear, get ready" affirmed Sharbon

Facing the gates and activating on third of our power, looking at the golden gate situated right at the heart of Mira in the middle of an ancient magical pond and waterfall surround it. I closed my eyes in concentration and they instantly turned white before opening them again.

Making a large, slow circle with both arms, pointing the first three fingers on each hand, then quickly bringing them to my chest. I then bring both hands forward with open palms, one over the other and concentrating my energy and purifying it in process and my body starts releasing a bright light engulfing the vicinity while forcing the portal gate open.

We entered the gate the moment the portal opened and coming out on the forest of the five paths, with the portal closing and disappearing the moment all of us came out.

"should we teleport directly to Ereo Jaku" asked Serket as soon the portal disappeared

"we cannot teleport to there, because we were not invited and also because of goddess Gia.Ten millenniums ago the planet of Ereo evolved and only saints and the holly beings can teleport there. If any other immortal and being try to force they way in or teleport there without the blessings of the saints and holly being their soul and spirit ceases to exist instantly" I replied to Serket and explaining to them quickly

As she opened her mouth to ask me something, we felt a dark presence throughout the forest stopping her in her track immediately.

Dam it, we are surrounded!