Exchange of Favors 14.2

"Zhu Xia is my given name while Fan is the surname I adopted and the item currently being auctioned is the Golden Crystal Spirit Fruit."

"Nice to meet you Zhu Xia. So I want to ask, the only item being auctioned now is the Golden Crystal Spirit Fruit? That's all?" Fan Yong Rui queried and upon seeing Fan Zhu Xia nod in confirmation, Fan Yong Rui's face fell as a look of disappointment spread across his face as he lost interest.

"Ahh nevermind then! I have no use for that." Fan Yong Rui dismissively said with a nonchalant wave of his hand, sparking curiosity in Fan Zhu Xia's eyes.

"You're not even going to try?" she queried while giving Fan Yong Rui an inquisitive look.

"Nope. Why should I even bother? It's not like this young master even has any means of fighting for it."

Thinking that it was the end of that particular topic, Fan Yong Rui was about to question the young lady in front of him when she beat him to it and spoke first.

"I don't believe you don't have a way to bid for it, after all, you yourself is a holder of a Essence Spirit Card, so how can you possibly not have any means of fighting for the spirit fruit? You just don't want to bother!"

Hearing her say that, Fan Yong Rui didn't show any reaction other than his signature frivolous smile that was on his face, making him look charmingly mischievous.

"Now, now... how can that be? I am after all just a normal young master!" Fan Yong Rui replied with a laugh yet there was a glint in his eyes that Fan Zhu Xia noticed, making her come to a realization herself.

Directing her attention to Min Sheng and Chun Hua, Fan Zhu Xia instructed, "Both of you go out and stand just outside the door and knock twice once the attendant arrives before entering."

Startled, both still nodded in acknowledgement despite Chun Hua's curiosity, she followed obediently behind Min Sheng who led the way out before closing the door behind them and standing quietly to one side.

Looking at the door, Chun Hua asked Min Sheng if he knew why the young miss made them leave the room, to which Min Sheng gave her a pointed look and replied, "Of course it's to discuss something with the Second Young Master! We just have to keep quiet and make sure that no one disturbs them."

Meanwhile, inside the room, an ambigous atmosphere enveloped the room as both Fan Yong Rui and Fan Zhu Xia sat facing each other.

"Now why would you go and make those two servants of yours go out? After all, you never know if their presence is the only thing deterring me from making a move against you." Fan Yong Rui drawled playfully in an almost teasing manner yet the tone of his voice and the way he spoke belied dangerous, predatory light in his eyes which was extremely contradicting with his delicately refined pretty boy looks. Despite of this, Fan Zhu Xia just chuckled softly before waving her hand dismissively.

"Whether or not they're here or not, no one would be able to stop you should you choose to seriously act, of that I am certain. The reason this young miss made them go out is because proper introductions arr in order and I can tell that there is something that you don't wish to let other people know."

"You must be mistaken, I, Fan Yong Rui, am an open book! Everyone knows who I am."

"Of course not! Everyone knows what you want them to know, isn't that right?"

"Hmm? And what made you say that?" Fan Yong Rui asked in a casual manner, yet the extremely subtle, reflexive split-second tensing of his muscles before he immediately relaxed them didn't escape Fan Zhu Xia'a eyes, after all she was paying close attention to his reactions.

"Please, let's drop the act, I can tell that you are not an ordinary type of person. Although I can understand why you won't admit it, after all you don't know anything about me, so how about we make a deal?" Fan Zhu Xia suggested with a sly smile.

"What do you have in mind?"

"You tell me what you're hiding and I'll do likewise."

"And if I don't?"

"I wonder if there are others who know what kind of influence you actually carry?" Fan Zhu Xia innocently asked yet the deceptively angelic looks belied the words she said and it's implications.

With eyes turning cold, Fan Yong Rui lowly rebuffed, "You wouldn't dare..."

"Hmm... maybe not to outsiders but how about to Uncle Liang? or perhaps Big Brother Li Jie?"

Incredulous, Fan Yong Rui stared at her with disbelief plainly written in his face before he asked with a disbelieving tone, "You'd actually tattle on me? To my father and eldest brother of all people! What kind of play is that?"

"It's called playing dirty! Besides, if it gets me results, who cares?" Fan Zhu Xia replied breezily, looking completely carefree.

"You are just shameless, you do know that right?"

"There's nothing wrong with being shameless from time to time. It's completely normal."

Shaking his head, Fan Yong Rui chuckled before bursting into full out laughter before composinh himself once more and shooting an appreciative glance towards Fan Zhu Xia.

"Well played. I like that. I would do the same thing myself if it gets me what I want."

"So does that mean we have a deal?"

"Only if you go first." Fan Yong Rui replied with a mischievous grin.

"Alright then, to be completely honest with you, my identity is what I'm banking on to win the Golden Crystal Spirit Fruit, after all, having someone of my background owe a favor is quite a big deal."

"And why is that?" Fan Yong Rui probed with a curious look in his eyes.

"Because I am the only daughter of the patriarch of the Cong Family from Mystic Terra Mountain; Cong Zhi Qiang and Zhan Mei Ling who was nicknamed the Poison Fairy due to her profound knowledge in poisons and peerlesly beautiful looks and to my knowledge, the only surviving member of the main family, with the family name of Cong and Zhu Xia as my given name."

"Well I'll be damned, you are the Cong Family's princess? Are you sure?" Fan Yong Rui asked, looking incomparably excited, making Fan Zhu Xia baffled.

"Well that was before, but I have let go of the family name; Cong and have taken up Fan."

"Doesn't matter! I believe you'll know my identity as soon as I explain." Fan Yong Rui said before standing up abd started pacing.

"I'd like to ask first if your family received a request about three to four years ago, requesting for your family's assistance in treating a comatosed old man here in the Thunder Vale Country."

Frowning, Fan Zhu Xia warily answered, "We did. I wa actually the one my father sent over to help but we weren't able to get here due to..."

Trailing off, Fan Zhu Xia's expression darkened and a dangerous light glinted in her icy blue eyes before she continued and said, "...due to unforeseen circumstances that I still need to rectify."

"Is it related to the sudden attack on the Cong family?"

"En... That's besides the point. What you mean to say is that you were the one who sent the request that time?"

"That's right."

"Then the old man that you need treated is?"

"My grandfather." Fan Yong Rui replied while Fan Zhu Xia fell silent with a troubled look on her face.

Seeing this, Fan Yong Rui couldn't help but ask, "Something the matter?"

"Let's talk about it later, what's important now is acquiring the Golden Crystal Spirit Fruit. If I manage to get it then providing treatment to father and possibly grandfather would be much less complicated."

"Then in that case, add me to your bid."

A bit confused, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but ask, "Meaning?"

"Oh please my dear, I'm sure you realize that a favor from the both of us, the supposedly dead yet extremely gifted Cong Family Princess who was said to be as talented as the patriarch along with the promise of the elusive leader of the Hundred Flowers House which has a widespread and profound underground information network is a pretty good bid offer, don't you think so?"