Exchange of Favors 14.3

Coming to an agreement, both Fan Zhu Xia and Fan Yong Rui smiled amiably at each other just as a knock sounded on the door before it opened to let Min Sheng in, leading Chun Hua and an attendant of the Thousand Treasures Pavillion inside the room.

"Esteemed guests, may we ask if you have already thought about what you will be bidding? This is the last call for those who would still like to participate in bidding for the Golden Crystal Spirit Fruit."

"Ah yes, we've already decided." Fan Zhu Xia replied with a smile and hearing her answer, the attendant immediately presented a jade slip to her which she gracefully took.

After recording their bid in the jade slip and handing it to the attendant who quickly gave thanks and left the room after excusing himself to submit her bid, leaving Fan Zhu Xia and Fan Yong Rui who were now chatting pleasantly as if there was no animosity just earlier and now acted as if they were very good bosom friends from childhood leaving Min Sheng and Chun Hua baffled and unable to follow the quick changes in their masters.

Meanwhile in a separate room, several jade slips were being delivered and carefully placed in a small table in front of a devilishly handsome-looking man attired in elegant obsidian-colored clothes with beautiful purple and gold embroideries who was partially hidden from view with only his silhouette visible behind a curtain made out of precious jade beads while he passively watched without saying a single word as the jade slips were placed in front of him.

He only reclined languidly against the sofa, the sound of his rhythmic tapping against the arm rest being the only sign indicating his increasing impatience.

"Ho You, where's her slip? Don't tell me that she isn't participating?" the good-looking man asked while his sharp sword-like brows furrowed into a displeased frown.

"Calm yourself my lord, she already said she'll be bidding on the spirit fruit, the young miss just asked for some time to think about what she'll be bidding."

"Then have you sent someone to follow-up on her?"

"Yes and I also received some information that might interest you from the attendant I sent earlier."

"Hmm... Really? Please elaborate."

Nodding, Ho You started to relay what he found out in a calm manner yet there was an amused twinkle in his eyes as he spoke.

"My lord, if you recall, one of out guests was bidding against the young miss earlier for the Emeranite long sword right? Well, after she won the bid, the young miss sent thanks to that particular guest for letting her win and she told one of our attendants that she will help him fulfill one request should he need it. Afterwards, that guest of ours went to see the young miss in her private room and has been staying there ever since."

"Who is that guest again?" the young man icily asked.

"We suspect that he's a major figure, if not the leader of the information network that is being controlled by the Hundred Flowers House."

Upon hearing that, the young man's voice became frostier than before while as he asked, "Then why is that man staying with her?"

"It would seem that they know each other, my lord." Ho You said slowly, as he watched the man's reaction from the other side of the beaded curtain.

"What?! How under heaven's name would she know anyone from that organization? Preposterous!" the man thundered out as a shockwave of murderous aura flooded out from the young man. Although unperturbed by the pressure generated by the man's aura, Ho You couldn't help but feel glad that the room they're in had various seals and talismans that ensured no fluctuation of power and sound could leak outside of the room no matter how strong or loud it is.

Ignoring his worsening mood, Ho You even teasingly said, "They seemed to be pretty close for new acquaintances. When one of our attendants entered the room earlier, she saw them sitting pretty close to each other and at what point, had even held hands. Apparently, the young miss even told him of her identity and where to find her."

"And that is?"

"The daughter of the infamous Lei Wangye, the mighty General Fan Hui Zhong. She is also currently residing at the Lei Palace."

Surprised, the young man momentarily forgot his anger and couldn't help but question Ho You further and asked, "Are you sure of this information? The identity of the daughter of Lei Wangye is not something just anyone can use and casually throw out and also why would she be "

"We are quite sure that the information is sound. I was actually there when the young miss first arrived and was able to welcome her personally and I witnessed how she disembarked from a carriage bearing the symbol of the Lei Palace and if that's not enough, the carriage was even being escorted by several of the elite guards of the Lei Sha Di Army which is directly under the control of the patriarch of the Fan Family when General Hui Zhong isn't present."

With a thoughtful look in his eyes, the young man wondered and voiced a question that was floating on his mind.

"I wonder how she ended up there?"

Just as Ho You was about to respond, another knock sounded by the door, drawing both of their attention towards it and upon hearing it, the young man behind the beaded curtain motioned for Ho You to let the person in.


Upon hearing Ho You's voice echo and grant permission, an attendant entered and respectfully greeted the two people inside.

"Lord Owner, Branch Leader; this lowly one has brought the jade slip from the room you instructed us to pay special attention to."

"Ho You, give it to me." a low magnetic voice sounded from behind the curtain, startling the attendant to almost dropping the jade slip.

Luckily, Ho You caught it in time but this did not prevent the strong oppressive presence that bursted out from the young man behind the curtain as he became annoyed.

Seemingly unaffected, Ho You released his own aura and covered the poor attendant who had paled and who's back instantly became soaked with sweat as fear overwhelmed her while under the oppressive presence before dismissing the poor girl who hurriedly apologized and excused herself.

"Please my lord, don't scare our people." Ho You said with a laugh while handing the jade slip to the man behind the curtains.

Taking it with long elegant fingers, the man just snorted in reply and focused his divine sense to read it's contents. Finishing it, his eyes immediately lit up, happiness and relief filling his deep, midnight-colored eyes while his lips curved in delight.

"Ho You, go and send word that they won the bid and also inform them that I have a request as well for the Cong family princess."

Hearing his lord confirm their suspicions, even Ho You felt happy for him.

"What's the request my lord?"

"I want to meet her. Now. Alone."