Concerned - 33.2

"Granny Fang, please make sure the manor is presentable and inform the servants to be ready. Princess Leifeng will be dropping by for a visit so also have the kitchen prepare some snacks and refreshments." Wu Zhang He ordered the old yet amicable-looking old woman as he was going up on a large Horse Wind Drake, his personal spirit mount that was seemingly covered with dark silver armor due to its natural protective scaling on the top center of it's head down to it's neck then to it's chest, back quarters and limbs, looking quite heroic. 

"Princess Leifeng? The young lady of Lei Palace is coming?"

"Yes she is... She might be dropping by to see Jun Qiao. If that happens, make sure that Jun Qiao's face stays covered but other than that, you may listen to any of her commands."

"My Lord?!" Shu Fang or more commonly known as Granny Fang exclaimed in protest.

"Just do as I say. Even if she wants to interfere in Jun Qiao's treatment, you must listen to her. She knows what she's doing."

"But what if something happens to the young master?"

"Nothing will happen, no need to worry..."

"But..." worried, Granny Shu wanted to continue to voice out her concerns but she received Wu Zhang He's pointed look leaving her no choice but to swallow back her protests and keep silent. 

Seeing her worry and understanding her concerns, Wu Zhang He sighed and reassured her. 

"Granny Fang, you should remember the medicinal pills that Lei Wangye sent the other day, right? Well, those pills were refined by the princess and from what I've gathered, she is an exceptional doctor so there shouldn't be any problems..."

Upon hearing that, Granny Fang's anxious heart settled down somewhat as she murmured to herself, "Is that so?"

"Very well... Please pardon my previous words then General..."

"No need to apologize, I do understand your concerns... Just do what I told you before and I'll try to come back as soon as I can. There's just something I must take care of."

"Understood. Please leave everything to my care and stay safe General."


With a nod goodbye, Wu Zhang He went out and swiftly disappeared from view.

Once he is gone, Granny Fang turned and went back inside and started mobilizing the servants to have things in order and before long, all the things needed to be done were over. The entire manor was cleaned, the pathways were swept, the receiving hall in the outer courtyard where one welcomed guests was spotless and delicious snacks and various refreshments were being prepared and should be ready to serve once the princess arrives.

All the servants who previously had a somber atmosphere ever since their young master returned unconscious and riddled with injuries were now full of conflicting emotions.

Ever since their young master came to the capital, despite being unfamiliar with them at the beginning and seemed to be quite distant and aloof, even a tad bit overbearing still had moments where he showed his kindness. He was polite and gave them due consideration despite being at a much higher status than them and respected their views and opinions. 

This was especially felt by those servants higher up in the household and had more contact with him. During their interactions with the young master, they saw that despite his cold nature, he was actually quite easy to get along with and naturally they who experienced this passed it down towards the other servants. This made the new young master be viewed highly and appreciated by everyone in the manor. 

They noticed that despite being declared the successor of Wu Zhang He's position, he didn't rely on that alone and still worked hard for himself and cultivated his own people which can be seen by how he started to organize his own place at the old Fan Family manor just beside their own.

In fact, the young master's people were definitely quite strong and capable from what they've seen so far. 

The only reason why the young master was even staying here to recuperate was because General Wu deemed it much more safer for the time being since he was still unconscious and so that he can keep an eye on them. 

They also knew that their young master got injured to this extent wasn't because he was incapable of protecting himself, on the contrary he was quite skilled!

The only reason he fell into this wretched state was because their young master risked his well-being just to protect this new princess that was coming to the residence today.

Some felt indignant on behalf of their young master since some of them think that he wouldn't be in this state if he hadn't helped the young miss of Lei Palace and while everyone acknowledged this fact, the others didn't let this influence their opinion of the new princess, instead most of them were curious on what kind of person she is since usually the young master wasn't someone who liked socializing with the opposite gender so him going out of his way to save her despite putting his own life at risk made them wonder if there was anything special about her that made him go through such lengths.

It wasn't long before their curiosity was answered as the carriage with the crest of Lei Palace which had a small group of guards, totaling to five was escorting it stopped in front of the Wu Family Manor.

Granny Fang who was already waiting for their arrival, immediately went out to welcome them.

Watching as the two of the guards while the other three panned out to surround the carriage protectively, he saw one of them knock on the carriage door before a soft voice sounded from within and although Granny Fang could barely here the words, probably due to some protective formation added to the carriage, she was still able to tell how pleasing and nice to hear the voice was.

The carriage door opened and a young, pretty maid first dismounted before turning back to look inside before raising her hand as if to offer help.

With a slight hint of expectation in her heart, Granny Fang calm eyes had unexpectedly shown a small ripple within it. 

A slender jade-white hand reached out to take the proffered hand of the maid gently as a young lady gracefully disembarked from the carriage. 

She was wearing deep blue robes that had some simple white lotus embroideries near the bottom which contrasted beautifully with her porcelain white skin making it seem even whiter and more luminous than it is. Her long, silky hair was pulled away from her face and pinned up by a single white jade hairpin and aside from that, no other accessories were worn by her yet this didn't diminish her looks one bit. 

Unlike her visit to the auction house nor the time at the imperial banquet, she wasn't wearing any veils now so her beautiful countenance that seemed devoid of any form of makeup could be clearly seen. 

Albeit, looking a bit paler than usual, Fan Zhu Xia had chosen to to forego her usual makeup and opted for a bare face and this made her look like a fragile yet aloof beauty, contrary to her usual alluring and indolent atmosphere. 

Seeing that someone was there to welcome them, Fan Zhu Xia let go of Chun Tao's hand and calmly walked towards the old woman in front of her and giving her a nod of respect. 

"Hello there... This Princess would like to first apologize for dropping by with such short notice! I do hope you can pardon me, but may I come in?" 

"Ahh, of course, of course... Please, right this way Princess. Also, if you have anything you would like to know or need, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Oh, alright then may I also know your name?" 

"Ah yes, sorry for the late introduction but this old servant is named Shu Fang but The Princess may call me Granny Fang. Everyone does..." Granny Fang replied with an amicable smile before leading her inside while also giving short descriptions of the things they passed. 

All the servants they passed gave them various greetings but all of them had one thing in common. Their eyes widened in surprise upon seeing her before they all expressed their respect as is due, then they all started whispering amongst themselves the moment they saw that they were gone from their sights. 

"Would The Princess like to have some tea and refreshments first?" Granny Fang asked once we arrived at one of the rooms located at the outer courtyard. 

Looking around lightly, Fan Zhu Xia gave a small, tentative smile and a hesitant look on her face which was a bit unexpected to Granny Fang since it contrasted with her impression of Fan Zhu Xia as a cold, indifferent beauty. 

"Granny Fang, is it possible for me to meet Young Master Wu first? It's just that I came here for the purpose of visiting him and to see how he is doing..."

With a slightly conflicted look on her face, Granny Fang then released a low breath before her face cleared and she looked at Fan Zhu Xia with a serious expression. 

"Unfortunately the Young Master is still unconscious as of the moment but if you really must see him, this old servant will lead you to him..." 

Upon hearing the news that he was still unconscious, Fan Zhu Xia's eyes imperceptibly widened as concern and guilt filled her. 

"Would it really be alright to see him?" Fan Zhu Xia asked softly. 

"Yes Princess... General Wu had left explicit instructions to us to listen to your requests and also gave permission when it concerns Young Master before he had to leave on an important errand." 

"Is that so? Then I would like to express my thanks in advance... If you will, please lead the way..."