Concerned 33. 3

Arriving at the courtyard where Wu Jun Qiao currently is, Fan Zhu Xia only took a cursory glance at it's surroundings and her attention was instead drawn towards the group of guards that stood quietly in different places.

If one looked more intently, one would realize that the places they were stationed at was quite strategic and insured that no one would be able to infiltrate the courtyard without their notice.

Noticing that her attention was drawn to them, Granny Fang said, "General Wu had instructed us to make sure that the courtyard where Young Master is residing to be safe and secure. Of course the manor's security has also been tightened due to recent events but the Young Master's courtyard is still the top priority..."

"This is understandable. Even back home, Father has also made the same measures to ensure our safety." Fan Zhu Xia acknowledged as she nodded in agreement.

Before long, they arrived in front of Wu Jun Qiao's room where a single man stood outside just by the door with a cold, dangerous air.

At first glance, Fan Zhu Xia knew that this man was not ordinary and despite being unable to see through his cultivation, something was Fan Zhu Xia that this was a man that shouldn't be offended.

Feeling her inquisitive yet wary gaze from the moment it landed on him, Yi Ting Zhe turned his head and met it straight on.

Despite being prepared, the moment his eyes landed on her face, he still couldn't help but feel shocked. Yi Ting Zhe has seen a portrait of the young lady in front of him that was personally made by the young master and back then, he was admittedly a bit dubious at how beautiful the young lady in the painting was and thought that the young master was seeing through colored-lenses but now that he's seen her face to face, he could only say that the painting really did her justice.

She not only had peerlessly good looks but also outstanding temperament. It was no wonder that very few people voiced out their discontent with the newly named princess because looking at her now, it was as if she really was born and raised as a carefully cultivated flower by the Lei Palace.

Looking at the princess, Granny Fang shot her a kind smile before opening her mouth to speak. 

"Princess, please let me introduce you to Young Master's personal attendant; Yi Ting Zhe." 

"It is an honor to meet you, Sir Yi." Fan Zhu Xia greeted with a soft smile. 

"You flatter this servant Your Highness. It is this one's blessing to make your acquaintance." Yi Ting Zhe quickly replied respectfully. 

"Sir Yi, this is Princess Leifeng; the person that Young Master saved during the banquet. The princess has asked to see Young Master's condition..." Granny Fang spoke out after they finished greeting each other and explained to Yi Ting Zhe while at the same time introducing him to Fan Zhu Xia.

Listening to Granny Fang's words, Yi Ting Zhe nodded and said, "Young Master is currently still unconscious Princess but if you would really like to see him this is possible as long as Princess doesn't uncover my Young Master's face... He was injured several years ago during an unexpected ambush while traveling and since then, Young Master dislikes people seeing his face. We hope the princess understands..."

Upon hearing that, Fan Zhu Xia was taken a bit of guard because if one just based it on Yi Ting Zhe's words alone, one could easily infer that Wu Jun Qiao must have suffered a lot back then and the chances of being disfigured is highly possible. 

Just thinking about it made Fan Zhu Xia internally sigh. From the time she first saw him, she already felt that he was extremely extraordinary based on the atmosphere he exudes and momentum alone but to think that he would feel bad and uncomfortable when people saw his face was something she didn't expect. Before she thought that he his face behind a mask to protect his identity just like her when she wears a veil but she never thought it was because he was disfigured.

Fan Zhu Xia felt distressed and uncomfortable in her heart once she thinks about it but it wasn't as if she cared about his ruined looks but rather felt bad at the thought of him suffering back then.

At this time, she didn't think that her worry and concern over Wu Jun Qiao was anything special but rather quite normal. What she didn't realize is that he was attracting more and more of her attention without her realizing it.

Instead, she still acted as she would given the situation and just expressed a look of understanding and nothing else.

"This Princess understands. As a member of Lei Palace, I give you my word that I would respect Young Master Wu's privacy and would not do anything that may violate his wishes... This Princess is just truly worried about him since it is because of myself that Young Master Wu is in this condition..."

"Since the princess gave her word, this servant is rest assured... If you will..." Yi Ting Zhe spoke while at the same time stepping aside and opening the door and gesturing for Fan Zhu Xia to go inside.

With a nod towards him, Fan Zhu Xia first turned to Chun Tao and her other escorts and murmured an order for them to stay put and wait for her there before calmly making her way inside the room and letting Yi Ting Zhe close it behind her, making them lose sight of her back.

The moment she disappeared inside, Chun Tao only shot a meaningful look towards Fan Zhu Xia's escorts and with tacit understanding, the two of them simultaneously turned around and just stood guard quietly. If one didn't pay close attention, they would think that the two guard escorts were just standing there, at ease when in truth, both were paying close attention to their surroundings as well as making sure that nothing was out of the ordinary.

As for Chun Tao, she wordlessly went to stand beside Yi Ting Zhe and based from her actions, she was mimicking Yi Ting Zhe and wanted to do the same by thing as him and guard the door to ensure nothing unexpected happens while at the same time being close enough should the need arises and Fan Zhu Xia calls for her.

Seeing their actions, Granny Fang excused herself and said that she'll go and check the kitchen to see if the preparations for the tea and refreshments were done.

Meanwhile, Fan Zhu Xia who had entered the room alone was standing quietly by the bed and staring at the unconscious man with an unreadable expression.

Wu Jun Qiao who had his eyes closed still had his face covered by a mask made out of soft cloth. It can be seen that the people in General Wu's manor still paid careful attention and abide by his wish to conceal his face but despite of that, the half that can be seen still looked sickly pale and his lips appeared bloodless.

As Fan Zhu Xia's eyes traveled down his body, she could see the bandages wrapped around him, only to be covered by his sleeping robes and quilt.

The strong scent of medicine permeated the room which added more to the somber atmosphere.

In Fan Zhu Xia's clear, icy blue eyes ripples of complex emotions could vaguely be seen.

Biting her lip, Fan Zhu Xia slowly reached out and gently touched Wu Jun Qiao's pale cheeks while murmuring something in a soft, barely audible voice.

"Lord Owner..."