Concerned - 33.4

Letting out another sigh, Fan Zhu Xia took back her hands before sitting down carefully on one side and reaching out to take Wu Jun Qiao's wrist and silently taking his pulse. 

After a few moments, the calm look on her face gradually turned serious until the time she let go and gently placed his hand back down to his side with a somber expression before going back to open the door, just in time to see Granny Fang coming back from the kitchens.

When Fan Zhu Xia opened the door, she surprised all those outside who were waiting for her to come out especially after seeing the dark look on her face. 

Meeting Yi Ting Zhe and Granny Fang's gaze, Fan Zhu Xia opened her mouth and the next words that she spoke made both Yi Ting Zhe and Granny Fang's blood run cold.

"Young Master Wu's condition is extremely bad. The internal injuries he received recently has been partially dealt with by the medicinal pills that Father sent over but due to his previous ailment acting up and being aggravated, the pills were only able to help his situation by about forty to fifty percent... He's not in grave danger but if he isn't treated immediately, the sequelae he might develop in the future will be particularly painful and detrimental to his future cultivation."

Stunned at her words, Yi Ting Zhe still blurted out and asked, "Is there anything we can do?!"

Faced with his question, Fan Zhu Xia felt a moment of hesitation before she resolutely pushed it away.

She knew that if she helped now, there might be a risk of her identity being discovered but when she thought back to it again, didn't Wu Jun Qiao already know who she is? Besides that, even she knew that outside of his identity as the adopted son of General Wu Zhang He, he also had another identity as the mysterious Lord Owner of Thousand Treasures Pavillion; an organization that has power not restricted in Thunder Vale Country but also reaches far and deep to other countries as well.

Since that's the case then what does she have to lose?

With the mentality of taking a gamble, Fan Zhu Xia opened her mouth and said, "If you trust This Princess then I might be able to help..."

As Wu Jun Qiao's trusted aide and the main person who was entrusted to find a certain girl, of course Yi Ting Zhe knew the true identity of the princess before him and upon hearing her words, a strong feeling of hope shot through him.

"Princess, if you can treat our young master, we would be in your debt..." Yi Ting Zhe responded almost immediately with a serious look on his face while Granny Fang nodded in agreement. 

"Rest assured Princess that General Wu has also told me to listen to your words even if it concerns our young master. The only thing that he prohibits is for the Young Master's face to be exposed..." Granny Fang added. 

"If that's the case then This Princess would not be polite... I can help treat Young Master Wu and ensure that he would be free from any sequelae caused by his recent injuries. As for his old ailment, I can try to find a way to treat the root cause of it. For now, I have a way to wake him up after I address his most concerning issues and as for getting rid of any chances of future complications, I'll have to monitor his condition and help strengthen his body until I deem it good enough to withstand further treatments from me... Will that be fine? "

"Fine? Of course it's fine! More than fine! Young Master has suffered from his old injuries so much in the past couple of years, the fact there is a chance to treat it is already more than we can ask for..." Yi Ting Zhe burst out, his gruff voice slightly shaking due to a flood of his emotions which is a mixture of relief, joy, pain, concern and excitement, all at the same time. 

"Alright then I'll start stabilizing his condition now and make sure he has enough strength to wake up. In the meantime, I'll need you to prepare the following herbs and once everything is gathered, I'll prepare a medicinal bath for your young master to soak in once he's awake..." Fan Zhu Xia said while at the same time making her way to the table inside and bringing out a roll of paper, a brush and a bottle of ink before rapidly writing down numerous herbs that was needed for the treatment and handing it over to Yi Ting Zhe who followed her in. 

"How soon can you gather it? Some herbs listed are a bit rare and I do still have some of it back at my Princess Manor but it might not be enough for a long treatment..."

With a quick look towards the list, Yi Ting Zhe, met her gaze and said in a serious voice, "We'll have it done as soon as possible... Half of this herbs listed, we already have. This subordinate will strive to have at least a portion enough for one treatment within the day..." 

"Good enough. The preliminary treatment I'll be doing will still take a long time so I'll have to trouble you to guard the courtyard and make sure that no one interrupts me. Once the herbs have been gathered, just wait for me to come out and I'll personally prepare it since this medicinal bath needs to be used as soon as it is done to ensure that it doesn't lose any of it's efficacy."

"Understood." Yi Ting Zhe replied with a nod before bringing out a small bamboo flute and blowing on it making four dark clothed men appeared. 

"Stay in the courtyard and make sure Princess Leifeng isn't disturbed during the course of her treatment of the Young Master. Stay outside and listen to Her Highness' maid and Granny Fang for further instructions until I return." 

"As you command!" 

After the four of them simultaneously called out in acknowledgement, they quickly dispersed around the yard and filled in the gaps between Fan Zhu Xia's own personal escorts. 

With a nod of respect, Yi Ting Zhe excused himself and said he'll personally go and get the medicinal herbs while Granny Fang said that she'll go and send word to inform the general before they left with the promise to come back as soon as they were done.

Turning to her personal maid, Fan Zhu Xia just quietly ordered her and said, "Chun Tao, guard the door and don't let anyone in without my permission."

"Yes my lady..."

Without another word, Fan Zhu Xia went back inside and closed the door behind her.

Making her way towards the bed, Fan Zhu Xia carefully peeled the quilt back and took another cursory glance on Wu Jun Qiao's body before placing both her hand near his chest and closed her eyes before letting her qi envelop his body.

Once again, just like before, thousands of pale blue thread-like qi gently intertwined themselves together and encased Wu Jun Qiao's prone form until it looke like he was inside a luminous pale blue cocoon that pulsed intermittently as if in the pace of a gentle heartbeat.

At this time, Fan Zhu Xia examined Wu Jun Qiao's body in depth to gain an understanding of how severe his injuries were while at the same time taking note of his body's current condition as well as taking the chance to find the root cause of his long-term ailment.

This examination was neither too long nor can it be said to be too short. Normally, Fan Zhu Xia would be fine but due to her recent injuries, she wasn't exactly at her best state so she also had to take intermittent break in between.

After determining his current state, Fan Zhu Xia was slightly relieved to find out that most of the pills that Wu Jun Qiao needed she already had.

Due to her having a lot of free time before the imperial banquet, she had refined a lot of useful pills and practically everything she needed was already in her space. From the Blood Enhancing Pill which can improve one's blood quality, purity as well help the body regenerate blood faster, Fan Zhu Xia also had the Vitality Returning Pill which has the effect of restoring the body's strength and vitality and boost one's life force which is particularly useful for someone who's seriously injured or has a massive drain in their internal energies and qi in their dantian.

Aside from this she has also recently refined some Bone Regeneration Pills which is good for treating broken or fractured bones which can be used by Wu Jun Qiao now since she noticed that he had several fractures on his ribcage as well as his left arm which was also broken. Fan Zhu Xia also concocted Flesh Recovery Elixir which mainly addresses flesh wounds and helps stimulate faster recovery of the muscle tissue which is also quite suitable for Wu Jun Qiao regarding several of his injuries, especially the one he received in his back when he turned to shield her from the explosion back at the imperial banquet.

After a moment of thought, Fan Zhu Xia remembered that she still had two pills that were particularly suitable for Wu Jun Qiao to use. First would be the Energy Stabilizing Pill which can help calm his qi that was disrupted due to his internal injuries and the other would be the Mind Awakening Pill which will be quite effective in helping wake up Wu Jun Qiao from his coma.

Originally, Fan Zhu Xia planned to use acupuncture to wake him up but when she was checking his condition earlier, she noticed that his soul seemed a bit weak so she thought it would be better to use the Mind Awakening Pill instead since it also has the effect of calming down the mind and soul while at the same time strengthening it.

Taking out all the pills she needed, Fan Zhu Xia reached out and gently pinched Wu Jun Qiao's chin and tilted it so that his mouth was slightly open.

Placing one pill after the other, Fan Zhu Xia helped circulate it's medicinal efficacy by wrapping Wu Jun Qiao in a glowing cocoon once again each time she fed him a pill and after each round, once all the medicine's effects were fully absorbed, Fan Zhu Xia took a short break and rested briefly before repeating the process with the other pills.

She started by letting her qi enter and seep into his body before taking the chance to repair the damage done with the aid of the medicine.

Slowly but surely, Wu Jun Qiao's breathing gradually eased and relaxed and though he was still pale, he didn't look as bad as before.

When she was mostly finished, the only thing she had left was the Mind Awakening Pill as well as the Flesh Recovery Elixir so without any hesitation, she once again tilted Wu Jun Qiao's head and placed the Mind Awakening Pill into his mouth.

As soon as it melted, it was immediately absorbed by Wu Jun Qiao and it didn't take long for it to take effect and just after a couple of minutes, his lids trembled before his eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal his beautiful amber gold eyes.

"You're awake..."

Hearing her voice, Wu Jun Qiao's gaze was drawn to her and a flicker of surprise showed in his eyes but before he could speak, Fan Zhu Xia spoke before him.

"We can talk later. First drink this, it'll help you recover faster..." Fan Zhu Xia said while coming closer and unstoppering the jade bottle that contained the Flesh Recovery Elixir.

With his eyes glued on to hers, Wu Jun Qiao didn't say a word of protest and obediently opened his mouth to let Fan Zhu Xia pour the elixir in before swallowing it. Soon, he felt the tell-tale sign of the elixir that indicate that it was slowly taking effect. The areas where he still had open wounds slowly felt numb before it throbbed hotly and since he was injured all over his body, especially his back, it felt extremely uncomfortable and the pain made him grimace a little.

Seeing it, Fan Zhu Xia felt sympathy for him so she gave him a small, comforting smile.

"After this, I'll go out and check if they have finished gathering the medicinal herbs r

I asked for... If they have then I'll go and prepare a medicinal bath for you. That should help boost up your recovery and condition your body as well..."


Witg another smile, Fan Zhu Xia said, "Relax Lord Owner, I'll be right back."