Getting Along - 34.4

Later that night, Wu Zhang He who heard from Granny Fang that Wu Jun Qiao was awake, immediately rushed to his courtyard as soon as he got back, just in time to see him drinking a decoction brought by Yi Ting Zhe.

"Jun Qiao, how are you feeling?"

"Much better now... Sorry for worrying you."

Relieved, Wu Zhang He waved off his apologies and said, "As long as you're fine, that's all that matters."

Seeing him look more lively, Wu Zhang He's heart finally calmed down and his worries settled. Thinking back to the news he heard before he got here, Wu Zhang He couldn't help but smirk as he gave his adoptive son a meaningful look.

"So I heard that you had a visitor today..."

Understanding the meaning behind his words, Wu Jun Qiao only chuckled before saying out a single word.

"Yes..." he replied with a pleased grin on his face.

"You've formally met then?"

"In a way..."

"In a way? What do you mean?" Wu Zhang He asked, confused by Wu Jun Qiao's cryptic words.

"Well, we have already met before during an auction at Thousand Treasures Pavillion."

Raising a questioning eyebrow, Wu Zhang He uttered only one word. "Explain."

"I met her with my identity as the owner of the Thousand Treasures Pavillion then we met again during the banquet where I became her benefactor from what she says and then earlier with my status as your adopted son and the Wu Family's Young Master..."

"Is that it?" Wu Zhang He can help but ask impatiently.

"En. That's it..."

Looking at him with a somewhat pitying look, Wu Zhang He ruthless said, "I think you're current injuries has affected your brain..."

Hearing that, Wu Jun Qiao burst out laughing, much to Wu Zhang He's annoyance.

"So why haven't you told her yet?" he asked.

Smilingly, Wu Jun Qiao simply answered, "It's not the right time yet..."

"And when will it be the right time?"

"When I've finished dealing with the problem."

"You do realize that that might take years, if not longer right?" Wu Zhang He asked incredulously.

"I know..."

"I don't think that's the correct way of going about it..."

With a small grimace, Wu Jun Qiao could only repeat what he previously said, "I know..."

Sighing tiredly, Wu Jun Qiao began to speak.

"I'll see how everything goes first, the important thing is that I've found her and we've already talked... There's time for us to get to know each other and be more familiar so I'm not in any hurry. Right now, what I'm most concerned about is the people who made a move and launched an attack during the imperial banquet..."

"We're already looking into it. Right now, what is important is for you to take a rest and recuperate from your injuries... I know you haven't given yourself a proper break this past couple of years..."

"En, I know... This time, I've pushed myself to hard, I'll take a rest first and will leave this matters aside for now..."

"Good. Since that's the case, I'll leave first so you can rest..." before turning around to leave when he heard Wu Jun Qiao call out.


"What is it?" Wu Zhang He asked as he turned back to look at him.

"I had Yi Ting Zhe go and visit Ho You at the Thousand Treasures Pavillion under the guise of acquiring some herbs for my treatment. He'll probably drop by to see you later and give you some information that we've gathered previously. It's related to what I've been investigating this past couple of years and I suspect that there might be a connection to the people responsible for the attacks that happened recently..."

Hearing Wu Jun Qiao's suspicions, Wu Zhang He couldn't help but frown.

"Will it be alright if I share this information then?"

"As long as you cover our bases and don't draw attention to me then it's fine."

"I might have to let them know that I got this from the Thousand Treasures Pavillion after all, it is still a bit known that they also gather and sell information..."

"It's fine..."

Seeing Wu Zhang He's pointed, meaningful look directed at him, Wu Jun Qiao understood the underlying meaning behind it and smiled wryly.

"It does not matter if she figures it out, she won't tell anyone..."

"Are you sure?"

After a split second pause, he replied "To some degree, yes I'm sure..."

Shaking his head, Wu Zhang He could only say, "As long as you have a measure..."

After telling him to rest early, Wu Zhang He then left, leaving Wu Jun Qiao alone once more.

Meanwhile, Fan Zhu Xia who had already went back is also currently talking with her father in his study.

"So how did your visit go? Is that kid alright?" Fan Hui Zhong asked his daughter who was sitting in front of him drinking tea and looking relatively relaxed.

"It was fine. He's awake and quite stable now but his current condition is still a bit worrying..."

Hearing the concern in her voice, Fan Hui Zhong shot her a look, prompting her to continue when he saw her pause and then trail off.

"I want treat his injuries and help him regenerate his body back to peak condition." Fan Zhu Xia slowly stated seriously.

Looking at her clear, determined eyes, Fan Hui Zhong sat back on his chair and returned her gaze.

"Well, I'm certainly not stopping you as long as you don't push yourself too much..."

"I won't..."

"Good... Now I'd like to ask for your thoughts on some matters..." Fan Hui Zhong said slowly and seriously, garnering Fan Zhu Xia's curious gaze.

"Now that things have settled down somewhat, there's not much that you need to worry about for now. So what are your current plans?"

Understanding the meaning behind his question, Fan Zhu Xia's relaxed and indolent demeanor faded and in it's place was an icy, apathetic atmosphere.

"I'll proceed as planned. For now my priority is to build up my own power. As for how to do that, I'm already halfway there thanks to your help... Father has already provided me splendid foundation to build upon. You've given me a prestigious background and high influence that it certainly cut down the amount of work I need to do. All that remains is for me to assemble and cultivate my own people..."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Fan Hui Zhong couldn't help but ask his daughter, after all, he knew how long and how hard she's worked for this, nor to mention how much she needed this to resolve her personal demons and walk out of the psychological shadow that's been plaguing her.

"Thank you Father but for now I am good. You've already helped me enough and as for the people I need, I already have a plan for this."

"Well, just let Father know if you need anything..." Fan Hui Zhong reiterated while Fan Zhu Xia just smiled in return.

"I will but you don't need to worry. A previous acquaintance of mine will be helping me regarding this..."

"Are they trustworthy?"

"Should be..."

"Very well..."

After their conversation, Fan Zhu Xia went back to her Princess Manor through it's own special entrance in the Lei Palace's side and made her way to her personal courtyard without any detours.

Chun Tao who was still accompanying her silently followed and helped her young miss prepare to rest before being dismissed and just before she was leaving, Fan Zhu Xia casually told her to prepare for tomorrow as she'll be going back to visit General Wu's estate once more.

After letting Chun Tao leave, Fan Zhu Xia paid no more heed to other matters and just sat by the open window by habit and taking out a jug of wine before pouring herself a drink.

Gazing at the bright moon outside, Fan Zhu Xia let the cool breeze drifting inside from the open window brush past her, cooling her skin that was warmed by the alcohol she consumed as she mused to herself.

The man she met today gave her a very different impression, contrary to the previous times they've met and although they weren't familiar with each other, there was still something about that person that made her feel comfortable and at ease, as if they've known each other for a long time.

Of course, this particular possibility isn't lost on Fan Zhu Xia and she's well aware that there's a high chance that they've already met before.

What Fan Zhu Xia just couldn't figure out is who he might possibly be.

She was quite sure that she hasn't met Wu Jun Qiao before arriving at Thunder Vale Country's imperial capital before and she doesn't know anyone with that name although there is someone she knew quite well and was extremely close to that had the same given name.

Between the two of them, the only difference in their names was their family names. One was surnamed Wu while the other was surnamed Ning.

Another difference they had was the color of their eyes. Wu Jun Qiao had those uniquely colored amber gold eyes while the Jun Qiao she knew had warm, light brown eyes.

Earlier, she had suspected that they might be the same person but when Wu Jun Qiao opened his eyes and she saw his amber gold irises, she couldn't help but second-guess herself.

It also didn't help alleviate her doubts when she saw his demeanor and actions earlier but only added to her confusion.

Her three impressions of Wu Jun Qiao was so different from each other but there is one thing that she could ascertain, in front of her, he wasn't pretending or putting up a front but from what she's seen so far, he's also quite different from the childhood brother that she knew; Ning Jun Qiao.

Because of her swirling thoughts, her mind inevitably wandered to the past and due to their similar names, she couldn't help but compare and think more.

Cup after cup, Fan Zhu Xia downed the wine and pretty soon, one jug was emptied and she brought out another.

She only stopped when she noticed that the moon was already low in the sky and can hardly be seen and only then, she realized how much time had passed.

Shaking her head, Fan Zhu Xia put away everything and only the faint scent of wine lingered, the only evidence that she even drank.

Albeit, still feeling a bit off-kiltered, Fan Zhu Xia made her way to the bed before tucking herself between the sheets.

She pushed off all thoughts and concerns in her head away and only thought that if she still can't figure things out, isn't there still time?

After all, didn't he say before that they had all the time in the world to get to know each other and be familiar?

By then, who knows how many secrets she'll be able to find out.