Getting Along - 34.5

By the time that Fan Zhu Xia woke up and opened her eyes, it was already well into the morning, just shy a couple of hours before noon and when she asked if verything she asked to be prepared the day before has been taken cared of, she was informed that it has already been handled and all that was left to do was for her to prepare herself and get ready.

After taking a bath, Fan Zhu Xia was immediately served a bowl of porridge with a side of pickled vegetables and some meat buns to pad her belly and soon after she was done, she sent a message over to her father; Fan Hui Zhong, telling him of her plans for the day before once again leaving her Princess Manor and heading over to General Wu's residence accompanied by Chun Tao and her guard escorts once more and just like the previous day, she was once again welcomed by Granny Fang.

The only difference this time is that she was able to run into Wu Zhang He who was just leaving.

Seeing him up close, she realized that he was also the same man who stopped their carriage before and invited Fan Hui Zhong to have tea with him when they were on their way to the auction house back then. 

"Princess Leifeng, many thanks for visiting our family and helping my son... It is an honor to have the grace of your kindness..." Wu Zhang He said, as soon as he greeted her.

"Please, it is only natural. Young Master Wu saved my life and he is my benefactor, as such, me visiting him is truly nothing compared to the injuries he suffered in order to protect me..."

"I'm sure my son thinks nothing of it and is very glad to receive your visits." Wu Zhang He replied with a laugh, making Fan Zhu Xia shoot him a somewhat confused look.

Shaking his head with a smile, Wu Zhang He then said, "If the Princess needs anything, please don't hesitate to tell Granny Fang or Yi Ting Zhe. I've already told them to listen to your requests and they should prepare things should you need anything so feel free to treat this place as your own."

Surprised at the words, Fan Zhu Xia could only shake her head hurriedly and refute it.

"Oh, I could never! I don't want to impose... Besides, my treatment here yesterday was already quite good, no need to change anything."

"Then it is good... If the Princess will excuse me, I shall take my leave."

"Keep safe, General Wu..."

With a nod of thanks, Wu Zhang He left, riding on top his mount once more while Fan Zhu Xia was led inside the residence and to Wu Jun Qiao's courtyard by her request.

Seeing Yi Ting Zhe standing outside the door like he did the day before, Fan Zhu Xia smiled and nodded at him in greeting.

"Is it convenient for Young Master Wu to meet guests?" Fan Zhu Xia asked.

"Yes Princess... Young Master has been waiting for your arrival."

"Then I'll have to trouble you to announce me, as well as check to see see if I wouldn't be disturbing Young Master Wu's rest and if it's alright for me to enter..."

"If you'll excuse me then..." 

With that, Yi Ting Zhe knocked on the door before entering and it wasn't long before he soon came out. 

"Princess, you may enter now. Young Master is awake and decent..." 

After hearing that, Fan Zhu Xia turned to Chun Tao and her guard escorts and gave them the same order as yesterday before going inside the room unaccompanied.

The moment she entered the room, she immediately noticed the difference inside.

The day before, the room was still dark and gloomy with the windows closed and the scent of medicine lingered in the air but now, the windows were open with the sunlight streaming in and a cool, refreshing breeze gently blew into the room, lightening the whole atmosphere making it a lot less stuffy even with the subtle traces of medicinal scent still present in the room.

Seeing that the environment inside the room was more conducive to recovering, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but give a small nod of approval as she surveyed the room before her eyes finally landed on the young man, sitting on the bed and leaning against the pillows on the bed.

He was wearing a simple and plain white robe, devoid of any adornments with even his long hair falling down past his shoulders. Like yesterday, he still wore a soft, white cloth mask that covered half of his face and only revealing those beautiful amber gold eyes that was staring right at her.

The book that he was reading previously, laid discarded beside him on the bed as he shot her a small, welcoming smile.

"I've been waiting for you..."

His deep, magnetic voice reached her ears as their eyes met and when his words sank in, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but chuckle.

"Sorry, I overslept..."

Upon hearing her response, Wu Jun Qiao laughed quietly as he watched her come closer to the bed before casually taking his wrist and pressing her fingers to the vein to check his pulse.

After that, Fan Zhu Xia routinely started checking his status just like before while Wu Jun Qiao obediently followed her lead while staying silent.

Despite the absence of any conversation, the silence that enveloped them was devoid of any tension and instead felt natural and calming.

When she finished with her check, Fan Zhu Xia sat back on a chair that was placed near the bedside and looked at her supposed patient.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" Fan Zhu Xia suddenly asked out of the blue.

Although not expecting the question, Wu Jun Qiao still shook his head and answered, "Not yet..."

"Is that so? Hmm... How about the medicinal bath? Have you soaked in it yet?"


"What about breakfast? Did you eat?" 

"Yes I've eaten breakfast already."

"What did you eat?" 

"Just some porridge stewed with some medicinal herbs that acted as tonics to strengthen the body." 

"Is that all that you ate this morning?" 


"Why didn't you eat more?" 

As if remembering something slightly unpleasant, a small, subtle grimace appeared on his face as he slowly answered and explained. 

"The person who prepared the porridge and is currently in charge of my meals was the family's physician and although he is quite skilled as a doctor and healer, he's a horrible cook..." 

"What about dinner last night?" 


Hearing no response from him, Fan Zhu Xia pressed for an answer with a questioning gaze. 


"I ate some meat buns that I had Yi Ting Zhe bring me..." 

"Didn't the kitchens send you some light dishes for dinner last night? I'm pretty sure that I left instructions on what you are currently suitable to eat to Granny Fang..." 

"I told you, it was the family physician who's in charge of my food..." 

A small silence fell before Fan Zhu Xia uttered one word much to Wu Jun Qiao's chagrin. 


"I am not!" Wu Jun Qiao disagreed, obviously miffed at her words which only made Fan Zhu Xia raise a brow at him with the expression on her face clearly showing her skepticism. 

Hearing his answers to her seemingly random questions as well as finding out that he hasn't been as cooperative as she thought, Fan Zhu Xia could only sigh wryly.

"I'll have Yi Ting Zhe call the physician to help me prepare another medicated bath for you as well as teach them the method and after soaking, you'll eat the correct food at lunch later..."


"I'll be the one cooking." Fan Zhu Xia added, effectively cutting him off and blocking his objections.

Hearing her say that she's the one who will be preparing their lunch, Wu Jun Qiao's eyes visibly brightened, making the corners of Fan Zhu Xia's mouth twitch.

"Why do you look so happy? You don't even know if I know how to cook..."

"Since you said you were going to cook then logically speaking, you should have some knowledge about it. Besides, anyone else's cooking is probably be better than that person..."

"It can't possibly be that bad..."

"It is..." Wu Jun Qiao reiterated darkly, making her laugh. 

Shaking her head, Fan Zhu Xia went out and had Yi Ting Zhe go and call the physician as well as had him prepare the tub and bath water needed for the medicinal bath.

It didn't take long before everything was ready and the physician arrived. 

Seeing the old, amiable looking man with gray hair, rheumy eyes and stooped back in front of her, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but shoot a dubious look towards Wu Jun Qiao before turning back to the old man.

"Hello, old sir... My name is Zhu Xia. May I know how I should refer to you?" Fan Zhu Xia asked with a respectful smile after she introduced herself.

"Ahh, my name's Shu Kang but you can just call me Grandpa Shu and I'll call you Little Xia." the old man said while shooting her a wrinkly smile.

Hearing how informal the old man was acting and referring to her, Yi Ting Zhe, along with Fan Zhu Xia's maid and escorts were uncomfortable and wanted to interrupt but Fan Zhu Xia just waved them off.

She much preferred this, contrary to how stiff and formal everyone is acting towards her ever since she was bestowed her title as a princess. 

It's one of the reasons why she finds it refreshing to interact with Wu Jun Qiao.

Looking at the old man in front of her, she couldn't help her curiosity and asked, "Is Grandpa Shu related to Granny Fang?"

Hearing her question, the old man visibly brightened and asked energetically, "You've met Little Fang Fang?"

"Little Fang Fang?" Fan Zhu Xia echoed out confusedly.

"Ah, yes yes... Shu Fang, my baby sister!"

At his words, Fan Zhu Xia couldn't help but visualize the figure of Granny Fang in her mind and remembering that gray-haired, hale and hearty old woman that she saw previously, the nickname she had was extremely contrasting yet oddly endearing.

"En, I've met her. She seems like a kind and gentle woman..."

"Gentle? Pah! Don't let her looks fool you, that sister of mine is quite temperamental! You know, when she was a little girl, she..." Shu Kang rambled on without stop while sharing memories from his youth happily.

Fan Zhu Xia had to clear her throat loudly to draw his attention back to her.

"Ah, Little Xia, are you alright? That's a nasty cough you have there..."

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Fan Zhu Xia could only shake her head and smile sheepishly.

"Grandpa Shu, I'm fine but I did want to talk to you about something..."

"Oh, what is it?"

"I heard that Grandpa Shu was a physician?"

"En, I was but I'm retired now... I only look after the younglings here in the Wu family..."

"Then that's perfect. I wanted to talk to you about Young Master Wu's treatment..."

"Ah, his treatment you say? I'm afraid I'm not the one you should talk to, Little Xia... He has a new physician you know and they said that physician was still young but quite gifted!" Shu Kang leaned towards her and whispered conspiratorially, making the corners of Fan Zhu Xia's lips tilt up in a subtle smile.

"That physician is me Grandpa Shu..."

After processing her words, Shu Kang's old, rheumy eyes widened and he excitedly grabbed her hands and exclaimed, "Really?!"


"Ahh, what a blessing for the young master to have such a young and beautiful physician looking after him! Maybe that's the reason why he doesn't want me to treat him anymore... I can completely understand his point though. If I was still a young man, I'd probably do the same thing as him and choose a cute little fairy over a wrinkly old man without hesitation..."

Hearing him muse out loud and share his thoughts to everyone present, Fan Zhu Xia let out peals of amused laughter making Wu Jun Qiao who was the main subject aside from her, blush in embarrassment, making Fan Zhu Xia have a hard time stifling her laughter.

Getting a hold of herself, Fan Zhu Xia coughed lightly and then spoke with a smile.

"Grandpa Shu, I still need your help in taking care of Young Master Wu since I can't be here all the time. Right now, I actually want to show you how to prepare the medicated bath needed to strengthen Young Master Wu's body. He needs to soak in this medicinal bath twice a day, once in the morning when he wakes up and another in the evening before he goes to sleep so I was wondering if it'll be alright if you oversee that..."

"That'll be fine. If it's just preparing a medicinal bath then I should be able to learn that easily..."

"Then follow me please. Yi Ting Zhe already had someone prepare the things needed. I'll show you how to prepare them..."

After that, the two went behind the screen that has been set up in the room and their low voices could be heard as the smell of herbs slowly permeated the room, along with the rising steam from the bath.

Soon after, the medicinal bath was ready and the only thing left was for Wu Jun Qiao to soak in it.

After telling Yi Ting Zhe to assist Wu Jun Qiao, Fan Zhu Xia excused herself first and said that she'll go and find Granny Fang first so that she can go to the kitchen and prepare lunch.

Just as she was leaving, Fan Zhu Xia was not only followed by her maid; Chun Tao and her guard escorts but in addition to them was the old, lovable, rheumy old man; Shu Kang who was still happily chattering away as they left the courtyard.