
Noriko never really cared about high school. She always thought it was a colossal waste of time and couldn't wait to finish it. She knew her father was looking forward to her graduation: he had to drop out of his school when she was born. There was no way she would be able to go to college: her father didn't have remotely that much money, and her grades were nothing to be proud of.

That was yesterday, before she became the smartest being on the planet.

Now she's just standing in the hallway, her mind overwhelmed by the stream of information. Every face is connected to thousands of emails, forum discussions, tweets. The noise is too chaotic to understand any of it. Unable to disconnect from it, Noriko's mind is in overdrive.

Jane asks her, snapping her fingers in front of her eyes.

Noriko comes back to Earth looking at Jane and the noise disappears. She already knows everything there is to know about Jane Blake, after all: they've been best friends for most of their lives.

She's always been one of the few constants in her life and a stable reminder of what it means to come from a normal family. And as always, she has no problem figuring out when Noriko is trying to hide something.

she notes.

Jane answers, opening her locker.

Noriko's seen her do this almost every day since she was ten years old. But now something's off. Something about her feels alien.

Noriko has frozen in place again, staring at her locker. She takes a book, looking at its cover with a mixture of fear and disgust.

Noriko shouts, drawing the hallway's attention.

She's not used to being the center of attention. She's not exactly a wallflower; most of the students would recognize her as "the five feet tall Asian tomboy that always wear an ugly green jacket and hangs out with that white girl", at the very least.

Noriko slams the locker shut and Jane takes a step back. There was enough rage and volume in Noriko's voice to silence the lively chatter of a high school hallway.

She turns towards them, and her silver eyes glow for an instant.

The bell rings. This is the first time Jane's ever been truly scared of her best friend.

Noriko says, walking towards the classroom.

Noriko's never been good at math. Her grades have never been something to brag about in any subject, but math's been her sworn enemy since grade school.

Mr. Bennett has been her teacher for the last three years and knows this very well. When he notices she's started to write furiously as soon as he's handled her the test, the first thing he thinks is that she's joking or cheating. He stands right besides her, waiting until she finishes in record time.

Noriko draws a circle on the first page and slashes it, like the symbol Ø for the null set, and handles it to Mr. Bennett.

he asks, causing the classroom to laugh.

she answers, deadly serious.

he says, ready to reprimand her, when his eyes pause on the test for a little while. Everything is right. He checks it twice; even he couldn't finish the test in such record time.

he asks. She couldn't have cheated, he was looking at her the whole time.

he says sarcastically, looking at the test again. He just can't believe his eyes; Noriko's best grade ever was a C minus. This is easily an A plus.

he says to the rest of the class, which has lost what little interest it had on the test.

Mr. Bennett asks, writing something on the wall. Last time Noriko tried to do this in her last test, she got an F.

she answers, wiping out the expression with her sleeve. Not even bothering with an answer.

Bob Null walks towards the classroom, ignoring the smiles and giggles of the girls. It's not easy being the janitor in your daughter's school, but it can be worse if all of her friends have had a crush on you. He only recognizes Jane, walking towards him; she looks distressed.

he answers, walking past her and into the classroom.

Mr Bennett is sitting on his desk and looks devastated. His tie is loose, the hair is a mess, and he looks like he's smoked a thousand cigarettes.

Noriko is writing something on the blackboard. Bob doesn't recognize it and can't keep up with it: as soon as she's finished filling the blackboard, she wipes it clean and just goes on.

Bob nods, looking at her daughter writing like she's in some sort of trance

Noriko is drinking her soda, sitting on the sidewalk in front of the school. Between her feet there are six empty cans and a dozen sheets of paper, all full of writings from top to bottom.

Jane says, approaching her friend.

Noriko clarifies.

Noriko answers, standing up and showing her friend a sheet of paper with the same symbol she used to sign the test. A slashed zero.

Noriko smiles and shakes Jane's hand.

Just like that, Noriko leaves. Jane still can't believe they're having this conversation. Noriko has always had her quirks, but she sounds crazy now. Would a crazy person become that smart that quickly?

she asks.

Noriko answers without even looking back.

Jane insists.

a female voice interrupts. Jane turns towards it, looking at the impossibly beautiful woman with long red hair and no shoes.

Noriko orders, walking away from the school without giving Jane any more attention. Vesta seems conflicted, hesitating before following Noriko, but after mouthing a polite "I'm sorry" to Jane she complies with the request.

Noriko looks at her; the silver eyes shine in a way that make her understand she means business.

Vesta whispers, looking around to make sure nobody heard her.

she rolls her eyes.

Vesta replies defensively, although Noriko notices she's still blushing. Again, something she should've seen coming.

Noriko smiles at her, while her eyes shine brightly. It's the smile of a person who has just figured out how to accomplish the impossible.