The hero of another story


Kayla still isn't really sure she isn't dreaming. Her brother Max, who is supposed to be in New York, has been telling the story of what happened to him the night before.

When he first showed her his powers, she almost fainted. Not her proudest moment as security guard! But how do you react logically to the news that your slacking younger brother can turn into a laser now?

He's been going on for hours now. First he wanted to show her how many tricks he's already mastered. Then how awesome the situation is. Then he bragged that he went to the Moon and how awesome it was. Then what he's going to do with this awesome powers, that he's going to be a superhero and fight evil. Then he said how everything is awesome now, to the point that the word "awesome" is starting to make her sick.

she interrupts him

<…cool? We also saved New York from a meteor!>

Kayla answers.

Max opens his mouth to answer, then stops realizing he really doesn't have anything to say except:

Kayla sighs. Her brother has never been the sharpest mind in the world, but now he's trapped in a permanent sugar high. Just then, her phone starts ringing.

she warns him, answering the phone.

answers a female voice on the other side.

Kayla looks at her brother, then puts the call on speaker and hands the phone to Max.


Max answers, disappearing so quickly to let the phone fall to the ground.

New York

Noriko also drops the phone when Max appears right in front of her in the blink of an eye, on the other side of the phone booth. This being New York, very few people notice.

he wonders.

she answers, stepping out of the booth.

She takes a long look; she really didn't have the time the night before. He's still wearing the same T-shirt and grey hoodie.

she asks, raising an eyebrow.

Noriko sighs. This is probably a bad idea.

Inside the building, Noriko is opening the door to the apartment. Max is still talking.

<'Cause it's what superheroes do. What if I fly around at the speed of light looking for crime?>

Noriko turns around, discovering that he's disappeared. She sighs again, looking for the keys in her pocket. Before she can open the door, he's behind her again.

<"Quantum, the man of energy". Or something like that.>

Noriko says with the most bored and deadpan voice ever heard.

Then she opens the door. Vesta greets her with a warm smile; her hands are holding something.

Max adds.

Noriko just pushes Vesta aside, walking nervously inside and grabbing a cookie.

says Max.

the goddess asks.

answers the teenager with a mind the size of a planet, while eating a cookie.