The stalking god

The Aegis, Athena's mothership

Noriko has already met several goddesses, but Hermes is the first male god she's encountered.

And of course it has to happen when they are both naked. Hermes seems to be unconcerned by it, but he has the decency to lend Noriko a towel when she makes it very clear that she's not.

she asks, covering herself.

Hermes answers, disappearing for a fraction of a second. When he's back he's wearing a toga, and so is Noriko. She is not pleased with his initiative.

Noriko comments, massaging her temples. There's a migraine coming up.

Hermes moves again, too fast for the naked eye. Now he's behind Noriko, touching her shoulders.

she asks, pushing him away.

Or at least she tries. Hermes has the body of a slim twenty-something but weighs like a brick house.

Hermes vanishes a final time, leaving Noriko conflicted, embarrassed and tired.

"Great. There goes my chance to get some sleep" she thinks.

"I don't know, I'm definitely dreaming. Did you see his..." the other voice in her head thinks.

"Shut up. Stupid sexy god" she complains, headed straight for the bed.

Earth, New York City

Erika Rhys is sitting on the couch; Max Black hands her a glass of water, before sitting down next to her. Kari stands beside him.

she says with a British accent.

Kari asks him.

Erika looks at her confused, then looks back at Max.

he answers. It's become his default excuse for all of Kari's quirk behaviors; Erika doesn't seem to buy it completely, but doesn't insist.

"After we left for Myridia" he thinks, but actually says:

Kari asks to Max.

Max and Kari look at each other, then back at Erika.

she asks.

Null Palace, Myridia

Two duplicates of Kari kiss Old Man Vor on each cheek; even the grumpy old man can't hide the fact that he's happy to see her again.

a third Kari exclaims. She's been to the Palace before, but it was immediately after the revolution. Now that everything's been restored, she can't help but marvel at the luxury.

he complains. He's still Old Man Vor after all.

Torn isn't sharing Kari's enthusiasm. He's looking outside the window, where he can see fifty thousand Myridian guards gathered around the Palace.

he says.

Kari asks.

Torn asks, straight to the point.

-Ruthless bastards. Artemis keeps changing her mind whether pillaging and raping are illegal or not in her sector, so those who leave her domain are the scum of the galaxy...they're no better than those junkheads from Dionysus space or the Mortal Liberation Front.

Torn and Kari exchange looks. The Old Man notices, and after a fit of cough warns them:

Kari says, recalling the last time they met.

<"Ghost Maker"?> Kari repeats.

Torn asks.

Kari says.

On the other side of the planet

Thousands of ships are stationed in the vast swamp that covers most of this continent. Their weapons are targeting Vesta, who is floating above them with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. She's here to prevent them from getting any ideas. The Myridian Army would have little to no defense against an aerial attack, but the Hunters know better than to attack the flaming goddess whose fire is not extinguished by the heavy rain.

Elytra Elater returns to the base camp, saluted by her troops. She shakes her blue bat wings to dry them off, being careful not to touch any of the parts salvaged from the Twin Dragon.

she asks to Talas Khanos.

he answer while telekinetically lifting another piece of equipment, attempting to connect it to the other fragments of the God Eraser he's holding up.

Elytra answers.

someone answers.

Elytra quickly draws her gun and fires, but Hermes catches the shot mid-travel. Despite the fact that it's a laser gun.

Khanos guesses.

Elytra asks, still aiming her gun at Hermes.

Khanos answers.

Elytra says.

Talas Khanos asks. He's not overly fond of gods, but knows that having one as an ally is always a major asset.

The mention of the name fills both Elytra and Khanos with dread.>

she asks nervously.

<-I...I will talk Artemis into leaving Myridia to you> Elytra says, reluctantly.

Hermes says, kissing her delicately where her nose would be if she had one. Then he turns to Talas Khanos.

Hermes teleports in front of Khanos...or walks so fast that it's impossible to see the steps, it's hard to tell with him. For a moment, Khanos fears for his life...he knows just how powerful Hermes is.

But Hermes just extends his hand, waiting for Khanos to shake it.