LIAUS Chapter 5 One-Sided Slaughter.

: Linen scrap Cloth Acquired - worn:

: Sharpened Stick Acquired - Worn:

: Title Acquired:

: First To Slay Hostile Creatures Acquired - (Grants 2+ Strength) :

Impar was ecstatic because it didn't make a worldwide announcement otherwise people might have guessed that he took advantage of his protection it also told him that no one else killed anything. The bonus strength was a good thing as well. It meant as long as he hit a goblin on the head he would instakill them for sure, though he didn't have time to think before the little creatures swarmed him.

"..Shit" he panicked and began to smack in several ways even mimicking whirlwind like attacks which seemed to scare them, white lights were flickering on and off his body which appeared to anger the goblins even more as they couldn't look to grab or injure this human.

In the meantime, he had already slain several dozens of goblins and he wasn't feeling any drain in stamina or fear, once he understood just how many goblins there were and how quickly they fell and that their weapons didn't work it only made him feel a bloodlust, at one point he even pounced on a goblin using his strength to grab its right arm and swing it like as a flail.

This feeling of power is something he probably wouldn't feel for , so it was best he took advantage of it, once he cleared this place he could even consider moving right in and learn that crafting table recipe, if he still had time he would definitely go to the wolf cave and clear them out as well.

The screams and yells of mad goblins echoed about as their heads burst open, and bodies went flying. Impar was unstoppable like a blunted meat grinder. The goblins grew fearful and didn't rush at him anymore as 70 of their comrades had already fallen, and they hadn't even dealt one wound onto this human.

"you little fuckers backing away now....that's right....let me give you something" Impar gave a mad look as he pulled out a wooden grenade, now was a better time than ever to test out its effects after grabbing it he threw it into a clustered group of goblins. As it fell at their feet, they looked at it for a moment a blinding flash of light and a small explosion that followed.

Thirteen goblins in one go were wiped out with their limbs and pieces falling about. The remaining goblins all panicked, the smell of bitter blood filled the cavern as corpses littered the ground none of them dared to step forward after that explosion.

Impar looked around while holding his sword he understood now what it meant to be feared it was an intoxicating feeling like a drug.

"Anymore going to fight?....if you don't come at me il go to you." Right as he was about to charge towards a goblin a blue bolt of light shot forwards and smacked into him.

: Lesser Mana Bolt 0 Damage Inflicted Due to Gods Protection:

Impar, of course, was knocked back a few feet skidding along the ground due to the force of the attack. He looked at the source and spotted the old mage goblin, surrounded by the so-called elites.

"The boss is finally stepping in it seems..." he spoke with no fear in his heart as the attack did no damage. the old goblin also seemed incredibly surprised its attack that took decades to learn did nothing to this human, worry seeped into its heart as it began to consider its options, it spoke out after approaching but remained 40 meters away, surrounded by its protectors.

"kwaek....hwuman...Why....ywo....come ...HWHERe.." it tried to speak in English but obviously, couldn't do it properly.

"Why I came here? So you can speak English or maybe its some universal translator thing? Anyway...first of all, I need a base, and this cavern is great. Second, you guys attacked me first!!!. Thirdly that orb at that statue I want it!"

The old goblin listened, it couldn't speak English well. Maybe it encountered its fortune in learning a bit of it. "KWIEEEK!! Orb...Sawarcred!!....Nwto yours!!!....Bwelongs...Gowblins!!....Cwrven!!...Hwomee!!! lweave!!!...owr Fwight tiooo Dwteath!!!"

For impar this was a no-brainer he had to consider these things wanting revenge later on and when his protection expired he would be screwed, the moment he attacked them he had always planned to kill all of them if not as many of them as he could he even tried to dodge attacks to learn a bit of combat basics.

"Fine by me!!" He dashed forward heading towards the old goblin mage that was chanting oddly and firing those odd mana balls spells it was terrific to look at, and Impar would have loved to learn but right now every second counted.

The goblins realised that he was heading towards their leader and tried to get in his way, but Impar pulled out two more wooden grenades and hurled them which incited panic. This time since they wanted to block him and clustered together he had managed to wipe out 40 goblins in one go which left a big gap and caused panic.

"KWEAAK!! hwuman!! Chwaeater!!...." the old goblin mage screeched as it grew panicked.

Impar was excited, and within 2 minutes he was a meter away from the old goblin, but a warning sounded off in his ear.

: Weapon Durability 0/100:

The longsword he was happily butchering these creatures with suddenly vanished and appeared broken in his inventory, sure enough, the old goblin saw the disappointed, confused look on Impar's face and snickered knowing something happened.

"kwweakk!! nwuo...wwweapon!!!!" of course this was its biggest mistake by taunting Impar. He glanced at the joyful creature then rushed over and pummeled his right fist right into it's face.

: 9 Damage Inflicted: Looking at the goblin it seemed to have quite a bit of Health he couldn't see it before, but after getting a hit in, its health was a shocking 90/100.

"I have plenty of weapons....want to see?..." he gave a mocking look as he walked over to the dazed goblin mage, while the goblins behind rushed over and tried to grab at him with failure they then tried to grab the old goblin mage to get it away from Impar as they all squeaked and screeched.

impar pulled out a wooden grenade as he held an excited yet mad look in his eyes. He pried open the screeching old goblins largemouth and forcefully shoved the wooden grenade down its throat which caused it to twitch and shriek in agony with tears and snot even running down his face.

"See sharing is good!" he laughed before stopping, it seemed he was enjoying this a bit too much and as he was about to continue thinking an explosion occurred.

: Critical Damage 200 Inflicted: Sure enough, the old goblin was blown to bits as it tried to vomit out the wooden grenade, even the goblins around it were killed. It was at this point he received a notification.

: You have Slain the first Wooden Ranked Creature. Your name will be known throughout the ages, Luckless Of Humanity:

: Title Acquired:

: Warrior Of Humanity: (Grants The passive Ruination Domain: All Enemies around you will feel oppressed and feel weakened) :

: Your Luck has activated and affected the results:

: Low-grade mage Stave Acquired - Superior:

: Lesser Mana Bolt Parchment Acquired - Rare :

Impar had no time to enjoy the situation because the goblins were now all fleeing for their lives after realising that they would be killed. Wasting no time in chasing down as many as he could and killing all he reached, the new passive was amazing.

The goblins that neared within 10 meters of him seemed to grow sluggish and fearful, he only needed to rush up and kill them using two Stone tipped sticks in a dual-wield fashion the damage was one less than his oak longsword but with two it rounded out even more so with criticals.

He felt bad for the younger ones although they were only 2 feet in height and had done no wrong he knew they would grow to be evil little things that would cause him trouble so he had no choice but to butcher the few ones as well which did make him feel somewhat sick. Impar wondered how these things even reproduced though after entering into one of their huts he saw a goblin spewing a small greenish egg from its mouth covered in goo next to a pile of other eggs of all sizes that left him sickened.

In the end, he killed that goblin, he then exited the hut and continued his slaughter. Unfortunately, at least 20 to 30 goblins managed to get away the ones that were too old to fight had long since been killed by Impar and the cowardly goblins also fled.

Impar then spent time grabbing all the corpses and piling them together he was conflicted about lighting the mound on fire as the smoke and smell would be disgusting and may draw attention. Thankfully it seemed there was a timer on the corpses as they all vanished even the blood and gore, it appeared that if he didn't have a use for them they would decay over time.

After burning down the huts with the goblin egg spawns inside since he didn't want to be covered in goo if they exploded he carefully watched around to see if anything happened. though his worries were unwarranted as the smoke dispersed around the large cavern and many tunnels with little hassle, the smell was disgusting but he bared with it.

Though it seemed that everything within this so-called village belonged to him now except for the huts which were barely tall enough for him to enter. He torched everything and then gathered the materials and things that might seem of value.

The goblins didn't seem to have much. There were two stacks of cooked beef a stack of chicken, in his inventory what made a stack was 100 of an item. he had 100 free slots and after this pillaging 23 of those were taken up. Other then the meat there was Cherry berrys and an assortment of herbs ranging from worn to common.

it seemed that food never decayed over time, it would always remain fresh which was more or less a miracle of God's world this made it easier to store supplies.

Glancing at the large fire pit, he felt its intense heat and understood why the temperature below was so easy to manipulate. Though ignoring it all, for now, he turned his attention towards the statue and the white orb on the altar.

While he focused here, the outside world was gradually coming to grips with more information about this strange place, rushed live interviews, internet threads and virtual reality meetings, word soon spread that there was a strange new world that had transferred people over, what was more amazing was that someone managed to bring a fruit from that world to earth and brought it out to show during an interview.

following which the broadcast was forcefully terminated by government authority before the government secret service rushed over.

"What's the big idea!! this is a fruit from another world why did you shut the broadcast down?" the pale young man who seemed 20 in age roared out at the cameramen who were discussing to themselves. the news anchor who was questioning him tried to calm him down.

"p.please relax sir this came from the government we can't disobey them." he pleaded for him to relax." the young man of course was pissed it was his moment to shine. " government? what sort of crap... doesn't the media have integrity?...ehh who are you guys?"

he spoke as he noticed a group of 4 individuals rugged and cold looking in black attire led by a beautiful young woman in a suit with a white blouse beneath that hid her ripe bust she seemed quite strong-willed.

She had brown hair tied into a ponytail that reached to her shoulder and a cold piercing gaze that suited her jade-like tone, looking at the man before her and then at the hand-sized purple scaley object in his left hand.

"you're the Other Worlder? and that's the fruit?...hmm pack the fruit up and arrest him, do it quickly we need to get that to the lab," she spoke after turning to look at her accomplices.