Xinyi's diary (2)

Zhiyuan turned the page and read the date.

16th April 2012. It was nine years back.

'Today was another beautiful day in spring. I had just turned eighteen a few days back and today was my first day in college. Gosh, I was so nervous. It will be a new life out of high school. New things always scare me. Meeting new people always makes me nervous. I wondered the whole time if I would make any friends today, but knowing how I was, I was sure I wouldn't be able to do it. It is hard to approach people and talk. I become a nervous wreck and run away. That's why I didn't have any friends in school either.'

'Haha, I was so afraid to leave from home that Yunru smacked me hard on my head saying, "Sis, you will be just fine! And you will make great friends too! So stop worrying and get going!" Even though Yunru is younger than me by two minutes, I always felt that he is the elder one among us. He is so confident and unafraid that I envy him many times.'