Xinyi's diary (3)

The diary shook in his hands as Zhiyuan read the last line again and again. 

Han Zhiyuan...Han Zhiyuan...Han Zhiyuan…

The name kept ringing in his ears. He unblinkingly stared at his own name written on the page until his sight turned blurry. 

'Because I met the man I fell in love with.'


He felt as if the whole room was spinning in front of him. The truth shook the ground beneath his feet. He opened her diary to know the truth about what happened to her three years back. But he didn't realize that the truth was different from the very beginning.

Wasn't it supposed to be Qin Fuhua? Then how did he see his name here?

His fingers trembled as he turned the page. His heart drummed in his chest, seeing the next words appear on the paper.