I Am Prince Ping's Woman

Xia Zhi Hai studied the girl before him carefully. Her facial features were sharp on the eyes, though It was her unfazed and assertive expression which drew in one's gaze. [Who is she? She's definitely not a maid] he wondered. Her hair was beautifully half-tied up with silk ribbons, and she was wearing an incredibly, familiar looking cloak. [I've not seen her around Ping Tian Palace or Xia Qian Ping before]. He continued to leer at her, "since you know I am the crown prince, you'll understand why you're to be severely punished today." He motioned for his guards to take Ding Yiu, "take her away and cane her 80 times for attacking the crown prince's guard."

"Please listen to me your highness," Consort Mu interrupted. It would never have been her choice to go against the crown prince. But she couldn't stop that compelling feeling inside her to help the girl. [For defending Yilan] Consort Mu decided, [I'll try my best to defend you now]. "This girl was only aiding me. If you are to punish her, please punish me too."

Zhi Hai now turned his attention to Consort Mu. [Consort Mu Hui is the daughter of General Mu] he recalled. [Her father is quite a prominent figure in court. Although, the Mu family has always shown support for Xia Qian Ping, so I've never truly interacted with them]. "Be careful with your words Consort Mu," Zhi Hai warned.

Ding Yiu stepped in front of Consort Mu. She lowered her voice so only Consort Mu can hear, "you've said enough Consort Mu. I understand your intentions. Now, you owe me nothing."

Consort Mu gripped on Ding Yiu's cloak, staring intently at her. [Are you really not afraid to offend the crown prince?]

"I repeat, take the girl-"

"Take that guard away and punish him further," Ding Yiu deliberately said loudly over the prince. "That is what you said right? Since you are the honourable crown prince, you'll do the correct thing."

"GREETINGS YOUR HIGHNESS," a huffing and puffing Heng came dashing towards them. He quickly tugged at Ding Yiu to bow with him. [Ding Ding, what are you doing?] he mentally panicked. He shot her desperate looks, [You can't be so rash before the crown prince. Hurry and apologize...please....]

Zhi Hai ignored Heng's interruption. He fixed his eyes on Ding Yiu, an unpleasant expression forming on his face. "Girl, you dare to talk back at me," he spoke in an angry tone. "You must be wishing for death."

"That guard was sexually harassing Yilan. He deserves to be beaten up," Ding Yiu reasoned, "I'm sure if the Emperor was here, he would punish that guard as well."

"Now you intend to use the Emperor's name to belittle me," Zhi Hai roared.

"No your highness," Heng quickly spoke, "she didn't mean that." He whispered distressingly into Ding Yiu's ears, "Please Ding Ding, I beg you to stop. You've already gone too far."

To the side Consort Mu was astonished with Ding Yiu's reckless deportment before the crown prince. She no longer knew what to do. [Is she not afraid of death? It's like she's deliberately picking a fight with the crown prince] Consort Mu silently observed, [who is she? Why is Sima Heng defending her?]

"Your highness, I did not mean to offend you," Ding Yiu spoke clearly, "I was only stating my belief in your highness to make a righteous decision of this small matter. Should I be punished for thinking highly of your highness?"

"You-" Zhi Hai almost barked. [How quickly does she twists the meaning of her words? I know you were mocking me] an angry yet awry Zhi Hai thought. [Just who is this girl? She's managed to turn the tables with just a few words]. Without looking away from Ding Yiu he questioned, "Consort Mu. Is what this girl said the truth? My guard really did do such a shameful thing?"

"In response to your highness's question," Consort Mu spoke as calmly as she could, "I saw with my own eyes that guard was being indecent towards my maid."

"I can confirm as well," Heng spoke up. "On my way here, I saw Consort Mu's maid running back to her palace residence in tears. I asked the maid myself and she told me the exact same story."

"Well, I can't doubt both Consort Mu and young master Heng's words," Zhi Hai unhappily indicated. "Do as you please with that man. He is no longer my guard."

"Thank you your highness," Consort Mu said.

"However girl," Zhi Hai began, still focussing on Ding Yiu, "I found your attitude towards me disrespectful." His lips slowly twisted into an ireful smile, "therefore, you need to be taught to have proper manners." He once again motioned for his guards to take action, "I'll personally teach you. Take her away."

"Please wait your highness," Heng spoke.

"Unfortunately, it would be inappropriate for your highness to take me away today," Ding Yiu warned.

"Nonsense. Who do you think you are? I'm the crown prince. I can take anyone I want," Zhi Hai reminded.

"Are you sure? It could be quite scandalous if words got out about this," Ding Yiu said with a light smile. "After all, I am Prince Ping's woman."

There was silence as all eyes fell upon Ding Yiu. She maintained that light smile on her face, unaffected by the meaning of her own words.

"Is that so?" Zhi Hai took a sword from the closest guard to him. "I've not seen my brother for a while. I wasn't aware he now likes audacious women." Gripping the sword tightly, he pointed straight at Ding Yiu, "that lie has got you into more trouble, Prince Ping's woman."

Zhi Hai aimed the weapon at Ding Yiu. CLANG! Before meeting it's targets flesh, the sword fell to the ground.

"Who-" Zhi Hai began. His eyes quickly narrowed into a glare. His glare being met by nothing else but Prince Ping's own enraged leer. [When did Xia Qian Ping get here?] he thought, noticing they were now surrounded by the guards of Ping Tian Palace - Prince Ping's guards.

"Didn't you hear her?" Prince Ping almost shouted, not masking his anger. He swiftly pulled Ding Yiu into a close embrace. "Ding Ding is my woman. Don't touch her."

[She really is Xia Qian Ping's woman] Zhi Hai thought, vexed. [No wonder she dared to go against me]. "My brother, I wasn't certain she was your woman," he said looking Ding Yiu up and down. "Your preferences have changed a lot."

"That doesn't concern you."

"Her lack of manners does concern me. She showed no respect towards the crown prince of this kingdom," Zhi Hai mentioned, "what do you suggest I should do about her?"

Prince Ping gently stroked Ding Yiu's hair, holding her head against his chest, "rest assured brother, I will carefully teach my own woman. You needn't interfere."

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. [Those rapid heartbeats...] Ding Yiu quietly listened. [They're Xia Qian Pings. Why? He doesn't sound nervous responding to the crown prince]. Ding Yiu unconsciously clenched onto Prince Ping's clothes, [is his heart beating so fast because... of me?] Listening to his rapid heartbeats. Ding Yiu felt a rush of warmth surge through her body. She ignored that strange feeling.

"If there is nothing else, please return for the day brother. I will come visit you another time," Prince Ping said. He purposefully looked at Ding Yiu with concern, "my Ding Ding, you must've been frightened. Let's go back and rest."

"Qian Ping," Ding Yiu intentionally spoke in a more girly and affectionate manner, "are you sure it's alright to leave? Crown Prince looks very displeased. Perhaps you should ask him why he's come to visit you today." She leaned in to whisper so only Prince Ping can hear, "question him. He has no reason to be here today. His only motive is to check for himself whether you're hurt or not. That proves my words this morning was right."

"I have my own plans. Stop creating unnecessary trouble for me," Prince Ping whispered back into Ding Yiu's ears. He looked at Zhi Hai again, "apologies royal brother. But for whatever reasons you're here, I can't indulge you right now. I must take care of my Ding Ding first."

Without any warning Prince Ping swooped Ding Yiu into a princess carry, tightly securing her body within his strong arms. A non-expecting Ding Yiu let out a squeal from being suddenly lifted from the ground. To the side, besides Heng who was looking slightly excited by the development, the rest was surprised by Prince Ping's gesture.

"Xia Qian Ping you-" Ding Yiu began to protest. She lowered her voice, "let me down."

Ignoring Ding Yiu's protest, Prince Ping instructed Jing Ke and Sixi to safely escort the Crown Prince out of Ping Tian Palace. "Also," he commanded before walking away with Ding Yiu in his arms, "don't let anyone disturb us."

Standing dumbfounded to the spot was Zhi Hai. His wrath had been replaced with curiosity and disbelief. [I've never seen Xia Qian Ping act like that towards a woman before. Not even towards Yourong]. He continued to watch as Prince Ping disappeared from sight with Ding Yiu in his arms. [Just how much does he favour her to publicly show his affections like that?] Without saying a word Zhi Hai motioned for his guards to follow him. He now made his way out of Ping Tian Palace. [I need to investigate that girl. She's not easy to deal with]. Zhi Hai clenched a fist [you won't be so lucky next time, Ding Ding].

Currently in LiHua Palace (a side dwelling of Ping Tian Palace and the residence of Consort Zhou), a light, playful tune surrounded all those within it. One's body immediately relaxed the moment the delicate melody entered their ears. All waiting maids simply found themselves admiring a tranquil Consort Zhou playing the guzheng. Immersed with her play, Consort Zhou's fingers effortlessly glided across the strings. She looked particularly divine.

"Consort Zhou," a maid came dashing into the room.

Zhou Yourong stopped moving her fingers. She looked up at the maid, and it was clear from her expression she was displeased to have been interrupted. "What is it?" she spoke slowly, "did something happen?"

"Y-yes," the maid drew in several breaths. "I heard the Crown Prince is here."

Upon hearing the news Yourong immediately stood up. "Zhi Hai gor gor is here," she said with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Where is he now?" She gently touched her tepid cheeks, [It's been a while since I last saw Zhi Hai gor gor. I wonder how he's doing].

"My lady, the Crown Prince got into a fight with Prince Ping over a woman," the maid directly told. "He left straight after."

[He left without coming to see me] Yourong thought. Any excitement she had felt a moment ago quickly vanished. She sat back down by the guzheng. "Speak clearly. Tell me what's happened."

In brief sentences, the maid recited the incident that had just took place in the palace gardens. She told Consort Zhou all the details she had heard and knew. When the maid finished, she immediately dropped to her knees. The other maids who were standing in the room also knelt down. Yourong had flipped the guzheng to the ground from rage. Her face now distorted to show her unhappiness.

"Ding Ding! Who is she?" she yelled. "Tell me."

"Apologies Consort, please forgive us…. W-we know nothing of the girl…." The maids uttered in unison as Yourong looked around the room.

"Ridiculous! Just who is she? How dare she be so rude towards Zhi Hai gor gor," Yourong continued to yell. [Not only that, she has Prince Ping's affection too?] She stood up to think. [Impossible. For all these years, Xia Qian Ping has only paid attention to me. There's not been another girl in his heart or mind…] Yourong raised a clenched hand to her chest, "I almost forgot… there was one girl…." Feeling the same sense of dread she felt almost a year ago, Yourong began to pace the room. She was restless. [I almost forgot there used to be a Liu Ding Yiu. I forgot Prince Ping never hated her in the beginning. He even… he even said that about her….]

"Consort…" a nearby maid uttered timidly.

Yourong motioned for the maids to stand up, "it doesn't matter. It's not important who this Ding Ding is." She pressed her lips together in frustration, [I won't allow Xia Qian Ping to have another woman in his heart. That Ding Ding will have the same fate as Liu Ding Yiu].

Somewhere near Zheng Palace…

"Achoo!" Ding Yiu let out a small sneeze. "Who's talking about me?" She wriggled her nose. [I was in the middle of shouting at this idiot Prince to let go of me as well. Now I've lost my momentum].

"Serves you right for being a troublemaker," Prince Ping commented.

"If I'm a troublemaker then put me down," Ding Yiu demanded for the hundredth time.

Prince Ping stopped walking. Instead of letting Ding Yiu go, he tightened his arms around her body, holding her closer to him. "Either we stay here in this position until my arms die and I drop you on the ground. Or you stop complaining and let me carry you to where I want," he said shooting Ding Yiu a calm look, "choose, my woman."