This is My Bedroom

Ding Yiu studied the calm looking Xia Qian Ping before her. His hands were still tightly gripping her body, holding her stably in the princess carry position. [Is he being serious?] she pondered, sneaking a glance around her. It seemed they were heading back towards Zheng Palace. [I don't like being carried this way] she turned to eye him again. "Xia Qian Ping, aren't you embarrassed? How could you casually hold me? An unwed man and woman shouldn't have physical contact with each other."

"Why should I feel embarrassed to touch my own woman," Qian Ping deliberately stated, "I'd happily go further with you in public..."

Ding Yiu opened her mouth but no words came out. She was aware he was taunting her on purpose. [I'm not going to be provoked by an idiot like you]. She turned her head to look away from him.

Qian Ping appeared calm but deep down he was still fuming from Ding Yiu's earlier antics to provoke the crown prince. [Just how does that brain of yours work? I don't care what you were trying to achieve back there, you could've been killed], he wanted to lecture her. However, seeing her feeling embarrassed in his arms, he softened a little.

"If you want to carry me then carry me," Ding Yiu finally said, giving in to Qian Ping's childish condition. She wasn't patient enough to wait for his arms to tire out and let her go. She kept her face turned away.

"Good girl," Qian Ping patronizingly praised. He intentionally adjusted her so she was closer to him. Her head was now snuggly upon his shoulder. "Feeling comfy my precious."

Ding Yiu felt a sharp shiver run down her spine. She couldn't help but glare up at Qian Ping. "You're doing this on purpose?"

"What do you mean my precious?"

"Stop that," Ding Yiu protested. "Don't call me precious. I'm not your woman."

"Hmm," Qian Ping pretended to think. He turned around and began to walk, "my mistake. If you're not my woman then I should hand you to the crown prince. He would be delighted to teach you manners."

"Xia Qian Ping!" Ding Yiu squawked. "Stop!"

Qian Ping obediently stopped. He watched the agitated Ding Yiu in his arms and felt amused. [Serves you right for all the trouble you've caused me]. He patiently waited.

Ding Yiu took in a deep breath. She was about to go out of control from exasperation. [What's with him today? From this morning to now he's been so difficult]. She tried to recall anything that triggered him off. [Yesterday I thought we were getting along too....] "Xia Qian Ping, you knew the reason I went against the crown prince is your fault," she finally said. "It's because you didn't believe my words."

"Does that really matter to you? Don't you know you're safety is more important than me believing you?"

"I don't know. I just know I've never been this pissed off because of a person before," Ding Yiu truthfully stated. "Take responsibility."

"You-" Qian Ping began but couldn't finish his sentence. He didn't quite know what he wanted to say. He wanted to reprimand her but couldn't. [This clueless girl...] He turned, heading back in the direction he was originally going. [Your words just confirmed that you care about me right? Since my actions and words influence you so much... am I important to you?] he contemplated, feeling a little satisfied. "I'll take responsibility."

"Good boy," Ding Yiu patronizingly praised, copying him.

Qian Ping ignored her comment. "Ding Ding, I believe you," he seriously declared, "so promise me to never be so reckless again."

To Qian Ping's surprise, Ding Yiu answered rather quickly. "I won't promise you anything," she said in an equally serious tone, "I'll only promise myself. Until I achieve my goals, I won't die."

Relief came over Qian Ping when he heard her say that, only to be replaced with curiosity straight after. [What are your goals?] he wanted to ask. Though he held back, not wanting to appear as though he was prying into her affairs. [It's enough for now that she knows to stay alive].

Arriving back at Zheng Palace, Prince Ping stepped through its grand doors as the guards bowed. Carrying Ding Yiu, he headed straight towards his bedroom which was situated well within the palace. He intentionally took a side route so she wouldn't notice where they were going.

"So, did you confirm what you wanted to when provoking the crown prince?" Qian Ping prompted. He had a good guess why Ding Yiu acted the way she did, but he wanted her to confirm it with words.

"It was a good opportunity to ascertain the power position between you two," she admitted. "You've got the upper hand. Xia Zhi Hai is still cautious to openly clash with you. That means he's not confident he can win yet."

"You're always quick to speculate without any solid evidence."

"If I was the mastermind behind your assassination, I'd become restless not hearing any news about your condition. Are you dead or alive? I'd want to confirm for myself," Ding Yiu reasoned. She tilted her head to look ahead. They had passed two sitting rooms, turned a corner and were now walking down a long corridor. "Therefore it's too coincidental that the Crown Prince would visit you today. He couldn't even come up with a good excuse. Doesn't that make him the most suspicious?"

"You sound convincing, but it could've easily been other members of the royal family," Qian Ping pointed out.

"No matter how things are calculated, the one to gain the most from your death is still Xia Zhi Hai."

"You're right," Qian Ping agreed for the first time. He stepped through some side doors, outside into a small garden area. The fresh breeze caressing their faces. Noticing the silence, Qian Ping looked down at Ding Yiu, "it's not like you to be so quiet."

"It's not like you to be so agreeable," Ding Yiu commented. Though she said that more as an observation.

Qian Ping nodded, kicking open the doors to a room. Once he stepped inside, he slowly put Ding Yiu down. He then swiftly closed the doors shut. They were inside what seemed like a mini waiting area with two chairs at either side of the walls. There was a small painting partition in front of the room archway which led to a larger living area. Feeling too warm wearing his cloak, Ding Yiu slipped it off and followed Qian Ping into the larger room. A comfy, cushioned bench was set against the left wall, whilst some cabinets lined the right wall. There was also a good-sized round table with four stools in the middle. Qian Ping brushed aside the translucent silk curtains separating this room to the next. He motioned for Ding Yiu to walk through.

[Where does he want to take me to?] she couldn't help but wonder as she walked through. [Oh, a study room] she observed [the style is similar to the one where I first met him in Ping Tian Palace]. There was an entryway to another room to the right, near behind his desk. Looking to the other side, Ding Yiu frowned. To the right, separated by some pretty bead curtains, Ding Yiu could vaguely see the edge of a bath. Straight ahead, separated by a larger painting partition was unmistakably a big luxurious bed. [We're currently inside Zheng Palace, the main residence of Prince Ping. Then this room is....]

"Familiarize yourself with the place, you're staying here tonight," Qian Ping announced. "Just make yourself comfortable." Catching her inquiring peer he casually added, "this is my bedroom. I'm always here."

[I knew it] Ding Yiu threw Qian Ping a dirty look. She turned, marching back to the mini waiting room. [You've lost your mind. Me staying the night in your bedroom - NEVER!] She swung open the door. Her left foot only managing to cross the doorway by an inch before she immediately retracted inside.

Two spears dropped into sight. It's sharp blade forming a perfect X shape blocking the way out. Ding Yiu darted her eyes between the two guards standing by either side of the door. Cautiously she poked her head between the gaps of the spears and looked around. There was an orderly formed line of guards and maids waiting outside. [When did all these guards and servants arrive?] she irritatingly questioned. [I didn't see any of them when I came here]. She slammed the door shut again.

"Xia Qian Ping," Ding Yiu said loudly, rushing back into the study area. "What is the meaning of this?"

"You just announced to the whole world you're my woman. Of course you need to be in my bedroom for the night."

"That's not necessary," Ding Yiu argued.

"Hmm, are you certain?" Qian Ping advanced towards Ding Yiu, who warily backed away.

"I'm certain," Ding Yiu responded clearly. She kept backing away from Qian Ping who kept closing the distance between them. [What does he want to do?] Ding Yiu began to panic. [He can't be thinking of something perverted… since we're in the bedroom…] "Stop. Don't come any close- AH!" She let out a surprised yelp, feeling her back hit the bookcase behind her.

Qian Ping's hands slammed onto the bookcase on either side of Ding Yiu. She was entrapped between his outstretched arms. They were very close to one another. Ding Yiu gulped, a sudden image of Qian Ping pouncing on her like a wild wolf sprung to mind and she flushed.

"My precious, if we aren't seen together, people will find out you lied," Qian Ping teased, leaning close to breathe into Ding Yiu's ear. He was secretly enjoying the flustered reaction from her. [It's the first time she's acting so cutely in my presence] he thought [can't waste this chance].

"It doesn't really matter…" Ding Yiu spoke. Though she was distracted by the ticklish feeling from her ear. [He's doing this on purpose] she noticed.

"Well then…" Qian Ping began, moving his left hand. He gently touched her cheek, a playful smile forming on his lips. "Please remember that…" his fingers slowly traced down her neck. He purposefully lowered the rim of her dress across her shoulders down. It gave the impression he was exposing her skin and his fingers were moving towards her chest.

His naughty touches upon her skin simply sent electric shocks through Ding Yiu's body. [Where is he going to touch….] she panicked again. "X-Xia Qian Ping, if you do anything perverted I'll-"

"I'm only tolerating you this once," Qian Ping warned, changing his tone. "Things will get complicated if we don't go through with this lie of yours. I refuse to deal with anymore of your troubles." He gave Ding Yiu a meaningful hard poke in the middle of her chest, "Do you understand, Ding Ding?"


Grabbing a pile of court records from the bookcase behind Ding Yiu, Qian Ping speedily moved away. The sudden change in pace left Ding Yiu momentarily confused. She remained fixed to the spot. Qian Ping had already moved to sit by his desk.

"Do as you please. Just make sure you don't disturb me whilst I'm working," Qian Ping told her. He opened the first court record, "I expect you to be absolutely silent." Seeing Ding Yiu hadn't moved an inch, he said more loudly, "if you need anything, just order one of the servants waiting outside. As long as we give the impression that you stayed the night, then people will believe you're my woman."

Ding Yiu turned her head to look at Qian Ping. "You're going to work…" she uttered. [So… just then he wasn't going to….]

"Of course I'm going to work. What else did you think I was… Oh," Qian Ping raised an eyebrow. "Were you hoping for 'that' to happen?"

"Nothing. It's good you're a diligent prince who works hard for the kingdom. Very admirable," Ding Yiu quickly blurted, moving away from the bookcase. She pinched herself. [Stupid. What was I thinking before?]

"Is that so?" Qian Ping smirked, "you look disappointed. If you want, I can always ditch work for you."

"Absolutely not," Ding Yiu stated.

"But Ding Ding," Qian Ping put on a husky, seductive voice, "we can always do 'that' together. You know, the thing when a man and woman are together alone." He stood up, "I mean I wouldn't want you to leave my bedroom feeling disappointed."

"I am not disappointed," Ding Yiu stated more firmly. "I'm not interested. Just get on with your work."

Qian Ping continued to smirk at Ding Yiu. It was like he was sending signals to her. [He's definitely starting to think about 'that'. I need to get away from him fast] she decided.

"Fine. I'm not supposed to disturb you right?" Ding Yiu crossly questioned. "I'll occupy myself in that room for the rest of the night. I won't come out of that room. Don't be bothered by me and don't come bothering me either." She hurried out of the study area, out of Qian Ping's line of vision. His suggestive grin was too much for her.

Qian Ping held in a laugh watching Ding Yiu. [Serves you right for always angering me] he thought, feeling exceptionally happy. It was another victory for him. "But…" he tilted his head, "how are you going to occupy yourself?" He couldn't help but whisper out loud, "that is the bathroom you just went into. Precious."