Worst Human Being Ever

Inside the Garden Hut, an unhappy Wan Xin pressed her lips together. Listening to Sima Heng recount the events that had taken place, her ears was on the verge of falling off her head. First Ding Yiu argued with Prince Ping, got involved with Consort Mu, and then clashed with the crown prince. [My Xiaojie…] Wan Xin internally cried. [How can you cause so much trouble in such a short amount of time? However….] she refocussed her attention on the guiltiest person now standing in front of her. "Master Heng, weren't you with my Xiaojie all this time?"

"I was indeed with her…." Heng whispered as quietly as possible.

"Then how can you let her do such crazy things?" Wan Xin interrogated, "have you no sense of responsibility?"

"Err…" Heng erred and pouted. "Erm…"

"You didn't try your best to stop her," Wan Xin guessed. She shot him a disappointed look.

"Please don't look at me like that," Heng protested. He whined like a wronged 3 year old, "Wan Xin believe me, I tried my best. I did everything I could to prevent anything disastrous from happening. I've sacrificed 10 years' worth of my intelligence to make sure Ding Ding is alive and well. She's not physically hurt or mentally suffering." Seeing Wan Xin's expression unchanged, he switched to his puppy pleading look, "Wan Xin, believe me. I'm Ding Ding's closest ally and friend. I did my best to keep her out of trouble."

Wan Xin sighed and nodded. "I know. I know." [As if someone like you is capable in handling my Xiaojie].

"In honesty, I think this morning's event wasn't all bad," Heng instantly rebounded back to his normal self. He was grinning, "I've been struggling to think of a good way to get Ding Ding and Qian Ping together. But now, thanks to what happened with the crown prince, those two are now together."

"I'm not sure if that is a good thing," Wan Xin muttered.

"Oh Wan Xin you innocent girl," Heng said pityingly. "You leave a man and woman in love with each other, alone together and only one thing can happen."

"And what is that?"

Heng now had the silliest grin on his face, "they're probably at it. You know. Acting upon their passionate instincts…" He started to laugh at the indecent thought. "Ah, I can't believe getting those two together would be such an easy task. I'm so proud of myself."

[Sima Heng is really a weird guy] Wan Xin frowned. [At least Xiaojie is safe]. She moved over to the window and peered outside, [compared to the underworld, Ping Tian Palace isn't such a bad place. If Xiaojie and Prince Ping really did get together, would she choose to stay?] Her thoughts trailed off. Heng had to leave so she waved him goodbye and patiently waited for her Xiaojie to return.

Currently in Xia Qian Ping's bedroom chamber…

An extremely bored Ding Yiu was on the verge of cursing herself for the very first time in her life. Qian Ping's suggestive look and provoking smirk had irked her so much, she made a silly move. Now she had voluntarily trapped herself inside the bathroom. [Well it's much better than being in the same room as him] she reminded herself. [Who knows what that ever-changing mind of his is thinking?]

Ding Yiu observed her surroundings. This was a private bathing room connecting back to Qian Ping's main bedroom and study. It had a very simple layout, with no windows or exit besides the way she came through. [Hmm, there's no chance of me just leaving here unnoticed by him] she thought, still looking around. Straight ahead from the entryway was a panel room divider, where one can change their clothes more privately. In the middle of the room, marked out by smooth white marble edges was a large circular bath. At one end, hot water continuously poured out from a golden, dragon statues opened mouth. On her side of the room there was a long cushioned bench. The other side had a rectangular table with three baskets full of rose petals and bath oils placed upon it. "This is too luxurious even for a prince," Ding Yiu openly commented. She walked over to the three baskets of rose petals. White, yellow and red. Scooping up a handful of red petals, Ding Yiu giggled, "a man using rose petals. So funny." She inhaled the rose's seductive aroma. "Oh, I just thought of a way to bypass my time here."

In the study area, Qian Ping finished reading the last of the court records. He was so immersed with his work that he didn't realize much time had passed by. It was early into the evening hours. Sixi had brought over some food for them earlier in the day. [Ding Ding that fool. She even ate her meal in the bathroom] he recalled. He remembered being slightly excited when Sixi had arrived with their dinner. Thinking he'd enjoy a meal with her, he even stopped working. But being stubborn, Ding Yiu refused to leave the bathroom. Concerned for her health, Qian Ping ended up telling Sixi to take the food to her. He resumed working whilst feeling irritated. [Honestly, is she that conscious to be in the same room as me?] Qian Ping thought again. Now that he had finished his work, he was back to thinking about Ding Yiu. [Did I go too far with my prank earlier? Is that the reason she's keeping a distance?]

"Your highness, do you need anything else for the night," Sixi asked. He was tidying the court records on the desk.

Qian Ping made an obvious glance towards the bathroom.

Sixi held in a smile, "you need not worry my prince. I've been keeping an eye on Ding Xiaojie throughout the day. She appears comfortable."

"Comfortable in the bathroom?" Qian Ping queried. "Isn't she bored out of her mind in there?"

Sixi held in a giggle. To not let anyone know the true relationship between Ding Yiu and Prince Ping, Sixi was the only servant allowed into the bedroom chambers today. Prince Ping may have spent the day working but from time to time, he was distracted with concern for Ding Yiu. [Prince Ping clearly cares for Ding Xiaojie. He's had me secretly report her condition almost every hour] Sixi thought. [As for Ding Xiaojie. She sure is an interesting character]. "Should I ask her to come out?" he offered.

Qian Ping thought for a moment. "No. She'll refuse to come out of there." He stood up and began to pace around the room. "How to get her guard down? Sixi, help me think."

"What did you do to Ding Xiaojie for her to avoid you all day?"

"Nothing," Qian Ping lied. "She's just a stubborn trouble maker."

Sixi narrowed his eyes on Qian Ping. [He probably attempted to woo Ding Xiaojie but failed] Sixi accurately guessed. [For your pride, I'll keep that thought to myself]. "Prince Ping, I think you should just leave Ding Xiaojie be," he suggested. "She seems fine being alone."

"Of course not," Qian Ping strongly objected to the idea. "That's what she wants me to do. So I won't do it." He stopped pacing the room, "Sixi, go and ask to see if she needs anything."

"Prince Ping, if you want to make amends with Ding Xiaojie you need to be the one asking. Not me."

"If I go myself, she'll say I'm bothering her."

"My prince, you are overthinking things," Sixi shook his head. "A sincere apology would surely make Ding Xiaojie happy."

"Me, apologize?" Qian Ping quizzically repeated. "For what am I apologizing? I saved her today. She should be thankful to me."

Sixi narrowed his eyes further on the prince. He knew Prince Ping could be stubborn, but most of the time it wasn't regarding such trivial matters. Today though, it surprised Sixi that Prince Ping was being extra difficult when it concerned Ding Xiaojie. [Despite whatever the prince says, he clearly cares for the girl] A mischievous smile now crossed his face [in that case, I should really let them be alone]. Sixi gave a polite bow, "if your highness doesn't have any more orders, I shall excuse myself for the night." He quickly whispered a sneaky, "good luck," before leaving the bedroom chambers.

"Sixi wait," Qian Ping called out to the disappearing back of Sixi.

Seconds passed. Now being all alone in the room, silence had quickly gripped at Qian Ping's awareness. He became even more uncomfortable with the idea that Ding Yiu was in a separate room to him. [Fine. I'll be a gentleman] he gave in. [I'll talk to you first].

Placing his hands behind his back and straightening up, he took big strides towards the bathing room. Consciously, he stopped just outside. "Ahem," he coughed.


[What was I expecting?] he questioned himself. "Ding Ding, come out," he tried to say in a non-demanding tone. "Let's talk."


[She dares to ignore me!] Qian Ping unhappily thought. [Am I really going to have to apologize?] After a few seconds, he cleared his throat and tried again. "Ding Ding, if I said or did anything to upset you today, it's my fault. Can we talk?"


[Girl, you are dead!] Allowing anger to consume him, Qian Ping stomped into the bathroom. "Ding Ding, I've already made an effort to-" His voice trailed away into nothing.

Any spontaneous anger Qian Ping felt vanished. Instead, he fell into an odd sense of wonderment. His lips slowly curved into a soft smile. "Like a butterfly amongst blooming flowers," he whispered.

Quietly, Qian Ping approached her. He made sure to be silent. His eyes always gently focussing on the tranquil, sleeping Ding Yiu. She lay near the edge of the bath, surrounded by velvet-like rose petals. She looked surreal. Enchanting to his eyes.

Qian Ping knelt down, simply gazing at Ding Yiu and his once tense body relaxed. "You're actually... pretty cute like this...." He remarked. On impulse, he reached out and poked her right cheek. There was no reaction from Ding Yiu, so he continued to gently poke her. His soft smile evolved into a small laugh. [This is rather fun...] His momentary fun came to an abrupt stop though.

Ding Yiu moved in her sleep. She raised a hand to brush away Qian Ping's poking finger. This caused him to immediately stand up, flushing red. He only relaxed seeing that Ding Yiu didn't wake up. [That was close] he thought, [what was I doing?] He pinched his hand to remind himself to be serious.

Qian Ping now looked around his bathing room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. [Did she honestly not find it boring to be stuck here all day?] he queried [What was she doing?] Then he once again let out a small laugh. The answer was right in front of him. "You truly are unbelievable Ding Ding," he commented. He now studied the bath, where white rose petals marked out a massive chessboard on the water's surface. Red and yellow petals acted as discs pieces. She was playing reversi. Judging by the way the pieces were set, it was a stalemate game. Qian Ping had to admit, he was impressed she thought of something like this to pass the time. He looked at Ding Yiu, "you just keep surprising me." He smiled.

Not wanting Ding Yiu to sleep the night by the bath, Qian Ping carefully scooped her up into his arms. There was a strong, amorous scent of roses coming from her. He subconsciously held her closer, brushing his nose against her silky hair to inhale more of the sweet fragrance. This made Qian Ping more aware of Ding Yiu's body and warmth within his arms. It stirred him. His own body growing hot. [Snap out of it Xia Qian Ping] he mentally shouted at himself. He remained still for a while until he calmed down. [How unusual? I definitely didn't feel like this when I carried her before...] He gulped, keeping his mind void of any thoughts as he moved towards his bed.

As though he was handling the most delicate porcelain, Qian Ping slowly lowered Ding Yiu onto his bed with utmost care. He concentrated so much on not waking her with big movements, that he didn't notice his foot tripping the edge of the bed. Qian Ping fell on top, his arms still firmly wrapped around Ding Yiu's body. Before he could do anything, Ding Yiu had woken up. She was staring at him and he froze.

Ding Yiu blinked a little, adjusting to the view in front of her eyes. She was looking at an extremely close Qian Ping's face. "What...." she muttered glancing around her. She had woken up feeling a soft impact to her back and chest but it didn't hurt. Now she knew why. [I'm on a bed. Xia Qian Ping is on top of me. He's even holding me....] The expression on her face darkened. She raised a hand, "let go, you pervert."

SLAP! Ding Yiu mercilessly slapped Qian Ping on the face.

"Wait... listen to me..."

Ding Yiu ignored Qian Ping. She was raging. "Xia Qian Ping, I've judged you wrongly." She began to push at him and hit his chest. "How could you take advantage of a defenceless girl?"

"It's not like that..." Qian Ping tried saying over her shouts. He caught one of her hand in his. "Please Ding Ding, I was…"

SLAP! With her free hand, Ding Yiu slapped him hardly on the face again, "you're the worst human being ever. Get off me!"

[I've had enough] Qian Ping thought, pressing his lips together. [It's not just you who's angry. I am too!] He forcefully grabbed both of Ding Yiu's hand, slamming them to the bed besides her head. "I don't care what nasty words you say about me. What pisses me off the most…" he breathed heavily. Tightening his knees around her waist, he secured her beneath him. This time, he won't let her escape from his wrath. "Why won't you listen to me?" he angrily shouted. [Why won't you ever try to understand me?] he wanted to yell out. Yet, something prevented him from doing so. A painful expression formed on his face as he looked at Ding Yiu. "Since you've already decided I'm the worst human being ever, I won't hold back…"

"Xia Qian Ping-"

He ignored her cry. Slightly parting his lips, he grabbed her chin and leaned in.