Ch 4 The mockery of an army!

Arthur~~~ So what is all this?

Figial~~~ Tis the Lich, s end guild.

Arthur~~~ So you erected a monument under a shed?

Figial~~~ Monument? Tis the guild! That fought against the lich.

Arthur~~~ I didn't mean to upset you... So what was her name? She kind of look,s familiar.

Figial~~~ Cassandra she's one of them Eve born, s

Arthur~~~ Did she ever she ever talk about her past life?

Figial~~~ Nope didn't know she had one. Only Eve born I ever knew. Reckon she didn't know she had one. Young lass named every child that crossed her path! What was it again?... Tron?... no ton?

Arthur~~~ Hope it's not troglodyte...

Figial~~~ Ah that's it!!! She also called me a microcephalic addlepate! Do ya know what that means?

Arthur~~~ I'm Barren for thought on this one...

Figial~~~ She also nicknamed this gent as Loblolly And he was... Blatherskite... I think. and Philistine and Poltroon... he didn't deserve that nickname coward almost ran from the fight... Cacafuego... Crepehanger...

Arthur~~~ Ok I got it you all earned a Domination... Geez, where is coccydynia?

Figial~~~ He's in the third row...

Arthur.~~~... -sigh- Please... tell me that wicked Witch is Dismembered...

Figial~~~ I should say not and watch yer tongue. Yer looking at her...

Arthur~~~ Oh God please ignite this building before cancer spreads.

Figial~~~ Cancer? Is that a spell?

Arthur~~~ You're a grimoire of fatuous.

Figial~~~ pleased to be called a book of some sort.

Arthur~~~. do you function.?

Figial~~~ Fun... tion???

Arthur~~~ Please.... kill me...

Figial~~~ what's wrong with ya?


At this time as I try not to strangle what is left of my sanity by profusely ignoring the thought of how a girl made an entire army a joke by taking advantage of their lack of knowledge. I choke back endless words of aggression.


Arthur~~~ Please can we go back...

Figial~~~ It pains me to see my fellow man in this way as it must you!

Arthur~~~ It pains me in a different way... Trusts me... By the way are you sure you want to suffer because of her sculpture just standing their???.

Figial~~~ One day ial remove the curse. Don't you worry!

Arthur~~~ Actually I was hoping... forget it!

Figial~~~ Worry not one day they all will be free!

Arthur~~~ But She will still be in the glass right...Right???

Figial~~~ I'm afraid I'm not sure what to tell you! Ya express despair with Cassandra, however, our salvation was due to her genius.

Arthur~~~Genius!!! She looked down upon people who didn't know big words...never mind. the worst part is I may know this woman.

Figial~~~ So she was from your world?

Arthur~~~ Maby why? A new theory?

Figial~~~ Possibly so... You don't understand how important it is to be right now of days!

Arthur~~~ Your Vacuous thru her aren't you?

Figial~~~How do you mean!!!

Arthur~~~ she is obstreperous!

Figial~~~ I don't follow!!!

Arthur~~~Forget it...

Figial~~~ She said our name should be NAMBLA due to how mighty our force is. Apparently, it was a masterful guild full of strong able-bodied men and boys.

Arthur~~~ Jesus Christ stop, please!

Figial~~~ Let's go to the cannon fodder regiment in the next warehouse.

Arthur~~~ Did she name that one too? Who am I kidding I already know the answer!

Figial~~~ The cannon fodder regiment was our bravest men for they were the front line. As she would say they attacked the trash mobs!

Arthur~~~ Can you please... Not I can't take it anymore! (Dear God how did one woman make a mockery of an entire army so much as to give a majority of them disgraceful names. was this some sick form of entertainment?)


Entering the next warehouse Figial uses his magic again to clear the room and open the windows. Another beautiful girl was in the front crouched. The glass she was formed from was dirty and scratched chips in her form made her appearance distorted mildly.


Figial~~~ Cassandra loved this young girl they spent a lot of time together!

Arthur~~~ What was her name?

Figial~~~ poon bandit!

Arthur~~~ For fuck's sake her real name!

Figial~~~ Don't know! Most of us just referred to each other by the names given to us! A badge of honor as it were.

Arthur~~~ (I'm starting to root for the lich army now...) -in a mundane voice I ask- Anything else you want to show me?

Figial~~~ there are twenty-six warehouses and each one is filled with what remains of this guild. The remaining members are still with the lich!

Arthur~~~ (As it just dawned on me that these statues were real people not just statues) Figial how many more people are there?

Figial~~~ Hundreds if not many more!

Arthur~~~ I want to try magic. Teach me something, please!

Figial~~~ Their is plenty of time!

Arthur~~~ No now!!!

Figial~~~ We don't even know if you are Able to control it yet.

Arthur~~~ What about that wind spell?

Figial~~~ I suppose we could try that. the words are -spertis-otalm windolte- to use them you must...

Arthur~~~ spertis-otalm windolte!


At that very moment a wind so powerful it ripped the roof off the warehouse and blew out all the windows and doors surged from Arthur. Figial left speechless was blown into the wall. Arthur looked around as the room was opened to the outside.


Arthur~~~ Sorry about your warehouse I will do what I can to fix it. (Pointing to the missing roof the pieces of the building suddenly come back in place and renew their foundation)

Figial~~~ You... Do you know what you've done?

Arthur~~ I said I'm sorry!

Figial~~~ No Adam Born or Even Born ever harnessed magic! And what's more, you destroyed my Warehouse!

Arthur~~~ But it fixed itself?

Figial~~~ It did not... You did it... Your magic is that of an archbishop of the highest caliber possibly beyond. You can cast without a word or object.

Arthur~~~ So your not mad?

Figial~~~ I'm beyond mad young lad! (Taking a knee before Arthur) Please help me! (Dropping to the floor) Please revive my guild!