Ch 5 Dear God No

Arthur~~~ Y = YO + VOT + 1/2 AT2 solve for Y!

Figial~~~ What are you doing?

Arthur~~~ I help you because you're a good man I'm just trying to see how fast I can run away from Cassandra as soon as she is revived!

Figial~~~ Oh... Why?

Arthur~~~ I simply don't like her! ( She was a sarcastic bitch when she wasn't being shot at! Hell, she was most of the time then as well. less human than a collection of character defects )!

---A memory of the time they had to take a pillbox runs thru Arthurs' head!---


~~~Flash Back~~~

Deep in a forest, a unit of soldiers advance upon a Pillbox alone with 5 soldiers manning 3 heavy machine guns.


Cassandra~~~ Arthur flank left ial draw them right.

Arthur~~~ My left or theirs?

Cassandra~~~ Hay Pion I got an easy job for you! Run in front of their guns and hold onto their lead while I exchange some witty banter with them and have a round of drinks!

Arthur~~~ My left got it Fucking cow!!!

Cassandra~~~ What was that from the man who does the knuckle shuffle in his sleeping bag! Do you need more tissues or soiled underwear?

Arthur~~~ Yeah if you see a lady around ask her for her underwear.

Cassandra~~~ Wouldnt give you mine if you asked panty bandit!

Arthur~~~ I'm not asking you! I don't want men's size extra large!

Cassandra~~~ Hay thimble dick get moving or ial rip off your nuts before I take theirs!

Arthur~~~ You just love balls in your face don't you skank?

Cassandra~~~ Wait till we're done here I got something for you!


Climbing up the hill Arthur ready,s a grenade just behind a rock. When he sticks his head out to throw it. Gunfire immediately pinned Arthur down delivered by the two fifty-caliber machine guns in the pillbox. Cassandra throws a grenade in a high arch into the pillbox as she does 5 bodies climb out like cockroaches after their hiding place has been reviled. Cassandra guns them all down one by one. Till there is only one left unarmed and frightened.


Cassandra~~~ Go get my grenade and some ammo!

Arthur~~~ You forgot to pull the pin?

Cassandra~~~ nope! I didn't even try to pull it... who wouldn't run from one if it looked like it had no pin. Your welcome by the way unless your lives goal is to be a holy man cheese and all.

Arthur~~~ What if they pulled the pin and threw it back?

Cassandra~~~ On a rock sure they could have tried but by the time they figured it out they'd be dead. Which begs the question what do we do with this one?

Arthur~~~ You threw a rock? A fucking rock? I was in pinned down and you wanted to play grade school bully?

Cassandra~~~ Poor baby would you like to go nap-nap or a B.O.T.T.L.E?... No? Then mute yourself you obtuse creaton. Loot their ammo supply. I'm got some questions for this one.


As Arthur and Figal walk back to the house they discuss coming back to the warehouse to revive everyone.


Arthur~~~ So honestly what do we need?

Figial~~~ Phoenix Feather and morphing mushroom!

Arthur~~~ That's it?

Figial~~~ For now, I suppose.

Arthur~~~ So I think I can get the Phoenix feather, however, the mushroom I'm not too certain about. can you tell me where the Phoenix birds live?

Figial~~~ Let me introduce you to two adventurous who like you are both Adam borns.

Arthur~~~ Ok so after we finish this journey then what?

Figial~~~ Your seeing too far ahead!

Arthur~~~ Too far ahead? How do you mean?

Figial~~~ You first have to make it back alive.

Arthur~~~ you make it seem like I am trying to survive a bird.

Figial~~~ Well yes but the morphing mushroom is not easy to find nor is it easy to get away from.

Arthur~~~ A mushroom? Really... Who am I going with?

Figial~~~ Well there is Ted and Bill.

Arthut~~~ Finally normal names.

Figial~~~ Arthur... Casandra named them as well.

Arthur~~~ She named them Bill and Ted?

Figial~~~ Yes she has told them that they must continue going on excellent adventures together to learn more about this world.

Arthur~~~ Ted and Bill... Excellent adventures? I'm not so sure I get that insult or reference.

Figial~~~ are you certain she was as foul-minded as you claim.

Arthur~~~ listen I've been around her long enough to know she is four and a half feet of pain and alcoholism and will tear your world a fucking sunder you pepper haired bitch.

Figial~~~ Parden?

Arthur~~~ (Sigh) Sorry ever since I learned the evil witch Yubaba lives even in death im ridden with aggravation.

Figial~~~ Aggravation??? She too expressed this feeling when dealing with a concept twice.

Arthur~~~You don't say?

Figial~~~ I do! hence I just said it!

Arthur~~~ Do you know what slow as a rock may mean?

Figial~~~ Rocks don't move at all...

Arthur~~~ Fuck it moving on...

Figial~~~ You're quite good with magic. So much, in fact, you must have had some kind of deeper experience in it in your last life.

Arthur~~~ I came from a world of science war and civilization. magic just was not in the cards.

Figial~~~ Science... Can you teach me this science?

Arthur~~~ you don't know what a dipshit is im not teaching you "Science".

Figial~~~ ial teach you to cast fire.

Arthur~~~ Fuck it...Shure why not.

Figal~~~ Hazza!!! ok, first you must image an inferno and say clep-tino-moto-crimson.

Arthur~~~ Lemme point ( BOOM)


As sarcastic as Arthur was for having to recite such jibberish upon pointing a humungous wall of fire erupted from the ground. This only encouraged Arthur to act as a legitimate asshole and point at things to burn!


Arthur~~~ Got junk??? Call 1800 BURN the shit out of it.

Figial~~~ I am in awe of your ability. Far beyond that of a novice.

Arthur~~~ Why don't you teach me that spell. possibly I don't need the mushroom or the feather.