Chapter 1

Unknown POV

'' what do we do about her ? '' I asked with my eyes still fixed on both my pups

''She's not a shape shifter so you won't be in need for her , you can leave her here '' the old sage replied lazily

I turned to her angrily

''You promised me two strong wolves but you broke your promise ''

I slowly carried one of the babies in my arms and continued

''I wanted her to be just like her mother. Strong, beautiful and powerful ''

My little daughter cooed in my arms as I looked at her , her beautiful green eyes were indeed as incredible as her mother's and he dark hair complimented her light complexion.

''You don't have to worry much alpha , she isn't entirely human '' the sage said moving closer to me

''She's right , your daughter's aura is as dark as it is bright and she possesses powerful energy ''

I turned around and my eyes landed on Nyla the head of the '' nightshade Witches coven ''

''What do you mean ? '' I asked

'' the moon has blessed her differently, with the strength of a thousand wolves ''

Nyla said as she walked towards me

'' But that doesn't make any sense '' I growled in frustration

''It will when the time comes, but for now you have to hurry your title as Alpha is at stake here take your son and I shall send your daughter to you when the Time is right ''

She stretched her hands forward reaching for the baby .

I looked at my son who was still sleeping in his little crib and looked back at my daughter

I had to make the right decision this time or else everything I'd ever worked for would go to hell

'' ok , but one thing '' I said as I left her in Nyla's arms and picking up my son

''What May that be Alpha ? '' the sage asked

''Name her Amina just like her mother '' I replied

The both nod their heads in agreement as they lovingly looked at her

'' And let her know she has a family and a pack , let her know I didn't take her because it wasn't safe , let her know about the sacrifice her mother made and let he know how much we love her '' I said trying my best to hold back my tears

'' will you do same with your son '' the old witch asked and I nodded my head

''Then I promise to take care of her and make sure she's aware she has a family '' she answered with a smile

With that I exited the coven joining the rest of my pack who were patiently waiting outside

'' where is the other one ? '' my Beta asked as he approached me

I looked back to the small shack I just exited and it was already gone . Closing my eyes for a brief moment and letting out a sigh

''How does one loose two things they really care about in just three days ? '' I asked my Beta hoping he would give me an answer

''Did your daughter not making it ? '' he asked again placing his hand on my shoulders

I held my son tighter and answered

'' No , but she's not coming with us ''

Turning to the rest of the pack I yelled out

''We are going to Red moon to get back what's ours , we would shed every blood and tear every flesh that gets in our way . Tomorrow we take back out lands ''

As I finished my statement the wolves let out loud roars in approval and my son bursting out crying

I looked at him and said

'' that's enough might wolf it will be over sooo and we can get your sister after that ''

********Twenty one years later ***********

I slowly turned to the other side of the bed because of the slight nibbling I felt around my neck

'' Go away Minnie , let me sleep some more ''.

''Ummm that's not Minnie '' I hear a voice say

I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes landed on a snake twice the size of my foot

I yelled as I quickly jumped out of the bed ''what the fuck , how long has that been there? '' I yelled out in panic

''A couple of hours actually you were sleeping so peaceful I didn't want to wake you ''

I turned to the blonde hair evil who also happened to be my roommate

'' I hate you Mildred '' I said angrily

''No you don't, if I could rate how much you love me on a magic scale I'd say scarlet witch '' she answered smiling sweetly and going back to the book she was reading

I rolled my eyes at her and turned back to the snake on my bed

''Why does it always come in here ? '' I asked in frustration

''Because you keep leaving the door open '' Mildred Answered with here eyes not leaving the book

I sighed in frustration and reached for the black and green python as I slowly tried to hold it it hissed at me and recoiled back

'' if you're so scared of my why come in here in the first place? '' I said

I kept trying to hold it but to no avail it did want me

'' a little help here '' I said

'' Nah , I think you've got it all covered '' she said as she approached me and continued

'' but just so you know snakes are the only familia that actually doesn't smell magic ''

''And how is that suppose to be helpful? '' I asked her

She was about to answer when the door burst open

''Oh my God Sya there you are ''

The brunette girl quickly rushed inside and picked up the snake

''Finally '' I said as I jumped back on the bed and laying back down to fall asleep again

''What did you do to her ? '' the girl asked angrily

I opened my eyes and looked at her

''Hey your crawly little familia crawled into my bed ok now I don't know what your witches code will call it but in the human world it's called abuse , sexual assault your snake will literally be labeled as a sexual predator '' I said with a serious face

''You're not even human '' she answered as she kept checking the snake for scratches

''Thanks for making that so obvious, Sarah '' I said pretending to be offended and closing my eyes

'' I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way '' Sarah said

I turned to the other side of the bed pretending it to hear her

''It's ok Sarah she'll sleep it off let's go we got classes to attend '' Mildred said and they both walked out

''Finally '' I thought out loud and I slowly got off the bed and strode towards the window.

It was winter again in the nightshade coven and it was snowing more than ever

'' A little bit of sun every five or four months won't kill y'all '' I said

My eyes landed on the new witches who just resumed for the winter and their families bidding them goodbye with hugs and kisses

I smiled at the sight and turned to my desk

I looked at the picture of my dad and brother for a while and turned away .

It's been another five years since I had seen them last , I still talk to my brother over the phone but my Dad completely ignored me .

The first time i had met them was when I was four . I was so happy when Nyla told me about them I finally thought I was gonna go home to my family but no it didn't go like that I was a runt to their pack and I wouldn't be accepted .

I closed my eyes briefly at the thought of everything my dad had said to me on my 17th birthday

''You're not a shape shifter, you're not a witch or even human , you're nothing so I can bring you with me . ''

The knock on the door shook me out of my trans and I yelled a little

'' It's open ''

'' Good morning sunshine '' I heard the female voice of a middle aged woman say

I quickly turned around and my eyes landed on the figure of a grey old lady.