Chapter 2

Amina's POV

I quickly rushed towards Nyla and wrapped her in a warm embrace

''Careful now my bones aren't what they use to be '' she said laughing

''Just keep quite and let me hug you '' I answered tighten my hold on her

She laughed again and hugged me back

We stayed like that for a while , I didn't even realize I had started to cry so i let her go when I felt the tear drops on my face

''When did you get back ''

I asked Wiping my tears slowly so she wouldn't notice

''Just now dear , and how are you ? '' she asked taking a moment to access me from head to toe

''I'm doing great '' I answered

She gently took my hand and said with a beautiful smile

''Happy birthday my dear ''

'' shit , it's my birthday and my brother's too ''

I thought as I hugged Nyla

''Did you forget again? '' she asks

''No , no I did not '' I lied through my teeth

''Very well then I shall wait for you downstairs freshen up and come out quickly I heard there by be sunlights today '' she said and walk away after we broke the hug .

As the door closed I immediately reached for my phone and dialed my brother's number.

My eyes landed on the bright mirror in the room with displayed my reflection. Brushing my hand over my dark hair which looked like a bed next by the way .

The phone rang for a while and he finally picked up

''It's 10 o'clock you're 10 hours late in wishing your baby brother a happy birthday '' Kyle's thick bright voice said from the other end

''And as your older sister I wanna offer an official apology to the Alpha of Red moon . I'm sorry your highness '' I said as I moved closer towards the mirror

'' You can render that apology to me in person '' answered

We both paused for a while, I knew exactly what he was talking about a discussion we've both been stalling for a long time

''You can come now , Red moon is as safe as it can be , dad isn't here anymore I'm the Alpha now and so are you . I don't care what anyone says you belong here ''

I listened to him talk and I couldn't help but smile, our father might have been an asshole to me but at least my brother seems to care

''Are you still there ? '' Kyle asked as I was lost in my thoughts

I shook my head and answered '' yeah I'm still here''

'' I talked to Nyla, she said you were planning on moving up state with humans '' he asked

It felt like he already knew the truth but he just wanted to confirm it from me

''Yeah , I was gonna apply for college '' I answered hoping he wouldn't push any further

''And your powers ? , I heard you loose control one in a while '' he asked with a slight chuckle

''Where on earth did you hear that , I'm in perfect control ok and if I wanted to I would fuck you up '' I argued

He laughed out and said

''Ok I know there is no competing with your thousand wolf strength but I'm still an alpha ''

''Not just the strength I'm faster and have better hearing than you ''

We continued to talk for a while and he told me about his mate and that she was pregnant with his baby and I said

''Ok I got to go , Nyla will magically kick my ass if I keep her waiting ''

''Cool , call me if anything comes up ok '' he said

''Yeah , and congratulations on your baby ''

I ended the call and dashed towards the bathroom

I freshened up quickly , wrapping myself in a towel and stepping out of the bathroom

I entered the closet I shared with Mildred

Her's was on the left and mine was right one wouldn't need to be an expert to know two different people shared this closet especially because of the different in style.

Mildred like every other witch in nightshade has quite a unique fashion taste . A little mix o goth , cute , classy and sexy at the same time and don't even get me started on the shoes

Mine on the other hand was regular a bunch of sweatpants, sweatshirts, vintage jackets lots of them , boyfriend jeans , hoodies , a couple of crop tops and lots of air Jordans

Grabbing a set of outfit I fitted the last night I walked out of the closet dressed up , I did my hair into a ponytail taking on last quick look at the mirror and grabbed my phone and car keys I hurried downstairs.


A loud cheer welcomed me as I entered the living room

I looked around and they were all here , the people I grew up with the once who took care of me even if I wasn't one of them

''Don't just stand there , come and cut the cake I'm dying to taste it '' Sarah said as she came and dragged me towards them

''Didn't you two have class today '' I asked Mildred and Sarah

''Hmmm what's missing one class to see your face get shoved in cake '' Mildred answered

''No , no one is shoving anyone's face in cake , it's for eating not face decoration '' Sarah yelled out making sure everyone in the room heard her

''Happy birthday day Amina Morez '' I read out as it was written in the cake and blew out the candles

''You didn't make a wish '' Nyla pointed out

''I stopped making them Five years ago '' I said

Everyone went silent after what I said and they all started to give me the pity face look that I hated so much.

''I'm gonna head out for a while ? '' I said and without waiting for them to protest I quickly walked out

I paused at the front yard of our house and turned around notice a couple of sages fly into the house.

''Weird, sages never come unannounced '' I thought

I looked at the front door for a while wanting to go back inside but I hesitated.

Opening the door of my car I got inside and started it . I slowly took a reverse heading for the road when a loud thump suddenly hit the top of my car . I hit the brakes and quickly got out to check it out

There was blood and black feathers all over the top my car .

''Get inside now ''

I shuddered in fear as I turned around to see Nyla in front of me

''I hate it when you do these teleportation stuff '' I said placing a hand on my chest

''Go inside you and the girls don't come out until I say so '' she said seriously grabbing my hand tightly

I looked at her confused and tried to ask if everything was ok

She just shook her head in fear and say

''The can't find you here , just go inside '' she said squeezing my hands tightly

''Nyla please tell me what's going on '' I asked as Mildred and Sarah ran out side

''They are already here '' Mildred said in panic and continued ''we have to go now ''

I pulled Nyla's hand away from mine and asked with a loud voice

''am I the only that's freaking confused as to what's going on ''

Suddenly there was a loud thunderous howl in the air followed by a couple of more howls

I turned to Nyla hoping she would answer my questions but she and the other girls just closed their eyes whispering some incantations

Suddenly I felt my body start to fade a way and with the blink of an eyes we were inside the house again.

''Where are the rest girls ? '' I asked looking around the room that was suddenly empty with no trace of the bright birthday celebration that was going earlier

''The sages took them away , the coven is under attack '' Sarah answered as she joined her hands with Mildred attempting a protection spell around the house

''What's attacking the coven? '' I asked Nyla who was going around the living room looking for something

''Demon wolves '' she answered

I looked at her in disbelief

''You said they did not exit '' I answered following her around

She finally stopped when she pulled out a necklace from a rack

'' I know I said they didn't exist but these once do and they will stop at nothing to get what they want so please listen to me carefully, you have to leave nightshade we all have to''

She said placing the necklace around my neck

My heart started racing and I felt my powers starting to surface as my breath quickened

''I can take them '' I said feeling my eyes start to glow

''No you can't do that , no I beg you not to we have to leave '' she answered signaling the girls to come closer

I thought about how absurd it was and how everything was happening so fast

''We can't just run away it's our territory so we have to protect it '' I answered still trying to keep my powers at bay

The front door burst open and a large brown wolf jumped in followed by a couple of others

I tried to move forward but Nyla held me back

''The protection didn't work'' Mildred said surprised and terrified

''Magic doesn't work on them '' Nyla answered

These wolves really weren't the usual ones I once I was use to the were bigger, faster , stronger and always had a thirst for blood plus they weren't vulnerable to magic like other wolves so I get why a coven would be scared.

The wolf lunged forward and I was ready to defend the attack only to blink and see myself in my room .

''Damn it Nyla'' I cursed out rushing towards the door at it was locked

''I'm sorry my child but this is for your own good '' I heard her say behind the door

''Nyla let me the fuck out please '' I yelled

''No I can't I promise your mother I'd protect you and that's exactly what I'll do , the necklace around your neck has a transportation spell that will get you back home any minute from now , it also has a toxin that suppress your powers so you won't break the door now please listen to me my dear don't let the demon alpha find you ''

I felt her foot step start to recoil from the door . '' fuck , fuck , fuck '' I cursed out loud

Pushing the door with every strength I had left

I grabbed the necklace and tried to yank it off but it wouldn't budge , I rushed to the window and tried opening it by I couldn't

''Damn this magic '. I thought

The effects of the transportation spell had started to kick in and I felt a slight knock on the door

I stood frozen and tried to hold my breath. The whole house had gotten silent like there wasn't a trace of a soul here

The only sounds I could hear was my own hear beating.

The door flew open and I turned around with fear

With no powers or super senses I was completely defenseless and I hater being vulnerable.

A huge dark wolf in its lycan form entered into the room with its red eyes on me, it's fangs and claws were all out read to attack any moment it stood for a while as he stared at me from head to toe , raising his head upwards he sniffed the air and let out a short but loud growl .

I watched and waited for it's next move as I slowly stepped backwards ,suddenly I heard loud cracking sounds of bones .

It was shifting to its human for , the fur around him slowly disappeared, his fangs and claws with drew forming into a perfect manly physique and before I could get a proper glimpse at his face I faded away .