Chapter 8

Sweat pants , basketball shorts and a combo of all things comfortable . Im a sucker for those things but dresses

''Hell bah'' I muttered looking at my reflection in the mirror

The dress Ashely had picked out for me was definitely over the top even for a bridesmaid it was too much . The black long sleeveless silk dress hugged my curves perfectly , it had really long slits that exposed my right leg up to my thighs , the back was very much exposed with just a few straps holding them together from each side.

''dear goddess help me you look gorge '' Ashely squealed from the door

I rolled my eyes at her childish gestures and she said

''Come on it's just on night ''

''it's showing a lot Ashely , like a lot ''

I pointed at the open cleavage on my chest and continued

'' Didn't they have anything else that doesn't scream I'm excited for mating season ''

''I choose this one because I knew You'd look awesome in it and you do , I mean look at you '

She turned me to mirror and said

''When or where have you ever seen such perfection? ''

''It feels like something a mother would say to her daughter when she's about to go to prom '' I joked

''Thanks I've been practicing ''

Ashely smiled and rubbed her belly , her dress looked really good on her even though she looked like she was about to burst any moment from now .

Taking one last glance at the mirror I said

''Well at least the dress isn't white ''

'' doesn't change the fact that you'll be turning heads at the party, come on I'll do your hair and make up ''

The next two hours was spent with Ashley and I decking our selves and looking good

''These heels should you fit perfectly , it's mine but Kyle got the size wrong ''

Ashely handed me a pair of black heels

''Red bottoms? ''

I asked smirking

''Kyle is very precise when it comes to lavish gifts '' Ashely perked up and we laughed

''It's dark outside already the guest should be arriving now I gotta go come down quickly ok''

Ashely said rushing out of the room

''Ok , I'll figure out how to walk on these without hurting myself and I'll be Down ''I yelled out to her

Putting the shoes on I carefully walked to the mirror for a better glance

''Can't believe I'm doing this '' I thought

''With Nyla and the whole nightshade cove still missing '' I added

I thought about how happy Nyla and the girls would be if they'd been here and see me wearing a dress like this

''Heavenly perfection '' I whispered

Only Nyla would ever say that . Whether one looked good or not it's always that compliment

Smiling I adjusted the hemp of my dress , taking a deep breath I said out loud

''Ok Amina you can do this , it's all part of being part of the pack and your a Gamma so act like it ''

After my little pep talk I grabbed my phone and stepped out of the room heading for the stairs

The house was quiet even with the distant music coming from the reception hall it was peaceful here

I got down the stairs and a strong scent hits me.

Ravenwood mixed with wild coal and a strong dash of clary sage .

I raised my head a little higher so I could capture more of the amazing stuff , it almost felt like the scent was hypnotic and calling out to her

Another cologne evades my nostrils and i heard a voice say

''It's cider wood Armani ''

My eyes flew open and Jason was right in front of me with his face just a few inches away from mine

''Hell , I've been avoiding a one on one confrontation like this since what almost happened in the kitchen '' I thought

''It's nice and different '' I said with an awkward smile

'' I know you seemed to be enjoying it '' he answered

His little grin suddenly faded away when he sized my from head to toe

'' you have absolutely no idea how glad i am that you're not getting a mate tonight '' he said in a low voice and grabbed me by the waist

Of course he'll try to tease me but two can play this game I thought bracing myself for my next move

'' I'm not sure I can say the same thing about you though '' I smirked running my fingers across his face

He closed his eyes briefly trying to savor the feeling of my skin against his , my grin got wider knowing I was now the one affecting him

''I don't plan on having a mate ever '' he answered opening his eyes making direct eye contact with me

I felt tingles on my skin with every word he was saying but I was the one in control and I wasn't planning on letting him win

Leaning forward and pretending to aim for his lips , I felt him tighten his hold on my waist pushing me closer to him .

Swiftly passing his lips I whispered in his ears

''that sounds really nice but the last time I checked they came as per the moon goddess's orders not your but if everything goes as planned for you tonight I promise you'll have everything underneath this dress on your bed by tomorrow morning ''

Jason let out a growl and was about to say something but was interrupted by a little cough

I quickly squirmed out of his arms and turned to the person

''Ummm the ceremony is about to start and the Alpha wants his Beta and Gamma present '' one of the pack members said and quickly rushed out

I lazily looked at Jason and said

''Let's get this charade over with ''

He laughed leading me through the door and we walked down to the party .

''What too you two so long ? '' Kyle asked immediate we entered the hall

''Sorry I had a little problem Jason was helping me with'' I answered as Ashely joined us

'' damn , the crowd is way more than I expected we've got wolves coming from different packs and continent '' she said

''Don't stress it's going well , the decorations are nice and you look nice '' I tried to calm her

''Thanks , honey it's almost time for your speech ''Ashely pointed out

''Oh shit ''Kyle cursed

''Please tell me you prepared a speech and didn't forget '' Ashely asked worriedly

''Of course not I gat everything prepared ''Kyle answered with a smile

''Thank god , I'll be at the stage area so get ready and the Beta and Gamma has to come up too '' with that Ashely disappeared amongst the crowd again

''You definitely forgot to plan a speech right? ''Jason asked Kyle

''Totally '' Kyle said grabbing a glass of whiskey off the tray from a waiter

'' tough luck Ashely will bite your head off '' I added

Jason and Kyle started to think of things to say and I looked around the crowd

Ashely was right there was a lot of them mostly young wolves some humans too but mostly wolves.

I could feel some of them trying to rip my clothes off with their stares and slutty gestures.

Trying my best not to run away and hide I kept my head up trying to blend in as much as I could

Suddenly the same sent from earlier hits my nose again. This time it felt much closer and stronger

Turing my head around the crowd trying to find the source of the pleasurable feeling I felt someone tug me slightly

''Are you ok ? You seem lost ''

I turned to Jason a little confused and said

''I thought it was you ''

''What ? '' he asked

''The clary sage and ravenwood ''

I answered still looking around for the source

''What clary sage ''

Jason asked confused with his hands on my shoulders

I finally focused on him and then I realized how pissed he'd be if he knew I was trying to look for another cologne that wasn't his

''It's nothing, I'm ok '' I said faking a smile even though I couldn't think of anything else than the captivating scent I was perceiving

''It's time for the speech let's go '' Jason said snaking his hand around my waist and leading me down the hall to where the stage was

''Are you sure you're ok '' he asked whispering into my ears as the guest pathed the way for us since we were walking behind the alpha

I smiled at Jason as the weird feeling of wanting to find the owner of the sent slowly faded away with his so close to me

''I just hate parties '' I answered

''Well that makes two of us '' Jason said

And I chuckle slightly

We were only half way towards the stage when suddenly someone or something incredibly powerful pulled me away from Jason and said with a dangerous growl

'' Mine ''

'' Don't touch what's mine ''