Chapter 9

Amina's POV

This raven dark haired man with all his perfections stood right in front of me . I'd forgotten about Kyle , Ashley, Jason and the whole party .

He kept his gaze on me , his eyes traveled through every inch of my body and I did same

From his perfect jawline down to his tattooed neck , his tall figure complimented his size and that same delicious scent felt like an imprint on his beautifully toned skin

''Damn '' I thought in my head trying very hard not to bite my lips in front of everyone

His grey eyes locked with mine and he voiced again

''Mine ''

With great difficulty I fought the urge to run towards him

''Who are you ? ''

I heard Kyle ask from behind me

He didn't answer Kyle's question but walked closer to me instead with his eyes still locked with mine .

I just stood there frozen as he approached me when he got closer he tried to reach for my hand but Jason stepped in between us and I slowly start to come to my senses.

''Move '' the stranger commanded

The power in his voice was clearly visible as it echoed through the hall

I looked around and realized the whole party had stopped with everyone watching us even the music had stopped.

'' the Alpha asked you a question '' Jason answered standing his ground

I quickly placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him that I was fine but the stranger didn't seem pleased at all

''Alpha Ryker of Blood moon ''

He finally answered without shifting his gaze from Jason

I Jason's shoulder stiffen at the sound of his introduction

''And I'm Alpha Kyle of Red moon ''

Kyle said walking to Jason's side

The Alpha looked at Kyle lazily and said '' I know who you are and I think it's best if you had your Beta take a step back I'm taking my Mate ''

I was taken aback by his words

''Mate '' I thought inside my head

''But thats not possible, I don't want a mate , I'm not a werewolf so I don't need one ''

A thousand thoughts raced through my mind as I slowly remove my hand from Jason's shoulder

Everyone knows was now looking at me like they expected me to say something even Kyle , Jason and Ashley. I swear one could hear my heart beat faster than ever with

The silence coming from everywhere.

''Mate '' I whispered out loud and the whole crowd burst into a cheerful applause

Everyone slowly went on with their business leaving just my pack and the stranger in our little circle

'' What just happened? ''

I finally broke the silence between us

'' he claims he's your mate and you agreed ''

Jason said in a low and angry voice

Kyle looked at Jason and me in confusion trying to pick up the pieces

''Alpha Ryker I'm Luna Ashely it's nice to meet you. Are you here alone or ....''

Ashely greeted trying to break the ice

''No , I'm here with me Betas ''

He pointed towards two men in suits one was older and the other seemed to be the same age as him

Ashely waved to them and they repeated the gesture

'' I've heard about your pack before but I didn't know you guys roam this parts ''

Kyle finally took his eyes of Jason and me paying attention to the Alpha

''We don't , I was around heard about the mating ceremony so I decided to crash the party . Which turned out to be surprising for all of us unfortunately ''

He answered turning to Jason

'' can we take this somewhere else '' I finally spoke after being silent for forever

They all turned to me and I added

''I hate the crowd ''

With that I immediately walked out of the hall and took off into the forest as fast as my heels could take me .

Ryker's POV

I watched as she hurriedly walked out of the crowd , the Beta tried to go after her but a female held him back and whispered

''Mate ''

He turned to her in surprise

I chuckled at his actions he was so carried away by another wolf's mate that he did even realize his was nearby .

Without sticking around to watch the interesting show that was about to happen I walked away in search of my mate by following her scent

When we entered into this pack grounds I wasn't even out of the car yet when I caught her familiar overpowering scent

It was heavenly , clean , Zesty and rare that I could drown in it all day long I thought as I kept tracking her

Of course I knew she's be here , I knew her name, her story and I came for her i came to get back what nightshade stole from me .