Chapter 10

Ryker's POV

The closer I got the stronger her scent took over my senses

''Find her and Mark her '' My wolf commanded

''Not now Lucian , we still need her to find the rest of nightshade '' I answered In my head

Lucian growled trying to force himself out , trying to take over

''Cut it out '' I yelled out

''Bullshit , there's a fucking Beta after her mark her and claim her ''

He voiced , pushing forward

I stopped in my tracks and said

'' screw the Beta , screw her ''

With that Lucian saw red , he was normally calm and collected but every since the attack on nightshade his anger has been all over the place.

I felt the usual sharp pain in my back, it was a sign Lucian was about to take over but I couldn't let that happen and especially not here not around her she'd recognize us immediately.

The pain grew over my body as my bone started cracking loudly. I groaned out trying my very best to push him back

''Let me out '' Lucian yelled in my head

The last time he was this out of control was the lunar eclipse and that was a long time ago

''Fuck you '' I answered falling to my knees

As he tried to break the final barrier between us I felt a warm hand on my shoulders . I turned my head and my eyes landed on her .

''Amina '' I voiced in surprise

She was taken aback at the sound of her name from my mouth. As she took a couple of steps back I slowly got up .

I hadn't even realize I was in a clear opening in the forest . The wind here seemed to be lighter and I was really quiet, way too quiet for a wolf I thought as I tried to strain my ears to hears something anything

''You won't hear a thing out here , I already tried '' Amina said

I could finally keep a lock on her voice as she spoke more . It was blissful , pleasant and surprisingly calm

The light from the moon was directly behind her giving me a better and more exotic view than the party.

Her dark hair fell over her shoulders covering half her face, she probably ran her fingers through it a thousand times already in the past minutes . Her face was just as angelic and daring as I remembered, her brown eyes down to her lips were just as captivating.

''And don't get me started on the dress '' Lucian voiced from our mind link

''Damn demon wolf , I can't believe she just stopped you from shifting '' I said finally going through her body

I could almost feel his smirk as I tried to hide mine, her dress was everything I wanted to see and everything I wanted no man to .

My eyes traveled down From her perky breast down to her tiny waist and huge hips .

'' pleasant '' I said out loud

She but her lips lightly looking like she was contemplating what to say next while running her fingers across her hair

''You're human '' I finally said trying to confirm the information I got from the wolf I tortured three days ago

''I am but it's complicated so much so I didn't expect.... you'' she stated coldly

''Hmmm '' I hummed slowly walking towards her

''This whole thing isn't right there must be like a mistake somewhere ''

She continued

Nodding my head till I finally get to her I said

'' I'd normally say the same thing beautiful but you owe me something and I need it ''

She looked at me surprised and tried to say something but I cut her off

''You owe me for a life time of waiting, where have you been all this while ''

I was taken aback at how cringe I sounded trying my best to convince her I was that kind of mate so she'll come with me

'' I don't want this , this whole mating bullshit is absurd and I don't comprehend ''

She said shaking her head and turning around to leave

Her little outburst let out waves of emotions that I could feel '' surprise , attraction, anger and more attraction '' I smirked proudly knowing the effect I already had on her .

I grabbed her wrist in anger as no one walks away from me . I could feel Lucian starting to surface too more worried about her rejection than her disrespect to an alpha like me

''Let go '' she said coldly without looking back to me

I snarled at her behavior but I had to keep my anger in check

''Look at me '' I said trying my very best not to make it sound like an order

''Let's do this some other Time, I'm the gamma of the pack so I need to be present for the mating ceremony ''

With that she yanked her hand from mine and walked away

I was too dumbfounded by the strength she just showed that I did follow her immediately

''She really does have the strength of a thousand wolves doesn't she ? '' Lucian asked trying to mock me

''Shut up '' I answered walking back to the party

Amina's POV

I quickly found my way out of the forest so I could get away from that stranger as soon as possible

''Damn this heels '' I cursed thinking about everything that just happened just now

This alpha and his whole aura was nothing like I've seen before, I wasn't use to being around wolves but it was as clear as day he was different

I paused standing in front of the reception hall closing my eyes briefly trying to get my emotions together.

''Fuck this '' I whispered

''You're back '' I heard Kyle's voice and my eyes flew open

''Yeah , I just needed some air what did I miss'' I answered keeping all my emotions in check

'' Nothing much just Kyle's unprepared speech '' Ashely answer with a little frown and rushed towards me

'' I freaking told you that dress would work wonders , oh my God that Alpha is smoking hot ''

She giggled as I kept fake smiling at her

Jason quickly walked out of Hall joining us

''You're back '' he said in relief with his eyes tracing down my neck

''Jason we have to talk '' Kyle order from behind us

Jason turned to Kyle and said in a whisper we could all hear

''I swear Alpha we'll talk later please can I just have a minute with Amina ''

I had a very broad idea about what they were gonna talk about but Jason didn't seem to bother too much about it

''But I would like to talk to you too ''

We all turned to the direction of the high pitched voice

My eyes landed on a tiny brunette girl wearing a white dress

Jason ran his hands over his face Turing to Kyle saying

'' I don't know what to do ''

My confused ass finally started to understand the situation slowly and I turned to Ashley who nods in confirmation to my thoughts

''Well hell , the moon goddess loves playing games doesn't she '' I thought

''I know things may be complicated for you now '' she paused eyeing me before she continued '' but we have to sort things out as mates ''

Jason was about to say something when someone behind us spoke

''And we still have a conversation pending ''

I didn't have to turn around to know who it was but I did anyways hoping it wasn't him

''Ryker '' I said in a low whisper as he stood there in all his glory with both his Betas behind him .