Chapter 14

Naruto instantly got to know that his father was going to destroy Menma. He also had Limbo jailers restraining Menma. Naruto had to do something. Though his teleportation was not as accurate as his father's, he could save Menma. He instantly teleported Menma to a different place and Izuna's hand went through thin air. Menma did not know what had happened and concluded that Naruto must have saved him.

Izuna got up said, "Naruto, I will first take care of you, else it is going to be a pain to defeat the others with you coming in the middle all the time, now show yourself or do you want me to come to you?"

Naruto knew he was done for and told Mito, "We shall create an opening now and hope that Menma and Sasuke use that opening."

He teleported himself and Mito and teleported Naruto to where they had come from.

Naruto manifested a full chakra armour and it contained both fire style and lightning style. It had the six paths symbol on both the back and front. Izuna was impressed at Naruto's armour yet again. Over the course of the first week, he had almost perfected his Kamui and Amaterasu and could manifest a full body armour and could even do a level four Susano'o. Then he began to practise his Rinnegan abilities. He could do 'Universal Pull' and 'Almighty Push' almost perfectly. They were the easiest. He could absorb weak jutsu and pure chakra if he was in physical contact with the person whose chakra he was absorbing. He could create one Limbo Jailer. He could teleport well though he was not perfect. He could teleport anything accurate to two meters. That was good. He was extremely quick. He could create gravity and create mini moons. His Wood style had also gotten better.

Mito on the other hand had gotten close to Naruto's level of perfection of the abilities of the mangekyou Sharingan and could also do a level four Susano'o. She could do a level three Susano'o and could absorb water like the second Hokage. Her fire style was also good. It was almost a fifth as strong as Itachi's.

Naruto and Mito together did a Susano'o. This surprised Izuna. They were able to go all the way to level five together. Then an equal number of shadow clones of Naruto as the number of Limbo jailers Izuna was using appeared and a Limbo jailer of Naruto also appeared behind Izuna. Izuna did not notice this. Then all of a sudden, they attacked simultaneously and Naruto's Limbo jailer restrained Izuna y keeping him from infusing any chakra. Izuna absorbed the Limbo jailer of Naruto and hit the Susano'o head-on. Naruto was not done yet. Izuna was now open to attack. Naruto teleported Sasuke and Menma to where they were just in front of Izuna in a perfect position to dislodge Izuna.

Izuna noticed this. He saw that Naruto made use of the situation and now that Izuna's chakra was directly in contact with Naruto's the only option was to absorb the Susano'o and then teleport. The conditions gave him very little time to do so. He absorbed the Susano'o and just as Naruto's and Sasuke's foot was going to make contact with Izuna's chest, he teleported to the ground and Naruto did the same and all of them were on the ground. Sasuke had manifested a chakra armour made of lightning and fire styles, except, the chakra was in the leg and not in the arm. When both were combined, an entire limb was still his limit but if it was just one, he could do it in two limbs.

Izuna knew that he had underestimated them. All the four of them were working together. This was not going to be as easy as Izuna had expected it to be. Though he had not expected them to work together, but he had overestimated their strength when they worked together, he was sure of that. He had been expecting more than what he had received from them.

He grinned and said, "Good job catching me off guard, but I assure you, you will not catch me off guard again." Izuna thought to himself that he would not make them fast for the next twenty four hours and decided that he would get them Ramen at Ichiraku's. Naruto on the other hand tensed a little more knowing that he was done for by seeing that grin on his father's face. He remembered the mental note he had made on the first day, and it had always proved to be right.

Meanwhile, Naruto and the others were thinking that they were done for and they would have to fast for the nest twenty four hours. While they were thinking Izuna said, "Naruto, I will first take care of you. Then I shall take care of the others. You are causing troubles to me right now."

Izuna came and crouched right behind Naruto and about two Limbo Jailers were restricting everybody to where they were. They could not move. Four Limbo Jailers were restricting Naruto to his place. Izuna said, "Fire Style: One Million Years of Pain" he was about to thrust it into Naruto when all of a sudden, one Limbo Jailer of Naruto was keeping Izuna from using 'Fire Style: One Million Years of Pain' on him. Then he used as much as Chakra as he could and teleported himself to another place and did the hand sign for Shadow Clone Jutsu and twelve shadow clones of Naruto popped up right next to him. Naruto then teleported the rest of them next to him.

He said, "You will have to do better than that if you want to put me down."

Naruto wasn't easy to put down. Izuna had to agree. Izuna also couldn't use strong jutsu 'cause they were still not god enough to stop them. He said, "Well, you escaped me this time. Now escape this. Universal Pull!" Saying so, he raised his arm and manifested a lightning and fire style armour on his arm and Naruto came flying towards Izuna.

Naruto's chakra armour was no match for Izuna's. S the only thing Naruto could do now was Almighty Push. He said, "Almighty Push!" and all of sudden just before he was stabbed by Izuna's arm, he stopped and then he teleported back to where he came from. He was shivering and all of a sudden, an alarm rang and it was already noon. None of them had gotten a bell. Izuna said, "I give you half an hour more to get at least one of these bells."