Chapter 15

Izuna said, "I give you half an hour more to get at least one of these bells."

Naruto took the chance and got in the same position as Izuna had gotten a few minutes ago and used all the shadow clones he had and the Limbo jailer of his to restrict Izuna's Limbo Jailers and Izuna himself with one of them hitting Izuna at a vital chakra point thus, keeping him from using any of the Rinnegan's abilities and Naruto used 'Fire Style: One Million Years of Pain' on him. But contradicting Naruto's thoughts and expectations, Izuna absorbed the jutsu and dodged it then teleported from there. He was impressed and said, "You did well Naruto but did not get the bell."

Naruto said, "Which bell? This bell?" showing the bell he had taken from Izuna just before he had teleported. Izuna was surprised. Naruto had gotten a bell form Izuna and when he checked, both the bells were gone. Naruto said, "Yeah I took both bells. I know this was supposed to be a team exercise. But we did work together, which created these openings for me to get these bells."

Izuna was not surprised. The four of them had made full use of Naruto's Rinnegan. Despite the fact that they were more or less against each other in the beginning, they had managed to catch him off guard and almost land a blow on Izuna and then Naruto had gotten the bells. Izuna knew that they didn't get the bells as a team but there was a bit of team work in them and this was enough according to Izuna.

Izuna said, "Despite the fact that only Naruto got the bells, there was a little bit of teamwork in there and for that I shall allow you to eat today's lunch, dinner and tomorrow's breakfast and dinner at Ichiraku Ramen today and it's on me. Congrats. Anyway, no more than two bowls per head. I don't wanna go bankrupt."

The four of them were clearly happy at the fact that they didn't have to fast. Now they had a few boring years at the academy to look forward to. Hopefully it wouldn't be as boring as Izuna told them it would be.


The next day, The Academy, Konohagakure

Naruto, Mito, Menma and Sasuke walked in to their classrooms. Unlike a normal day, Naruto was wearing white robes with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back. Menma was wearing the usual orange he loved. He had the Uzumaki symbol on the back. Mito was wearing a blue shirt with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back, with Sasuke also in similar fashion.

This batch was filled with clan heirs. The Yamanaka clan heiress Ino Yamanaka was there sitting with a civilian. Ino Yamanaka was wearing a purple dress all over. The girl next to her was wearing a red dress. They were probably friends. The Hyuuga clan heiress Hinata Hyuuga was also sitting with them. She was wearing a white jacket. Naruto wouldn't be wrong to call her extremely shy. The Inuzuka clan heir, Kiba Inuzuka was sitting along with the Aburame clan heir Shino Aburame. Kia was wearing a grey jacket and white shorts. He had a puppy on his head. He also had markings on his face more or less showing that he was an Inuzuka, Shino on the other hand was wearing goggles to keep his eyes from being and was wearing a grey jacket and grey trousers. The Nara clan heir Shikamaru Nara was sitting with Chouji Akimichi, the Akimichi clan heir.

Naruto went and sat along with Shikamaru and Chouji. Shikamaru asked, "Are you Naruto Uchiha, son of the Hokage ad heir to the Uchiha clan?"

Naruto laughed and said, "Well, when you say it like that it makes me feel dignified, which I clearly am not and drop that stern look from your face. Doesn't look good on you."

Shikamaru was surprised at his behaviour. Most Uchiha were rarely ever friendly. He would clearly like the friendship of a cheerful Uchiha.

Naruto soon developed a friendship with Shikamaru and Chouji and the three of them were almost as inseparable as the Ino-Shika-Cho group.

Mito on the other hand went and sat with Hinata. Mito became more or less instant friends with Hinata.

Sasuke and Menma went and sat on different desks all by themselves. Menma soon became a friend of Shikamaru, Chouji, and Kiba. Sasuke on the other hand stayed to himself and didn't make any friends.

Then they met their Chunin instructor, Iruka who was going to be training them.

Soon, Naruto, Mito, Menma and Sasuke figured that Academy was even more boring than Izuna had told them. The only Ninjutsu that was taught was the henge/transformation and Bunshin/Clone. Nothing was taught about chakra control. The only thing that was taught about genjutsu was how it worked. Taijutsu was taught as physical education in the Academy. They usually sparred and clan heirs were pit against civilians in which clan heirs usually won. The only interesting spar would be between Sasuke and Naruto with both of them using interceptor fist and nothing else. Neither used any Ninjutsu whatsoever because they knew that Naruto would emerge victorious. Despite Sasuke being levels lower than Naruto in almost everything else, his Interceptor Fist was just as good as Naruto's. That was a true spar. What the others did was just a small hop compared to Naruto and Sasuke's spar.

During the Academy years, Naruto would usually just send a Shadow Clone to Academy and train by the Uchiha Shrine. Menma usually didn't care and slept at the Academy and usually got disciplined for it. Mito didn't care and just sent a shadow clone to academy and read old scrolls and some novels. Sasuke just went to Academy and came back and then trained.

Over the years, Naruto and Sasuke had a horde of girls behind each of them. Naruto's fan girls were led by Ino Yamanaka. Naruto had lost count of how many times she had tried to get close to him. She might have been attractive but she was clearly not his type. Sasuke's fan girls were led by Sakura Haruno. Naruto couldn't believe that someone could be as loud as she was.

Mito also had her own fan club. She was clearly attractive. Naruto only saw her as a sister but few people knew that he would feel in a completely different way towards her in a few years. Her fan club was led by Inuzuka Kiba who had asked her out over fifty times during the Academy years all of which she had turned down in an ice cold manner. So much so that she got the nickname 'The New Ice Queen of Konoha'.

Menma on the other hand was clearly avoided by most of the girls except Hinata and Mito.

Naruto knew that if Menma showed his full strength, all the girls would leave Sasuke and go behind him. He didn't know why they avoided him. Nevertheless, he was still popular because he was the brother/friend of Naruto and was also respected for his strength among the boys of the class.