Chapter 32

Menma saw a fox like silhouette from the cage. It got larger by the second and all of a sudden, there were two large red eyes starting at him.

He backed off by instinct. He looked at the fox growing in size as it approached him. When it was right in front of him in all its glory. It had bright orange fur with nine large tails.

It told Menma, "My warden finally comes to meet me!" It was more of a growl than a greeting.

Menma asked, "You're the Kyuubi?"

It answered, "Yes! I am the mighty Kyuubi! The strongest tailed beast alive and the only alive being other than a sage of six paths capable of taking on all the other ones and coming out at the top in one piece!"

Sages of Six Paths were monstrously powerful. Let it be said that taking on a fully matured sage with full understanding and control over his powers was a force to be reckoned with! The first one created the Moon. The second not a true sage. The third, Izuna's father Tajima was stronger than the first and probably capable of creating an entire planet. The forth, Izuna- was too OP even for Tajima. There was a reason he was dubbed the God of Six Paths! The Kyuubi speculated that if Izuna tried hard enough, he could absorb all the energy of the sun, not instantly of course, and survive. The fifth was still perfecting his powers though he was more of a sage than Madara was.

The Kyuubi feared and respected dates of six paths. They were too darn powerful for their own good. But other than them, Kyuubi was the strongest being alive.

Menma said, "Why do you live in a sewer?"

Kyuubi snorted, "Because your mind is always in one!"

Menma said, "Hey! I am not Naruto!"

Kyuubi said, "Why don't you explain why we are in a gutter, a very large gutter at that, in that case?"

Menma raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner, "This is my mind?"

The Kyuubi was at his snapping point. A hundred years of starting inside mind that were practically geniuses and now, this guy! The Kyuubi answered Menma, "Yes! Where else would we meet? In the real world?!"

Menma nodded and looked around and said, "I thought my mind would be cleaner!"

Kyuubi gritted his teeth in frustration and said, "Do you want to get it of the genjutsu Kakashi put you in or not?"

Menma readily answered, "Of course I wanna get out! Wait a minute! How do I know that you aren't a genjutsu! Prove that you are not a genjutsu!"

Kyuubi answered in a deadpan expression, "You secretly read Icha Icha and you practically love it! How do I know? I've been in you for the last twelve years and I see everything you see! Though those books are quite good if I were to say myself" Saying so he chuckled to himself while Menma's face turned deep red. He said, "I don't enjoy them!"

Kyuubi sighed as he shook his head, "Denial doesn't suit you. You need to be straightforward with yourself. And quite frankly, there is nothing wrong in accepting it. Hell, I am personally in love with it!"

Menma was fumbling with his hands and said, "I w-will n-not dignify that w-with a r-response!"

Kyuubi laughed heartily. He was having too much fun teasing this kid. He decided, ' Regardless of what the kid does, I will eke out each bit of fun by teasing the gaki. If he wishes harm to the Bijuu, let it be known that the Kyuubi always has a backup plan.'

Unless he was in a genjutsu, but that went unsaid and un-thought.

Kyuubi said, "You're too easy to tease, so I'll spare you. But only on one condition, you shall open this cage. If you don't, I'll get out anyway. It'll take years. Perhaps decades, but I will get out. Mark my words, do it by your own accord and live, or die as I wring my way out of you bit by bit until there is nothing left in this body, niether your chakra nor mine!"

Menma asked, "How do I know you won't kill me?"

Kyuubi said, "You don't. But take a leap of faith. I won't kill you." 'Unless you try to kill me or cage me once more' but this thought didn't leave the confines of his mind.

Menma said, "Fine. I'll take a leap of faith. I just have one question, how do I free you?"

Kyuubi would have facepalmed himself if he had a palm. He said, "See this sheet of paper saying seal, remove it: you'll see a lock of sorts. Should be easy to open for you. Just need to put your hands on it and open it."

Menma did as told. As soon as he did this, Minato appeared in front of them. When he saw his son, he was distressed. What would have happened to him that he opened the cage? He kneeled beside his son and hugged him and asked him with tears running down his eyes, "I am very sorry for what I did to you. I should have just listened to Izuna. I should have sealed it inside him. Why didn't I just do that? Don't worry. Papa's here now. He'll send the monster away"

Menma was flagger basted. He asked, "Who are you and what did you do to me?"

Minato said, "I am your father. The Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze. I know it would have been difficult to live without parents. I really hope Izuna has a good reason for whatever has happened to you."

"What happened to me?" asked Menma.

The Kyuubi interrupted, "Minato, nothing has happened to the boy! You needn't worry! Izuna would never let anything happen to him! And if you are worrying about me trying to escape, I would not escape in the presence of the God of Six Paths! I am not suicidal!"

Minato cocked his head upwards and says, "So basically nothing has happened that would make Menma desperate enough to open this gate? Then why'd he open it?"

"He took a leap of faith, if you will. And once again, your gaki is too easy to tease, so I'll tease him until it stops being funny. Until then, I ain't escaping. Besides, you're going to be here, in the case I try to escape any way. Oh, by the way, you should have access to my other half.

Call it and make sure you don't leave this place, eh!"

Minato thought for a while and agreed and all of a sudden, there was a huge influx of chairs and Minato had the other half of the Kyuubi. The seal was still there on him as he sealed half into him first. So he was able to call it. He said, "I'll give you this half if you prove to be trustworthy."

"I can work with that! Now, let's get outta Kakashi's genjutsu!"