Chapter 33

Kakashi was waiting patiently for his students to escape his genjutsu. There was a triple layered genjutsu loop. To break out of it, you had to break each and everyone simultaneously or needed a partner on the outside. Most people would probably not know what was real and what was genjutsu once they came out. The genjutsu was a way to drive someone mad. But Kakashi knew one thing, at least two people in here had the power and talent required to pull this off. And they would be able to bring the third one out.

And just as he thought this, a brilliant orange flame covered Menma. He now has access to the Kyuubi. Kakashi was sure that Izuna has hacked reality. That was the only explanation he had for the extremely high number of OP shinobi in this village- The third Hokage, Kakashi, Naruto, Mito, Menma, Sasuke, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and finally Izuna himself. That was 8 kage level shinobi loyal to the village. The average hidden village was lucky if they had three.

Upon that, Kakashi, Izuna, Naruto, Mito, and soon even Sasuke and Naruto would all be capable of destroying every other kage in an all on one battle. Konoha was just too OP. Kakashi once again thanked kami for putting him in Konoha. He vanished in Shushin as Menma came to reality.

Sasuke was in deep genjutsu when Menma brought him out of it. He was not sure whether this was a genjutsu or reality. He was getting tired of continually breaking out of one genjutsu after another. Oh, he'd figured out that it was a triple layered genjutsu loop. He knew what to do.

Sasuke said, "Thanks, but I'd have done it myself in a few more minutes anyway"

"Or a few hours, but you have gotten out of course," snickered Menma.

Sasuke sighed and said, "Let's get Sakura out"

Menma kept his hand on Sakura's shoulder. All of a sudden, she woke up with a jerk. Upon seeing Menma, she screamed, "Shannaro!" as she hit Menma and said, "Sorry for that intrusion Sasuke. Shall we continue?"

She took a few steps towards Sasuke to hug him with lust in her eyes.

Sasuke stooped her and said, "Whatever genjutsu were you in, this is the reality, and I am still not interested by you. The fact that you'd fall for such a genjutsu just makes me even less interested in you"

Sakura's face contorted into one of embarrassment as her face turned tomato red. She and Sasuke were about to make out in her genjutsu. Not that Sasuke would ever know that and Kakashi would never know that she enjoyed it.

Kakashi came down upon them, yawned and said, "Finally you guys got out. I was. tired waiting for you three. Now, let's start lesson 3: Ninjutsu!"

Sasuke said before Kakashi could use his just, "Katon: Gokayuu no Jutsu!"(Great Fireball)

Kakashi just tapped his foot on the ground and an earth barrier came up in front of him. Then, he touched the wall with his finger and channeled raiton chakra into it breaking it apart into dust. He saw that Menma and Sasuke were much further behind. Sasuke who had been practicing Susanno for the past one year had come close to perfection. He could achieve the final stage without a hitch. He enveloped the others in his Susanno.

Sakura was surprised at this ability of Sasuke. Menma, on the other hand, was not really impressed. He said, "My turn!" He clapped his hands together and he overflowed with chakra. He achieved full tailed beast transformation. It was glowing bright orange. If Menma had tried to do it by himself, it wouldn't work and Menma would pass out due to the strain of excess chakra flowing through him. But since he had already opened the seal and Minato was there to help him out, he was able to it. It was still difficult but he did it.

Sasuke smirked, "So you're finally at my level. We can have even spars now."

Menma said, "I was always as strong as you. Now, I'd say I'm stronger!"

Sasuke said, "You underestimate the Mangekyou Sharingan. We can change reality itself. I could sacrifice just one eye and make it so that I had the Kyuubi and not you. I am still stronger than you! I shall always be!"

Menma snorted, "Let's see!"

Kakashi sighed at this display. He Kamui'd the arms of the Susanno and the Kyuubi within it. He said, "Anyone else would have murdered you by now if you bicker like that in the middle of a battle." As long as that person was a very high kage level shinobi. But once again, that went unsaid.

Kakashi started to fire all the jutsus he had in his inventory. Let it be said, Kakashi is an absolute monster. One second he was sending dragons and Phoenixes at the trio, the next, he was shattering the earth below them, the next there were lightning bolts hitting them from the sky, the next there were kekkei Genkai Kakashi should not have had but he nevertheless did. The protection if the Susanno and the Kyuubi were all for naught as Kakashi was continually battering them without a stop. One moment they'd be frozen and the next they would be burning apart. Sasuke tried to Amaterasu Kakashi every second of the battle. Menma sent all variations of the Rasengan he knew. Each and everyone was Kamui'd. Izuna was probably the only one better than Kakashi at Kamui.

Menma and Sasuke thanked Kami that Kakashi had just one Sharingan. If he had two, he would be practically invincible against anyone other than Izuna himself.

Kakashi made quick work of everything the kids threw at him. If Izuna had hacked reality, Kakashi had hacked Ninjutsu. Kakashi had far more than one thousand Ninjutsu. Hell, he'd seen each and every kekkei Genkai and reverse engineered each and every one of them. He had the necessary chakra control to pull it off. Inch by inch, he tore through all of Menma and Sasuke's defenses like a lion tearing through its prey. Finally, they looked at Sakura and told her, "Do it. We don't have time!"

Kakashi wondered what they meant. He felt a sudden tug and he was within the Susanno and Kyuubi. Kakashi looked at both sides. Menma's Rasenshuriken was millimeters away from his head. Sasuke's inferno style raikiri was millimeters away from his midsection. He just jumped up, caught both arms and hurled them to his either side.

Finally, the alarm clock that Kakashi had kept for noon rang.

Kakashi said, "Looks like your time is up. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

Sasuke said, "I have to say that you have been holding out all this while and that you have hacked chakra. That much chakra and the ability to use all kekkei genkai is a hack no matter how I see it!"

Kakashi said, "As much as it hurts me to say this,"

Sakura said, "Please don't fail us. We'll do better the next time"

Kakashi said, "O was gonna say that you pass. I am not falling you three. you

You might need some work, but the boys showed the exceptional team work I have come to expect of them. They invited you into their attacks with what little tai, gen, and Ninjutsu you knew. I applaud them for not managing to keep you out. As much as I wish that this day never came, I still am going to take you as my students. Congrats, you pass!"

There was no way he was going to fail them. There were two works of art which he would happily take credit for. Regardless, the third Hokage had told him that if he failed this batch without good reason, then he'd become the next Hokage. Kakashi did not want to sit behind that desk. He was a more free guy.

He smiled as he saw Sasuke, Menma and Sakura celebrated among themselves whilst complaining how Kakashi was a blatant cheat.

Kakashi though, 'I never asked Sakura how the genjutsu felt, did I? I'll get to it eventually!'