Ilah the father god

"Mom! I need to breathe!"

From her joy, Yi'er forgot that she was embracing her son so tightly that he almost couldn't breath. She then released him and caressed his hair.

The doctor kept his smile and said, "Mr Shen, I am gald that you are alive. To tell the truth, I was ninety percent sure that you were going to die. However, you surprised all the doctors by waking up now. You are truly a miracle. You should thank the gods for giving you a second chance in life."

"Yeah, thank the gods! " said Long He. Ironically, he had a thought in his head, 'If you only knew that I am a god, you would not say this to me, since I am a god now.'

However, Long He still had a doubt in his heart that everything happened with him was just a dream, and not a reality. As dreams are forgotten after waking up, he surprisingly remembered all the scenes in the foreign planet.

That night, Long He lay down in his head while in deep thought. He recalled everything that happened with him, the accident, the bead entering his body, drowning, waking up in a foreign deserted world, becoming a god...

Yi'er sat beside him and read a book in order to let the time pass. From time to time, she took a glance at her son to check on him. She also noticed his distraction, but chose to wait.

Finally, she could not withstand it anymore and said, "What is it, dear? You seem distracted."

His mother's words cut off the rope of his thoughts. Long He turned his head towards her and said, "Sorry mom, I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Everything. I was thinking about my father, how he was unlucky and then got killed by the sabertooth tiger. Then I thought about how lucky I was to escape from death's grasp and to be alive."

After hearing that her son was blaming himself, Yi'er's eyes filled with tears. She wiped her tears and said, "Don't be too harsh on yourself, dear. It is just that the gods have determined a fate for each one of us. That was your father's fate, and this is yours. I am sure that they kept you alive for a specific reason."

"I hope so, mother. I hope so." Long He then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

In the early morning, Long He left the hospital for his mother's simple house. When he made sure that his mom has gone to sleep, he went to his room sneakily without making any noise and asked the system in his head,"System, do you know how planet Earth was created?"


[Affirmative. The very first god, happened to aquire a mysterious bead. And so on, he gave birth to a batch of gods and created life on a planet which he called 'Earth'. When life was first created, he chose them all to be good, and granted them eternal life.

However, the planet started to degenerate. So in order to save his planet, the father god created something called evil. Earth was once again a complete planet. The first batch of humans gave birth to countless generations, until we reached this era, where the human beings are at the verge of extermination.]

"Then you mean that the first god was the first to aquire a Heavenly Bead?"

[Yes. However, no one knows how he acquired it.]

"Was life first created on planet Earth?"

[Yes, host.]

"How did the father god came to existence?"

[The father god's life before acquiring the bead is not known to anyone.]

Waves of shock passed through Long He's body. He could have never imagined that the very first individual in the universe was their father god!

After some time of silence, Long He said, "If there is only one bead, how is it possible to have such a big number of gods?


[At first there was only one Heavenly Bead. But after thousands of years of studying his own bead, the father god made replicas of the original one, and granted them for his followers.]

Long He remained silent for some time in order to digest the information in his head. Moment by moment, he began to understand what will have to come in the future. His mind now divided into two opinions: the first one that wanted to do something that even the father god hadn't done yet, and the second part regrets that he has accepted the position of god. But now there was no going back now, as the system has warned, he is a god now.

"Do you know the cause of the mutations of the beasts?" asked Long He.


[The so-called mutant beasts are actually gods. In year 2020, 1180 years ago, the father god willed for a heavenly rock to sprout out of the ground, and it exploded into small beads. The lucky beasts who have acquired such ones became gods, and there was also humans between them, like you, host.]

"If they are gods, why would they want to destroy the human world?"

[Not all beast gods are violent. There are some that no longer bother with planet Earth anymore. The father god gave them choices, either to stay here or leave forever.]

"So, we are spawns of the father god, and only chess pieces for him, right?"

[The host should not underestimate the father god, the most generous act of him was that he saved you while you were at the verge of dying.

He gave you the bead because of your faith in him and his followers. And the host should know that every thought you think can be seen by the father god.]

"What??" asked Long He. "Why didn't you say that earlier?"

In his heart, he hoped that the father god was too busy to bother with him.

[Are there more questions the host wishes to know their answer?]

"Actually, there are only two. First, do you know the name of the father god?"

[The father's name is Ilah.]

"How come you know so many things about god Ilah?"

[Because Ilah was the one that created us, the systems, which reside in the beads.]