Lock her in the guest room !

" You're not allowed to sleep here ! " said Helios to Aria .

" What ?! " asked Aria surprised .

" I think you heard me clearly crazy little tigress ! You're not allowed to sleep here ! " said Helios with an ordering tone .

" I don't think I need your permission . Mana , the owner of this room wants me to sleep here . I like it here and I will sleep here ! " said Aria and looked at Mana . Mana wanted to say something and help Aria but a terrifying glance from Helios made her stop before she could even begin .

' I'm sorry Aria , I can't say anything to back you up . He is too unreasonable and scary ! ' thought Mana looking at her with a nervous smile .

" So you're determined to stay here ?! " asked Helios with a carefree expression .

" Yes ! " said Aria with a determined look .

" Okay ! Fine ! I thought of solving this peacefully but it looks like force is needed . " said Helios and sent a message with his phone .

' What is he doing ? ' thought Aria confused .