
The morning came quickly and Helios was the first one to wake up . When he saw that everyone else was still sleeping he ordered the maids to wake them up and went towards the guest room . The guards bowed in a polite manner then opened the door .

" Everything alright ? " asked Helios .

" Yes , Your Highness ! Although with a bit of difficulty we brought miss Aria inside the room yesterday and made sure she didn't go out . We have been guarding here all night as per your orders . " said the guards proudly that they had fulfilled their task .

" Very good ! " said Helios and then the guards opened the door .

When Heios entered inside he thought of ' surprising ' her a little . Unfortunately the one who received a surprise was him when he saw that the bed was empty .

" You guys ! Come here ! " said Helios with a very angry tone .

" Yes , sir ! " said the guards .