Childish bra

" I.....they say let bygones be bygones .  " said Aria with a nervous smile .

" Really ?.....It hurt too much to let it go so easily . " said Helios approaching his face near her .

" I.....It's healed now , right ? " said Aria with a frightened expression .

" I don't know....Wanna take a look and see if it's healed ? " said Helios .

" Pervert ! " said Aria pushing him away .

" Ohhh , I am the pervert ? Who was the one that kicked me in my manhood ? " said Helios .

" Is your manhood that fragile ? " said Aria distancing her face .

" Who was the one that said she was regretful she didn't make my manhood go out of function ? " said Helios with a scary smile approaching his face near hers .

" I..... didn't mean it in that sense . " said Aria .

" In which sense did you mean it then ? " said Helios .

" It....It isn't like that... " said Aria even more nervous .