I am helping you and you are helping me

' Idiots !... ' thought Helios with an annoyed tone .

" You , get lost ! " said Helios pointing at the servant .

" Yes , sir... " said the servant and immediately disappeared from their sight at the speed of the air .

' ...Wow ! He is so fast . ' thought Aria looking at them .

She went to the drawers where Helios took the clothes and searched for a towel . She found the towel and covered it around her chest part which covered the part of the upper body apart from the arms .

" You ! Better fix the alarm soon . You know that it will start again then . If you make me any angry than this , you will not receive any wage this month . " said Helios with a harsh tone .

" Yes , sir ! " said the butler trying to keep calm but he was super frightened by him .

The butler went to fix the alarm before it sprayed water again while Helios turned around and went to Aria . When he saw her , he noticed that she had wrapped a towel around her wet clothes .