Marriage means ‘ end ‘

When she went to the private cinema inside Helios's house , she couldn't believe it . It was a huge room with a lot of leather and comfortable seats for the people who would actually use it . 

" You truly enjoy life . " said Aria . 

" …..We'll , it would be nice of that were the case . I have watched a lot of movies here so I don't feel anything when I look at it . " said Helios . 

" That's because you are rich mr . If you were to be born a poor man I doubt whether you would be able to live more than a week in the lifestyle of poor people . " said Aria with a smirk . 

" You can be surprised to how good I can be when I want to learn something . " said Helios . 

" Oh , sure ! Hearing that from someone who hasn't once wiped the floor...I am definitely convinced . You aren't born to wipe the floor , mr president . " said Aria nodding her head .