On what rights, are you her father?

Kyuri screams in fear when Little Hae jumps suddenly. However, Kang Si An catches her in his arms. Little Hae laughs loudly. Her pure laugh melts his heart. She coils her arms around his neck and says,

"Daddy, do it again."

"Do what again?" Kyuri scowls at Little Hae. "I should land you my shoulder and let you make a jump again. Little Hae, I ban you from eating candies for a week."

Eating candies? He smiles at Little Hae. "You also love sweets?"

Little Hae nods. "Little Hae also likes you."

Kyuri sighs and tries to take the girl from Kang Si An, but he turns his backs on her. By then, people have noticed them. Kang Si An is recognized right away. Some people are also making a video. Manager Jeong purses her lips. If this gets out, it's bad for them.

"Kang Si An, stop right now," Kyuri loses her temper and yells at him.