Trust me, I am a superwoman

Young Hwa brings her and Little Hae to his place. Little Hae is already asleep. She can't handle going to her house and face her family. They don't know that she was coming. The real reason she decided to come back after 3 years was because of Yeom Young Hwa. She was going to introduce him to her family.

Their relationship is neither platonic nor like lovers. It hasn't progressed to the state where he could stay with her in the same room. But, there is some progress.

He puts Little Hae on the bed. The child's face is peaceful now. A little while ago, the child was really distressed to see her mother's crying. Kyuri is sitting on the bed. His coat is still covering her head. He gets a soaked cloth and wipes her face first. The woman looks at him with deep sadness in her eyes. Young Hwa smiles kindly and takes her both hands.

"Kyuri, what happened three years ago?" He asks her quietly.

She looks down at their hands, unable to say anything.