A lot of things to be sorry for

Kyuri is maintaining a poker face. Kang Si An can't read any emotion on her face. Though the eyes can't lie, he can't see anything in those dark brown eyes either. Her guards are up. He is perturbed by the fact that he can't read her like the way he is used to.

"I heard you," She tells him in a neutral tone. "Go back home. Little Hae must be waiting for you."

"I can't leave you alone at night." He scowls at her. "You are a young woman. How can you walk out alone? Yesterday also, you should have called someone or come back straight home. Couldn't you take a cab?"

She's getting a headache because of his non-stop nagging. "I am not that young. I am older than you, fool. Did you forget that I killed someone? Also, I can protect myself. Nothing can hurt me unless I am drunk."

She was planning on getting drunk though. She's a year older than Kang Si An on the certificates. But, she is way older if one considers...