That night was a mistake

Young Hwa walks out of Jae Kyung's parents' house. He tried to talk to them. Jae Kyung's mother wouldn't back out. She doesn't believe that her son could do any wrong. The investigators found Kyuri's blood and fingerprints at the scene.

To make matter worse, the same doctor who treated Kang Si An was in charge of Jae Kyung. The investigators caught Kyuri leaving Kang Si An's apartment building the same day he was found unconscious by his manager. They are fully suspicious of Kyuri.

He needs to talk to Kyuri. This is going to be bad. It depends on what Kang Si An's statement now.


He turns around and sees Yeon Seo standing behind him. Where did she come from? He frowns at her. She's the last person he wants to see now. He has seen the recordings. Though he couldn't hear it, Yeon Seo and Jae Kyung were seen having a conversation outside the room before she went in. If he had any doubt before, it was gone after seeing them together.