Reunion (6)

Listening to the music of a live pop performance and having a good ambiance took away the tiredness of some of their batch mates who were from work.

When the singers sang,

*"We're all in this together

once we know that we are

we're all stars

And we see that

We're all in this together

And it shows when we stand hand in hand

Make our dreams come true

Make our dreams come true"*

It down to them the memories and their strong band they build at their senior high tribute. May it be that each of them having different personalities but their difference made them unique in a good way they could.

As the music end, the crowd that is solemn for a while were full of enthusiasm by chatting to each other about their experiences back then, the upside downs coaster road of being young and foolish.

Lian " hahaha remember those days we practice the dance choreography?

Usa" the choreography Dana made?

Dana" yeah but you all rejected, I was so pissed off that day."

Ella" think about it Dana if your choreograph we're being followed, you think we achieved the youth award of the year? even mine was rejected and I don't have hard feelings"

" well, coz he made the choreography by himself and made you his partner that's why you don't have grudges, right?" Dana rebutted

And Usa hear her words spat some of her wine "pffft, so bold of you Dana huh?"

Ella who was caught, glare to her friend who is sitting beside her

" well it's not my choice either " upon saying those words Ella glance at her right side where the man seated a while ago. 'Sigh'


He excused himself from their table because he was intimidated the way Dana look at him. He hates more those people who look at him with interest and most who were acting so close to him and touches him or his belongings.

After turning he never looked back and strode past to the restroom to wash his hands taking a deep breath he composed himself and leave. Instead of going back to his seat, he took the direction towards the back door and found it was a pond with a fountain at the center it was old but build with class and exquisites. Christian was captivated by the scenery when one of their teachers approach him.

"Mr. Lee, what are you doing here? Are you not enjoying the party? " Mr. Hugo ask.

Mr. Hugo was their ethics teacher back then and one of the teacher that they approach for advice. He is the man less of words but when he speaks it really made one to realization. Mr. Hugo doesn't have a family of his own. He never courted woman before for no one knew his reason but when ask of what his opinion about love. He always said, " love is like yin and yang, (light and dark), having positive and negative forces that are complementing each other interconnected the way the natures of the world. And he has it all so why bother finding one."

Hearing the familiar voice Christian turn his gaze towards the direction of the sound and saw a tall man, slight silver hair wearing his bright smile while holding a glass of wine in his left hand approaching him.

"Ahmm, Mr. Hugo" as Christian reached his hand to handshake with the old man.

The old man didn't reject his hands but after they shake hands the man put an arm around his shoulder as if it was embracing him.

"It's been so long huh?" Mr. Hugo asks again.

Christian smiles faintly to Mr. Hugo as he releases himself to the embrace.