Reunion (7)

Mr. Hugo releases his embrace to Christian as he felt the young man was a bit embarrassed. "Why are you here? Didn't you enjoy the party inside?" Ask Mr. Hugo for the second time.

"sigh'' Christian pause a moment, concealing his true intention of coming here. "I enjoyed the party but I just wanted to take some fresh air," Christian said as his two hands shoved to his pants pockets as he leisurely leans on a pillar behind him.

But Mr. Hugo saw his disdained look through his nonchalant appearance.

The old man chuckled a little bit and said: "Son you are still the young guy I've seen before not really much of change on you just your physical appearance."

"..." Christian who is now speechless for his words.

"You know at least you are here, accompany me watching the eclipse. It said that today by 8 pm the lunar eclipse shows." Mr. Hugo turns and walks towards the table where his cameras and filters are.

"Are you fond of those?" Christian asked Mr. Hugo.

Mr. Hugo chuckles on his question. "No son but I just wanted to look the beauty in it." He picks up some of his captured photos on the previous eclipse he watches. "Here, look at this one it was taken in January and the other one..." he gets the other photo on the table, showing to Christian."And this in July." as he continues "On Jan. 31, there was a spectacular Super Blue Blood Moon eclipse. This eclipse was the first coincides with a Blue Moon. It was also the second "supermoon" of 2018, with the moon appearing slightly bigger and brighter than usual due to its closeness to Earth. That is why I wanted to see it and luckily I saw and captured one. And that..." as he pointed the photo on Christian left hand" It was taken on July 27 (The Blood Moon), And I even went to India to witness this scene. That eclipse lasted 1 hour and 43 minutes, a spectacular red or ruddy-brown color was seen in the dark sky. A great scenery indeed." Mr. Hugo plaster a wide smile on his face as he talks to Christian.

"..." Christian didn't know how to respond.

"Son don't look things just they are. Learn to appreciate its beauty and trust them for a while." he continues speaking and glances on him for a while to take his reaction. "we can say the night is dark but this darkness you will find stars and moon to lighten your path. Don't be cruel to yourself. Your still young and rich guy huh." as he patted the young man in his shoulder and he began his capturing the wide sky.

"..." again Christian didn't know how to respond to Mr. Hugo. He never tells him what was within him but again this old man saw his inner emotion. sigh.

Unknowing to him he followed Mr. Hugo who busied himself in taking pictures. And indeed he finds himself happy and relaxes.

"This is a great feeling."Christian exclaim all of a sudden. That brings Mr. Hugo into a smile. He turns his gaze to the young man." this is indeed."

"Hmm, Christian what could it be the reason your avoiding too much people where you were indeed a great person... I hope you did not take the same path I'm taking. It's lonely at many times though, sigh." Mr. Hugo thought to himself while he glances at Christian.