Content of the Quest

Chapter 27 – Content of the Quest

Misha played with her tongues in her mouth. It was a weird feeling.

The main tongue was still an ordinary tongue of a human, but the other one grew from her human's under the tongue.

Misha stuck her new tongue out and wiggled around to get the feeling. She also activated her MBR on it, so she could grasp the shape and the size of this thing.

'A tube? A tail?'

Because Misha could not see anything in the darkness, she had to guess the shape and the size of this tongue. However, she still had no clue after moving it around.

'I'll check it with a mirror when I get back.'


'But first …'



'It's noisy!'

The gunshot sounds annoyed Misha as she wanted to focus on healing her body.

The MBR technique had a delicate process that required the user's full concentration. Had she lost her focus slightly, the regeneration might fail and cause a blood clot in her system instead.

The sound stopped after a minute of fighting. However, Misha had not fully recovered yet as the spine and bones required a long process of healing.


The outer shell of the green ball shook.


Because of the shaking, Tama also woke up. It released Misha and bared fangs at the direction of the sound.


Tama stuck out a mini yellow tentacle, which she had regenerated back. The body mass of Tama also increased in size as it was now the size of a duck egg.



The outer shell of the room shook, which destroyed Misha's concentration.


Misha spat out green saliva with a tinge of red blood, which corroded small crushed pieces of a blob of jelly. She opened her eyes and glared into the direction of the sound.

"… Grr."

She groaned. Anger dwelled in her heart because she had to start her MBR on her spine all over again.

Her initially red eyes turned into glowing yellowish, and her vision brightened. She could see everything in the room in a bright green world.

'I can finally see again.'

As she regained her eyesight, she could see the game window menu floating before her. It contained the details of the hidden quest she had accepted.



You have been infected with Hydra Race's genes from the Queen Egg's Condensed Milk. Thankfully, you had been vaccinated by an officer in the base before you ate the jelly milk. Thus, you've survived the virus up till now.

After the rough landing, you've discovered that the virus is still in your body, mutating and doing something to you from the inside. At this rate, you might turn into the food for the children of Queen Egg in a few days, or you will turn into a monster.

To avoid these scenarios, you must find a way to cure or tame the virus within you.

Quest Objective: Find a cure.

Time Limit: 70 Hours, 35 Minutes.

Rewards: A new skill, Desperate Struggle – Part Two

Note: If you fail, the virus will take over your consciousness, and your character [Misha] will be permanently unplayable.


'Holy crap!'

Misha regretted accepting the quest. For a new skill, the risk was too high. Furthermore, a hint of the quest continuation was there in the description, which should not be easy.

'I'm thoroughly fOOked. Well, at least not literally. I'd sue the government if it did.'

Misha's body was a masterpiece for her to admire. No one had the right to touch it or steal it away from her!


The room shook again, and a tear on the shell could be seen.

"Hang in there, Misha! I'll get you out of there!"

A clear familiar voice of a young man got in, causing Misha to frown.

'Someone I know? But I don't remember having a friend.'

She shifted her gaze to the direction of the cracked wall. She could see a shadow figure of a person and the name indicator on top of him.

'Dove? Who is this? Oh, wait. It's the party leader of that retard. But, didn't he say his party had been wiped out?'

Misha warmed up her new tongue, planning about using it as a weapon as the monster eggs did. If she had to defend herself, she could use it as a secret weapon.

Thinking about the quest and the situation she was in, it would be unwise and immature as she was crippled at the moment. Misha needed help.

But Tama might cause a misunderstanding, She had to hide it.

The long tongue stuck out and wrapped around the hissing Tama. She pulled it into her mouth and held it there for the time being.

Tama mewed in protest, but it could not resist Misha's strength.

The shell crumbled down as Dove used one of the pipes he stole from a zombie to repeatedly hit the hard green ball.

Dove could not see Misha's figure with his naked eyes, but he could see everything with his [Sage Eyes].

Seeing the naked body of the opposite gender, Dove was stunned. As a professional gamer who devoted his entire life in games, he had not had any experience or had obtained the immunity to the natural stimulation yet.

Within five seconds, his pants pitched a tent.


Misha groaned in her throat to warn Dove, which got him back to his sense.

"Oh, err. I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to look!"

Dove took off his jacket and covered Misha's body in a panic. It still had the smell of a monster's feces.

The nose and the face of Misha's twitched because of the stink while Dove was red to the ears from the shame of the jacket's smell.

"A-Are you alright? Can you move?"

"Uh-ah," Misha gestured with her eyes as she could not move anything below her neck. She sounded her answered with her groan instead of talking as she was still holding Tama in her mouth. It nibbled her tongue to retaliate though.

"Err, no? Then, can you talk?"


"No again? Your injuries must be severe. Please stay still for two more hours. We'll complete the quest soon, and help will arrive, ok?"


Dove walked away from her, scouting the parameter and protecting the area from any stray monster. Though he had only five bullets left, he was determined to protect the crippled lady.

Seeing Dove walking away, Misha spat Tama out of her mouth.




Tama was angry. It screamed at Misha's face to protest.

She flickered her tongue and hit Tama with it, 'Shut up, you eggcat. He has a gun, and I'm disabled. What do you want to do, attack him? So we both can get killed when the army comes to pick us up?'

Retorted Tama in her mind, Misha resumed her MBR again. Nobody knew what the military would do if they discovered Tama and her strange condition.

She had to be prepared for the unknown quest and all possibility.

First, she had to recover.