
Chapter 28 – Dove

6 AM.

Misha received a pop-up message on her game menu.




She did not pay attention to the message. Instead, Misha closed her eyes and maintained her MBR routines.

Her damaged spinal cord, broken ribcages, and many fractured bones had been healed. The rest of the innards still had traces of ruptured blood vessels, but they could be treated faster than the bones.


Misha tongue flickered and took in another jelly into her mouth. The intensive use of Self-Regen skill depleted a lot of her hunger bar, which was down to 10% from 145% in the past two hours.

Despite the fact that the quest warned her that the jellies contained viruses, she ate them anyway.

Two blobs of jelly got into her stomach and raised her hunger bar to 110% again.


'I don't give a damn. My precious jellies are my life!'


'Doesn't matter. Extra skill level up is still worth it!'



Misha cried a bloody tear, 'But I want to eat more jellies!'

She closed her eyes and continued healing the remaining injuries. From her observation, she needed at least two more hours.

Dove's real name was Donovan, a student in the same school as Mia.

When Donovan was twelve, he played another VRMMO shooting game with a similar setting as this current game. Through a year of grinding and practicing, he became good at shooter games.

Because of his performance, a professional e-sport S-League team offered him a contract so he could play for their team, which he signed. For another two years, he had earned his reputation in a dozen of e-sport tournaments as an elite sniper and sharpshooter.

Although he could not earn a title of a champion, Donovan was skilled enough to maintain his status in the league and satisfied his company's sponsors.

Unfortunately, his parents did not agree with his career path. In the eyes of billionaire parents, earning a few million a year from a game was pathetic, comparing to them who made hundreds of million a year.

Since Donovan also had potential as a young esper, they forced him to enroll in Chula High and terminated the pro-league contract.

Though Donovan spent most of his youth in-game, he was still one of the genii in his generation, and he managed to squeeze into the school in the 10th class with the lowest score in the school.

And now, he was in a game that he was good at. Donovan wished that he could return to the league as a professional gamer by using this game and graduate from this school at the same time.


A pop-up window also appeared before Dove.




Dove, who was patrolling on the edge of the crater, sighed a relief as he watched the sunrise. He did not forget to put all free status points into his AGI and DEX.



Name – Dove

Class – Unassigned Combat Class

Level – 38

EXP – 1,000/4,000

Free Attribute – 0


STR – 110/1,000 (82.05%)

VIT – 106/1,000 (70.19%)

AGI – 300/1,000 (41.43%)

DEX – 300/1,000 (85.00%)

INT – 489/1,000 (0%)

WIS – 320/1,000 (31.61%)

Luck – 12/100

STM - 120/1000 (0%)


Sage Eyes – 15/100 (10.40%)


Unlike Misha, who had been stuck in the Queen Egg's womb, Dove had been fighting everything that came into his way to scavage for food and weapon supplies.

With the addition of occasionally loot from dead bodies of other players, Dove secured enough ammo and supplies to survive.

Ordinary players would have died a hundred times over, but Dove made it through using his past experiences in shooter games. Combining with his AGI-DEX-built strategy, he could handle a hundred tattooed zombies by himself with limited resources.

Thus, his character level skyrocketed.

In the level ranking of all combat classes at the moment, he was in the lead, followed by Misha who was still at level 26.


Dove checked his status with a bitter smile.

"I did it the last game, and I'll be successful in this game, too!"


His stomach cried as his hunger bar had reached 0%. A timer appeared under the hunger bar, telling him that he did not have much time left until his character would die from hunger.

Dove looked up. Before him, remaining of two hundred tattooed zombies scattered on the ground. Dove's black short hair and his face were covered in black blood, and his clothes were soaked from his sweat and mixed fluid of monsters.

The last two hours were rough, but Dove made it through. None of the monsters managed to slip to Misha's side.

Black blood also covered a hand-made pickaxe, made of steel pipes and a long knife tying together, which Dove held it in his hand.


A transmission sounded from Dove's wristwatch.

[Misha, Dove, if you hear this, response]

Dove tapped the speaker button, "This is Dove. I'm alive. Misha is with me, but she's in a critical condition. We need help!"

[Affirmative! Stay where you are. We'll pick you up shortly!]


The transmission was cut off, but Dove relaxed. He sat at the edge of the crater, continue watching the sunrise.

As he regained his breath from the long night fights, Dove saw something from the horizon.

A moving red tree with human limbs as branches!

'Another monster!? Wait, is that the tree that keeps tracking me the second day?'

Dove did not know. It was the very same tree that killed Pioneer King in his resting tent.

This tree also traced every player in the game that night, following them around to drain their blood, even from the corpses. It crossed path with Dove the second day on this wasteland and chased after him ever since.

The speed of the tree accelerated from a turtle pace into a running man pace.

'Damn it! If I hadn't used my grenades on that snake ...'

Dove regretted challenging the giant snake he encountered the first day. Because of it, he had wasted so many ammunition and grenades.


The ground shook as the tree was approaching Dove at a high speed. Within the next 10 seconds, it would reach him.


As if the joke was on him, the very same snake he had challenged also appeared in another direction, rushing at the crater as well.


A green egg at the size of two meters rolled to this direction as well. It was the other egg that was launched along with Misha's oval room.

Dove had a wry smile on his face. Seeing the situation, he thought that he should have expected it.

"Last minute rush? Well, I thought so."

Dove stood up with his pickaxe, getting ready for another bout.

"Bring it, punk!"