Taming Base 88 - Part 1

Chapter 107 – Taming Base 88 - Part 1


Seeing Sasha's progress, Mia left them alone.

*Gao!* (What are you doing!? You can kill both of them right now!)

"Gaogao, we're going to befriend with them."

*Geh!?* (Huh!?)

"Those two otherworlders will be our friends. Do not bring this up again."


Gaogao stared at Sebastian in doubt as the sudden change of his personality puzzled him.

Mia controlled Sebastian to the meeting room, where he had arranged a meeting with everybody. Thorn, Crystal, Dolphin, and all scalesmen were already there, waiting for Sebastian's explanation.

Upon entering the room, the old butler coughed and bowed his head.

"My sincerest apologies to all of you. This incident happened because of my tunnel vision. Please forgive me."

Looking at the humble Sebastian, Crystal could not blame him since nobody died during the fight. However, Thorn and Dolphin glared at the old man without hiding their dissatisfaction.

"That was too close, uncle Sebas. Had Misha not intervened, all of us would have died."

Dolphin groaned, "We know that you've been working very hard to protect us, but please don't be obstinate with your grudge. Not everybody in the same race is evil. You were very racist back then."

Sebastian did not raise his head up. He still bowed in 90 degrees like a Japanese employee apologizing to his boss.

"I will take note of that. For now, please forgive me."

Seeing the sincere attitude of Sebastian, the crowd's anger subsided. Crystal walked to Sebastian and patted him.

"Please raise your head up. We understand. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes."

The butler sighed and stood straight, nodding to Crystal, "Thanks."

"Well, what are we going to do with our otherworlders? What kind of deal did you have with Misha?"

Sebastian gave all scalesmen a warm smile, "Miss Misha said she will trade her potions with an eggcat that we are raising. She wants one for her friend."

"Has she been infected with a hydra virus?"

"Yes. Also, they wish to buy fishes that can increase their attributes as well."

"Eh, that's predictable. So, where are they?"

"They are in the locker room. I went to fetch them, but they haven't finished changing yet. Well, let's draft an agreement while we're waiting."

Mia led the meeting and drafted a cooperation agreement that he had in mind.




In the contract, both sides would not harm each other.

Mia and Shurka would give the mutants five bottles of potion while Sebastian would give Mia seafood as the followings;

- 20 Bluefin Tunas

- 20 Yellowfin Tunas

- 20 Skipjack Tunas

- 50 Machinegun Lobsters

- 50 Man-eating Salmons

- 50 Lightsaber King-Crabs

- 50 Blood-Sucking Eels

Also, the base would give Shurka an eggcat that could transform her into a mutant.

Finally, Mia and Shurka would be treated as outsiders, and they could not enter the base without their authorization. However, both sides would agree to form a one-year truce.




The contract details went on about the exchanges and conditions of cooperating issues. Mia drafted it and passed the paper to Crystal, so she could adjust a few loose clauses.

Crystal read through the paper with a frown. She had to look at Sebastian's face as she was not dreaming because the contract gave Mia and Shurka the advantage.

"There are problems with this contract. It gives many loopholes that Misha and her friend can use a mean to terminate the contract at any point. I'll revise it."

As expected, Crystal edited the contract. However, Mia no longer cared as he only wanted to obtain the favor from the mutants.

Once Crystal finished the drafts and Sasha sighed it, no one could blame Sebastian and Mia for this deal.




While they were drafting the agreements, Sasha, in Misha's body, brought Shurka to the meeting. To Mia's surprise, Shurka was hugging the left arm of Sasha with a blushed face.

Sebastian glared at Misha, questioning with his eyes about what she had done.

A hoarse voice rang inside Sasha's mind, [How far did you go?]

With a wry smile, Sasha sent back her psionic link message, [Just a kiss. She agrees to date you though. Be sure to contact her IRL after this.]

[Alright, how's Sebastian?]

[Sitting in the cage, watching the feed.]

[Good. Let him see how we convert this base into our allies.]

[Are you going to kill the innocent pilots? You threatened Sebastian that you'll kill them.]

[The game is based by Jigsaw's Rules, but I altered the rules a bit. If he's selfish and narrow-minded, I'll kill him instead of the pilot crews.]


Jigsaw's Rules were the laws that Mia interpreted from the horror movie, Saw. Jigsaw, the villain in this story, was a dying man who had a brain tumor. He gained enlightenment in life, and he dedicated his remaining life to teach people about the will to live.

Unfortunately, Jigsaw's method of teaching was a cruel one. He kidnapped his subjects that he tried to teach and placed them in tests or games. Usually, the victims were forced to kill each other, so the victor could survive.

However, Mia created his death game in his style. He did not want to kill the 200 crews, but he had to use them to gauge Sebastian's mindset.


[What about the 20 questions? A liar's torment?]


[Don't harm the innocents, Mia.]

[I know. The only one who will get the punishment is that butler.]


The 20 questions that Mia had promised Sebastian was a torturing game for liars.

All of the questions would be simple. For example, will you harm the newly evolved dragonewts? Will you hurt Shurka? Will you harm Mia? Will you plan to fight against Mia or Shurka in the future?

All 20 questions would direct Sebastian into answering [No].

Unfortunately, Mia did not reveal the "real" game conditions to Sebastian yet because the rules were the reason why this game was called [A liar's torment].

Before Mia could proceed with the game, he had to show his sincerity to Sebastian and mutants in this base first.

Once Sebastian witnessed everything, Mia would proceed with the game.




An hour later, Crystal finished another draft. Instead of contract termination in various clauses, the offenders would be the other party's prisoner instead. Also, the termination could not be done without both sides' consent even though someone violated the rules. Everything would remain and the violators would be slaves.

In addition, Misha had to pay 100 red gels for the seafood as a few things in the list were rare.


Sebastian confirmed it and passed it to Misha. 

Misha skimmed through the papers without much thought, "Looks fine to me."

She opened the VIP inventory and placed five potion bottles on the meeting room table.

"These are my sincerity. I'll say this again, we've come in peace. Now, it's your turn."

Dolphin and Crystal stared at the potions with bloodshot eyes while the rest of the scalesmen cheered. None of them could wait to get a spoon or a glass for their share.

Thorn frowned and gazed at Misha.

"Are you planning on leaving?"

Misha glanced at Sebastian, who winked at her.

Sighed and shook her head, Misha looked at Thorn, "We have issues with our identities. Staying in this base will be a demerit to the civilians. We're moving out after this."

"A pity. I thought I would have a wingman in my squad."