Maou Mia's Memory Fragments

Chapter 108 – Maou Mia's Memory Fragments


The dealing went smooth as most of the anti-otherworlders were unconscious. Also, Sebastian was their ringleader, so nobody bothered protesting about the loose contract.

Still, Sasha and Mia did not care about them since they were not in a civilized world. It was just there a consolation for the mutants that the other party was willing to negotiate with them in a peaceful manner.

Crystal kept her promises. All items were brought to Misha half a day later, which she stored all of them in her inventory.

Then, a worker brought a trembling little eggcat to Shurka.


Like Tama, it also had a kitten's voice.

Crystal guided Shurka to a private room along with the little eggcat.

"Miss Shurka, have you eaten a dead green egg like this yet?"

Shurka looked at the green living chicken egg with curiosity, "What's that?"

"This is a cure to your virus. But please answer my question first. Have you ever eaten a dead green egg?"

Crystal took out a capsule with a pasteurized green egg, which was the similar thing that Misha, Dove, and others from the combat class had eaten.

Shurka tilted her head to the side, "No. Why?"

A wry smile appeared on Crystal's face, "Before we can host this symbiosis creature, we have to learn a self-regeneration skill by consuming this dead egg. If we don't have it, the little egg here will kill you."

Shurka's face paled, "I've never heard of this!"

"Didn't Misha tell you about the virus?"

"What virus?"

"Well, the one that got you infected."

Shurka recalled her status as an overmind. She summoned her status menu to the racial description again.

'Is this the cause of my race change? Can it cure me and return me to a human?'

Thinking about the recent events, Mia could have dropped her off in the city. However, The frantic Mia took her here. She believed that he had done so for this reason.

'Eh, he loves me, so he is doing this for me, right?'

An embarrassed smile revealed on Shurka's blushed face.

'I'll believe in all of you, though I don't know what happened.'

Shurka took a deep breath, "I haven't eaten one."

"Then, you should eat this first. Whoops, I shouldn't let the little guy see this. Eat the green egg in the capsule and tell me when you're done. It might smell fishy and rotten, so try not to throw up."




Meanwhile, Sebastian and Misha excused themselves from the base that they wanted to have a chat alone. Both of them walked out of the base to the parking Prometheus.

Misha turned to Sebastian, "What's next?"

"Tell me about my current quests."

Misha read the quest descriptions for him.

Before Mia departed from the base to rescue Brim, he had two ongoing quests. One of them was a quest to procure ten red gels or build a mech while the other was Brim's rescue mission.






Misha bit her lower lips, "Both failed. The game system tells us that we are no longer a citizen of shelter 88, so we failed all quests."

"Can we log out of the game?"

"Let me check … yes, we can."

"Let's wait for Shurka first, and we'll log out."

"Will she be alright after this? She is likely to be on the MWG watchlist."

"It's fine. Do you remember Shurka's last name?"

"Last name? Luckyaf?"

"Does it sound familiar to you?"

Sasha had to stop and tried to recall her old memories. It had a déjà vu feeling to it, but she could not remember it.

"Eh, I don't remember."

"Dr. Fluke Luckyaf, ring a bell?"

Misha's face grimaced as Sasha remembered that name. He was one of the child soldier project manager who turned her, 71 other girls, and Mia into killing machines.

"You don't remember Professor Fortune Luckyaf at all? He's Shurka's father, and I think he's a relative to that geezer."

Upon recalling the traumatized memories, Misha screamed, "She's a relative to that asshole!"

Mia commanded Sebastian's body to sit behind Prometheus legs, hiding his body in the shadow.

"The MWG will target her and that Fluke."

Misha frowned, "Didn't you say you like Shurka? Is this your revenge?"

"I'm not that low, Sister Sasha. When I said I like her, I'm being honest."

"Then, why did not mutate her?"

Sebastian grinned, "A bait for Dr. Fluke Luckyaf. Shurka's infection will force her father to concede her to either my grandmother or the MWG. Since they're relatives, they should know full well how MWG treats their test subjects."

"… What if they give Shurka to MWG?"

"Not gonna happen."

Sasha sighed, "Maou, you're a scoundrel. Your overconfidence will be your downfall one day."

"HAHAHA!! I'll wait for that day."

While laughing, Mia's conscience escaped from Sebastian's body, returning to his original body.

Sasha lost control of Misha's body, which the body stumbled and knelt on the ground.

Mia's conscience appeared in his mind space, and Misha Statue's eyes regained the red light.

As soon as Maou Mia returned, all Golden Generation girls fled to their bungalow in fright. They peaked through the windows and doors as they were wary of Maou Mia. Only Sasha stood in the open.

Mia walked to Sebastian's cage, where the real conscience of the butler resided.

Sebastian groaned, but no voice came out of his hollowed throat. His eyes were glaring at Mia with hatred.

Mia sighed, "Take it easy, old man. Didn't you learn anything from the live broadcast at all?"

At the center of the mind space, a cubic monitor was showing what Misha's body was looking. All residents here could watch the monitor and see what Misha saw in real-time.

At this moment, Misha Statue leaped from the island, landing next to Mia. She gripped Mia's neck from behind.

[Go back. I don't want you.]

Mia swatted away the statue's hand with ease. He turned around with a smirking face, "I'm here because you're incompetent, banana."

[Give it back.]

"Sheesh, you're impatient, too. Let me finish this, and I'll go back to sleep!"


Misha Statue stood still, watching Maou Mia and Sebastian with glowing red eyes.

Mia sighed and looked at Sebastian, "I promised you a 20 question game, and I'm here to ask you. Eh, first, I need to repair your throat."

He looked at his fingers. Thinking for a while, he pulled out all of his fingernails from his soul body. The pain was the same as in real life, but the pulled parts transformed into sparkling dust instead of bloody pieces of nails.

All dust merged with Sebastian's body, which repaired his missing throat. Furthermore, Mia's past memories entered Sebastian's vision.



A vision of a husband and wife was talking to him.

[We're sending you to the military camp, Mia.]

[You'll become someone like your grandmother in the future.]

[Can I teleport like grandma, too?]

[Of course!]




Five soldiers in battle suits and a scientist in a hazmat cloth stood in front of a dining hall.

[In today's dinner, we will include a supplement drink in the menu. All trainees must drink it, or we will fail you from this program.]




In an enclosed barrack with eight hammocks, three children spasmed as they were lying on the beds while the others showed various symptoms.

One of them was puking.

The other had foams in his mouth.







In a small white room, a cracking red crystal ball rolled on the ground. Its light was getting dimmed.

Mia's conscience was also full of cracks. Several parts of his soul had already disintegrated.

[You've got guts, child. Now, eat me.]

[Can we talk this out? Aren't there other ways?]

[Unless you eat me, you'll die, too! Even if you survive, the others will try to kill you! Hurry, and do it!]

[… I'm sorry, and thank you.]

[Don't be sad, child. You've earned it.]

[At least, tell me your name. Do you have a name?]

[… I'm …]




100 People stood in rows, watching two men on the podium.

[Congratulations, all trainees. I'm Dr. Fluke Luckyaf, and this is Fleet Admiral Gabriel Lobmak. We'll be your new supervisors from now on.]




[Hey Mia, did you try your new psychic skill?]

[What's that?]

[You can control people!]

[Let's test it, Mia. It'll be fun!]




[The training from now on will be intense. If any of you cannot handle it, tell your instructors immediately!]




Mia was running on a corridor. He slammed the shuttle switch, but he could not open the door in front of him. Inside the room, ten girls with Mia's appearance were being electrocuted.



[Sasha, Natalie!]

[Trainee Mia, get away from that door, or we'll shoot!]




Bullets went into Mia's chest, but he pointed his fingers at the soldiers.





Mia was locked up in prison. His entire body was crucified and tied with electric chains.

He was being electrocuted like others!

A prisoner choker locked around Mia's neck, disabling him from using his abilities. It also embedded with a bomb.

Dr. Fluke watched over him from the other side of the cells.

[What did you do to them!?]

Mia smirked and gave him a middle finger.




Three bullets entered his kidney and lung.

[Don't kill him! Let him regenerate. Keep on interrogating and increase the power output!]




[How long are we going to live here, Mia?]

[Sisters, please be patient. Once we escaped from here, I'll ask my grandmother to create new clone bodies, and I'll transfer your soul there.]

[What about our real body!?]

[If we're lucky, maybe we can take them back.]

[As long as our souls are here, you are technically alive.]




[What the fuck are you doing in my conscience space!? Get out!]

[Is this where you are keeping your harem?]

[Too bad, we want their souls back!]

[No harsh feeling. We are following their orders.]

Thirty young men with Mia's appearance lunged at him.




Mia stood in the pool of blood with his naked upper body. His prisoner choker was not there anymore.

All lifeless bodies of male trainees were lying on the ground. Half of their bodies were disfigured as if they were monsters.

All of the disfigured bodies slowly transformed back to their human form, reverting them into children with Mia's appearance.

[Well done, Uriel Mia. Now, raise your hand over your head and surrender.]

[Oh hey, Gabby, I want to play a game!]

[I'm not in the mood, trainee!]

[Your daughter's soul is in my hands. You have no choice.]

[Son of a bitch! It was you! Let her go!]

[You did this upon yourself! Sisters, let's go!]

[Don't kill my father, Mia.]

[I know ...]




[Warning, Warning, a mutant is on the loose.]

[Warning, Warning, a mutant is on the loose.]




[Stop shooting! Mia! This is your grandmother! Snap out of it!]

Mia looked back at the source of the voice. His vision and consciousness were so blur that he did not remember her.

[Who are you?]






More trivial memories entered Sebastian's mind, but the previous fragments gave him a strong sense of shock.

He looked at Mia's face in astonishment. Then, he turned to look at the girls inside this mind space.

"Enjoy reading my traumatized memories?"

Looking at Mia's sarcastic smile, Sebastian had a cold sweat.

"What are you?"

"An otherworlder who hates otherworlders from the government. Well, before we talk about our enemies, I need to teach you a lesson about your prejudice. Are you ready to play a game?"