Kylie raised up her head and came face to face with the devil, they stired into eachother eyes for more than 5minutes until she broke the silence between them.

Hmm,am sorry l didn't mean to hug you like that. ls just that,l was carried away by the gift

She freed herself from his embraces, but stopped on her track when she notice he wait holding her hand, her face turned red from blashing

Kylie please can you give me two minute of your time?

Sure why not

The devil cleared his throat,took her hands and placed it in his and faced her ,making the moment a little adware for her.

l... l.. l..

Kylie looked at him,waiting to hear what he had to say, making her heart beat faster since she doesn't know what he was about to say to her and you can even hear the butterflies in the stomach

Just than she heard him said, l love you Kylie and l have always loved you since you were in school. Please will you like to be my girlfriend?

Ehh!! what did you say?

Am sorry if my words offended you but ...

Before he could finished his statement, Kylie covered his lips with hers and kissed him . He just stood there watching the girl he loves him kissed him and there he was not returning her kiss. Kylie broke the kiss when she saw that he was not returning it, she started to think if she heard what he said wrong or he didn't say anything at all but she was the one making up stories in her head.

When he saw the look on her face, he quickly returned to his senses and pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. They broke the kissed after 10 minutes after each of them were out of breath.

Does that mean ,you will be my girlfriend?

Yes l Will she said smiling

The devil lifted up her and kissed on top of her forehead.

Thanks you very much for agreeing to be my girlfriend, you don't know how much that means to me. You are my everything and l Will cherish you till the end of time.The devil said

Thank you too for choosing me has your girlfriend, l though you will never be mine and l have always loved you secretly. If l knew you felt the same way l did l will had confessed my feelings for you long time ago

I love you Kylie Thomas

And l love you Henry Davis

That night was really the special night for them ,they were lost in their owe world as they couldn't let go of eachother and that was the night she broke her virginity and she was glad she did it with the person she loves