Everything was working perfectly for them till the night he disappered without a trace


Now he is back, just like that and standing infront of her door has if nothing ever happened

Hi Bae

Dammed the devil,he is here pretending nothing happened and he is giving me that his seduction words and voice, hell no clam down Kylie and you stupid heart stop beating for his words .He is your past now so focuse

Hi Henry ,are you missing? this is not your house she said and was about to closed the door when he blocked it with his leg

Ashh, he yelled

Kylie quickly look down on the leg and bended down to check it to know if it was ok

Am sorry l didn't mean to , l had no idea your leg was there .just than she heard someone giggling, she stood up and looked at the person standing by the door who claimed was in pain

She got furious and said

Do you think is funny to pretend to be hurt? Ooh l remember now,you don't care how you make people to feel pain and how much you hurt them by just appearing and disappearing in their life anytime you want

Am sorry ,Kylie is not what you think

You know what just forget l said anything, why are you here?

Hmm l have something to decide with Dallas

You mean he invited you to our house without telling me first

Mean while in the guestroom,Emy was crying her eyes out

Emy am sorry,l didn't mean to hurt your feelings please stop crying l can't stand it to see you cry like that

You can't stand it to make me cry but you always make me cry

Am sorry ,l was messing around with you, you are a great,beautiful,smart young lady that everyone will love to date

Yes ,everybody expect you right? she said crying

Hmm,is not like that Emy,l really like you more than you can imagine but l can't bring my self to

With that Emy stopped crying and went to stand by Dallas

What are you saying Dals, why can't you?Am l that bad

No Emy, dallas said and held her hands, am just scared of losing you one day just like how l lose my mum. You may think am strong but l am not ,my mum dead affected me just like how it did to Kylie but am only acting strong because of her ,to prevent her from breaking down and your cost of job is dangerous that is way l shifted all my feelings for you and always mess with you

Ooh Dallas, l hugged him ,am stop l didn't think about all this and l didn't know how much you were suffering, l though you were strong but now that l know you don't have to carry the burden alone ,we will Carried it together and has for my work ,l was transferred to the research department and l promise you l Will remain there forever

When Dallas heard that,his eyes shines with happiness and kissed Emy

From now on ,l Dallas Thomas is the official boyfriend of Emy .He carried Emy around and kiss her forehead. My girlfriend is the best

Just has he was about to kissed her again ,they heard Kylie shouting on top of her voice

Dallas, Dallas you better get your ass down here if you don't want me to kick you out of the house