The devil followed Kylie quietly in his car as he watched her walking in the rain crying. She doesn't even know what makes her face wet,whether is from the rain or her eyes. Henry just watched her and don't know what he should do till he said her squeezing, he quickly got down from his car and headed toward her and pulled her hand making her to stop.

"Are you crazy?" do you want to catch cold? Have you forgotten l long it will last before it goes when you catch cold. He put his coat over her shoulder

"Where you following me? Who give you the right to follow me? just go away from here

With that she turned her back at him to leave but her path was blocked by him.

"Get in the car now"

"Kylie was about to reply when she saw the expression on his face ,is like the devil in him is awaken the last time she saw this coldness was when she mistakenly cut her index figure and his expression scared the hell out of her even now but she still managed to say no to him.

"He just ignored her stubbornness and carried her on his shoulder and walk towards his car,he dropped her on the passengers seat and put on the seatbelt for her before taking the driver's seat. Kylie just sat there looking through the car window without saying anything because is useless seeing reason with him.

"The car came to a stop in front of henry' s house.

"Hey why did you bring me to your house, l have a house you know"

Henry still ignores her has he came down from his car and open the passengers side and carried her again into the house.

"put me down,l can walk you know"

Kylie' s words felt like she was talking to herself but not him since he was ignoring everything she says. Henry only placed her down when he got to his bedroom

"Go take a shower and change your dress before you catches cold,l will go and get you some hot tea to drink" he left the room without waiting for her to reply.