Kylie starred at the door for sometime but going into the bathroom to take a hot shower since she doesn't want to catch cold.


Rob arrived at the club the moment Emy and Dallas were also leaving but their path never cross since Rob used the back door to go the underground space at XYZ club whiles they used the front door where most of the guest used to go in and out of the club. When Rob got to the place jim was already waiting for him with Sandy. Rob sex toy,he only use her for sex and Sandy is happy about it because she is in love with him . Her boss and thinks one day he will notice her and make her the boss lady .Because of this tough she is arrogant towards the others in their underworld business. This makes most of the ladies to be scared of her. She walks toward ghost and stand by his side but he just ignored her.

"Why the hell is the bastard who dare to steal from me"

jim pushed him forward with a black bag on his face to avoided him knowing who the right boss is

The guy fell flat on his stomach and started begging him for mercy and forgiveness but too bad his pleading was not heard. Within the next seconds he drop to the ground dead with just one bullet in his head from ghost gun

"Clean the mess and spread the word,if anyone double cross me all their family will be wipe out and as for you,he turned to Sandy go home am not in the mood anymore

She knows better not to disobey his order, so she just nob her head and decided to club for sometime before going home.

Before Rob left the club jim told him he has found out who mess with their shipping and it was no other person than the same guy he shoot 2 years ago .Rob face turned cold when he had that "How is that possible,how did he suffered and what is his connection with the Thomas? Rob asked

"Am has confused as you are but don't worry, We will find out soon my men are on it"

"mmm l don't want anymore surprises "

"l understand "


After showering, Kylie wored the bathroom robe and was wondering where she will get clothes to change into than she decided to just borrow one of Henry's hoodies. When she opened the closest she was surprised to see her stuffs are still in his closest and nicely arranged has if she just brought them there yesterday .She though to herself, it has been two years why does he still had her clothes here and has not gotten rid of them. She better stop thinking and start asking the question to be able to understand what is going on. she just put on a simple dress and left the closest just than Henry return to the room with a cup of hot tea and give it to her.

She took the tea and took a sip of it and stared at the man standing by the bed side

and said "can l ask you a question ?