Kylie opened her eyes the moment Henry hang up the call,he looked at her and can still see the sadness in her eyes.

Are you ok,l think you should go back to bed,you look fragile. Dinner will be served by the time you wa

ke up.

Am okay and l had enough rest already.

what l need now is some space to clear my head and am sorry for all that you want through. Thanks for telling me the truth ,l will avenge my mother my self.

Are you crazy,do you ever know what you are saying and how dangerous this case is.

Henry please, don't treat me like a kid

she was my mother for crying out loud and l have the right to avenage her so please stay out of it.

For your information madam,Rob is under the watch and the big guys out there will not allow anything or anyone to mess up with their plans so stay out of it and let us do our job. your safety is very important for me so am begging you to trust me and let me avenge her for you.

Kylie roll her eyes at him ,grab her phone from him and quickly left his house.

Henry knew trying to stop her now will be useless so he let her be. Kylie ahead straight to Rob's company to confront him.

Rob was standing in front of window thinking how to tell Kylie everything, he knew this day will be coming but not very soon ,the guilt has been killing him for more than years now.

He felt her presence the moment she entered the room.

l knew you will definitely come to me for some answers he said with his back still facing her.

Hahahahhahahahahahah kylie laughter echoed in the room